SOFA Week 2023


The SOFA Week is designed to gather the entire SOFA community, to present technological and scientific advances, while fostering the networking within the community. Previous occurrences made it as the most popular even within the community. Check out the 2022 edition. This year, we are back onsite with live demos!

Save the date !

On 13-17th November onsite in Paris with online access

13th Nov 2023:   Training session

To start the SOFA week, a training session will take place to provide new users (and any interested participant) an efficient introduction to SOFA. The training focuses on the SOFA main principles, the community, theoretical backgrounds on physics simulation, hands-on user and developer tutorials.

14th Nov 2023:   International SOFA Symposium (free)

The symposium focuses on research and scientific achievements based on SOFA. This symposium allows international researchers from the SOFA community to present their scientific work, their plugins and propose live demonstrations. It is also the annual meeting where companies using SOFA can demonstrate their latest products. Finally, it is the opportunity to meet the community and create strong collaborations.

15-17th Nov 2023:   Technical committee (free)

This committee focuses on technical discussions on current and future developments in SOFA. With developers of the community and SOFA Technical Members, the technical roadmap for the next release is jointly designed. It is also a unique opportunity to meet the developer community and code all together.

Day: 13th November 2023
Location: Campus Cyber Paris – Room Gate 5 (Find your way)
Level: Beginner – Medium (max 8 participants)

Registration costs

  • early bird: 500€ (before the 13th October 2023)
  • regular fare: 650€ excl. tax.

This training session aims at providing a wide introduction to SOFA and its community while ensuring the mathematical, physical and computer science backgrounds in order to start in the best conditions with SOFA.

Tutorial at the conference RoboSoft 2022


Time (CET) Training steps
9:00 am – 10:00 am Overview of SOFA and its community
10:00 am -10:30 am Coffee – for a good start!
10:30 am – 11 am Examples of applications with SOFA
11:00 am – noon User Tutorial (part 1)
noon – 1:30 pm Lunch
1:30 pm – 3 pm User Tutorial (part 2) – involving SofaPython3
3 pm – 4 pm Understand physics with SOFA: from the math to the code
4 pm – 4:15 pm Coffee break
4:15 pm – 5:00 pm Developer Tutorial: start your own plugin

Day: 14th November 2023
Location: Campus Cyber Paris – Auditorium (Find your way)

Researchers and companies from the SOFA community join the Symposium in order to share ideas, experiences and to present their on-going research or products based on SOFA. Several sessions of presentations will be organized regarding various simulation topics and application fields. Booths will also be made available for technology demonstrations.

Suction cup simulation from the Defrost team

This international event is an exciting opportunity, fostering discussions and new collaborations!


Download PDF program

2019 edition

2018 edition

Day: 15-17th, November 2023
Location: Inria Paris – Room Lions 1 Building C (Find your way)
Level: All

The week will close with the 15th SOFA Technical Committee. This technical committee governs and takes all technical decisions for the roadmap towards upcoming releases. Join us, it is open and free to all, while allowing to discover how the technical project is managed. All you need is to validate your attendance in your registration.


Download PDF program

This year again, the SOFA consortium has the pleasure to organize the Open-Source SOFA Awards!

All contributions are eligible for application: it can be an open-source plugin, a pull-request on GitHub, a video, a tutorial or documentation pages! Two award categories are open for competition:

Organizers’ Prize        –   600€ Public Prize        –   400€

The call for the SOFA awards is open until the 30th of October 2023. Any contribution – as long it is open – will be rewarded at the SOFA Week 2023. Winners will be announced during the Symposium on 14th November.

Apply for the SOFA Awards 2023


SofaViscoElastic plugin Ferrentino, Pasquale Presentation of a new plugin introducing linear viscoelastic models in SOFA
LapGym Scheikl, Paul Maria We present LapGym, a framework for building Reinforcement Learning (RL) environments for RALS that models the challenges posed by surgical tasks, and sofa_env, a diverse suite of 12 environments. Motivated by surgical training, these environments are organized into 4 tracks: Spatial Reasoning, Deformable Object Manipulation & Grasping, Dissection, and Thread Manipulation. Each environment is highly parametrizable for increasing difficulty, resulting in a high performance ceiling for new algorithms. We aim to provide a challenging, standard environment suite for further development of RL for RALS, ultimately helping to realize the full potential of cognitive surgical robotics.
Integration of the Tracy profiler Bilger, Alexandre Tracy is a robust profiling tool designed primarily for gaming and similar applications, making it suitable for SOFA. This open-source library offers a wide range of features surpassing what was available in SOFA for performance measurement. Tracy is now seamlessly integrated into SOFA as an option. Its capabilities have already been harnessed to analyze and optimize the performance of multithreaded code.
Toolbox for Design Optimization Navez, Tanguy This software toolkit contains components for exploring parametric design of any SOFA scene. We provide a unified framework for implementing a single parametric Sofa scene and use it both for multi-objective design optimization and model-based control.
This toolkit is provided with the example of the optimization of a soft finger parametric design. This example illustrates how to couple heuristic search and automatic mesh generation for efficiently exploring the soft finger geometry. We also introduce scripts for automatically generating the molds necessary for manufacturing a given design.
SOFA-DR-RL Protopapa, Andrea This work demonstrates how Domain Randomization (DR) improves RL policies for soft robots by enhancing robustness and reducing training time. We introduce RF-DROPO for sim-to-real transfer and provide a user-friendly extension of the SofaGym framework for DR-compatible tasks and implementation. This toolkit uses Stable Baselines3 (SB3) for Reinforcement Learning training, making it easier to create SOFA scenes and control policies for Sim2Real transfer with example scenes for guidance.
Condensed FEM Model Learning and Applications Navez, Tanguy and Ménager, Etienne The Finite Element Method (FEM) is a potent tool for predicting soft robot behavior, but its computation time limitations hinder its use in robotics. To address this issue, we propose a learning-based approach for quickly handling constraints and contacts by condensing the FEM model into a versatile framework for soft robot modeling, control, and design.

