Polytechnique Montréal hosted the first edition of the SOFA America Workshop on May 30-31, 2024, gathering a vibrant community of researchers, engineers, and students to explore the latest advancements in simulation for robotics. This two-day event attracted 63 participants, bringing together diverse expertise and fostering robust discussions on cutting-edge simulation technologies.

Keynote speakers

The workshop featured a series of 2 keynote and 9 scientific presentations that set the tone for the event, delivered by leading figures in the field of robotics and simulation. These insightful talks covered a range of topics, from the numerical methods of robotic simulation to the application of SOFA in real-world scenarios. Several poster sessions fostered discussions and networking within the audience

Demo booths

A significant highlight of the event was the demonstration booths, where attendees had hands-on opportunities to experience the latest haptic devices from Haply Robotics, the first products of Compliance Robotics as well as research prototypes. These interactive sessions not only showcased practical applications but also allowed participants to engage directly with developers and innovators, enhancing the overall learning experience.

Adding to the enthusiastic experience, a social event was held at the historic McGill Faculty Club!

The success of the SOFA America Workshop was underscored by the positive feedback from participants, who appreciated the balance of theoretical insights and practical demonstrations. The engaging format of the event, coupled with the high level of interactivity, set a promising precedent for future editions. Given the enthusiastic reception and the productive exchanges that took place, there is strong potential for the SOFA America Workshop to renew on the robotics community calendar!