Awards committee

  • Paul Baksic – Inria
  • Remi Bessard – Digyne
  • Frederick Roy – LN Robotics
  • Mario Sanz Lopez – CNRS

Previous winners

Organizers’ Prize Public Prize

Live demos

Compliance Robotics Deformable hollow robot controlled by SOFA
InfinyTech3D SOFA-Unity integration
InSimo Suture tasks training
CRIStAL CNRS MRI-compatible Bio-inspired Phantom
Follou Haptics Mini-Mou: haptic device for small surgical applications


Allard, Jeremie CTO – InSimo, France Medical simulation Haptics
Aricò, Mario CEO – Twinical, France Surgical AR solutions
Bessard, Rémi Engineer – Digyne, France Biomechanical simulation
Carrez, Nicolas CTO – Twinical, France Software AR/VR biotech
Denis, Dieumet Project Manager – SHERPA Engineering, France Robotics
Dumenil, Charles Engineer – InSimo, France Simulation
Guevara, Jaime Independent – France Biomechanics simulation
Guillon, Pierre Engineer – Sonova AG, Switzerland Biomechanical simulation
Huang, Luyu Researcher – Advanced Optronics, China Surgical simulation
Hubert, Pascal Engineer – AFNeT Services, France Computer sciences
Hussain, Raabid Researcher – Oticon Medical, Sweden Biomechanical simulation
Jeong Se-yun Researcher – LNRobotics, South Korea Mechanics
Jourdes, Francois Head of Research – InSimo, France Mechanics, numerical methods
Jun, Hee Engineer – LNRobotics, South Korea Surgical robotics
Kim, Heejung Engineer – LNRobotics, South Korea Robot-assisted surgery
Leuthold, Markus Engineer – Sonova AG, Switzerland Biomechanical models
Margeta, Jan Managing director – KardioMe, Slovakia Biomechanics, cardio-otology
Olsson, Fredrik CEO – Follou AB, Sweden Medical VR-simulators
Park, Sangeun Researcher – LNRobotics, South Korea Surgical simulation, AR/VR
Pernod, Erik CEO – InfinyTech3D, France Biomechanics, haptic, VR/AR
Peter, Rebekka PhD Student – Carl Zeiss AG, Germany Biomechanical simulation
Peyrat, Jean-Marc CTO & founder – inHEART, France Cardiac simulations
Roy, Frederick R&D Software Lead – LNRobotics, South Korea Mechanical simulation
Shao, Marine Engineer – InSimo, France Simulation
Subramani, N. Engineer – Stryker, USA Medical devices
Tagliabue, Eleonora Researcher – Carl Zeiss AG, Germany Biomechanics, robotics
Toulougoussou, Ange Researcher – University Paris VI, France Computational Mathematics
Tourrel, Guillaume Research Engineer – Oticon Medical, France Biomechanical simulation
Willems, Bruno Engineer – Twinical, France 3D VR/AR GUI


Afzaal, Hamza Researcher – University of Calgary, Canada Scientific visu, haptics, XR
Ainouz, Ayoub PhD Student – Lille University, France Electrical engineering
Al-Zogbi, Lidia PhD Student – Johns Hopkins University, USA Biomechanics, medical robotics
Alora, John PhD Student – Stanford University, USA Soft-robotics
Averta, Giuseppe Researcher – Politecnico di Torino, Italy Soft-robotics
Barragan, Juan Antonio PhD student – Johns Hopkins University, USA VR/AR soft-tissue simulation
Beckers, Thibault Student – University of Liège, Belgium Cable-actuated soft-robotics
Behnam, Binesh Engineer – SiMedix, Iran Biomechanical simulation
Benamirouche, A. Engineer – Sorbonne University, France Soft-robotics, AI
Bilger, Alexandre Engineer – Inria, France Numerical methods, perf
Bjelland, Øystein PhD Student – NTNU, Norway Surgical simulation, haptics
Boldron, Arthur PhD Student – Université Clermont Auvergne, France Biomechanical simulation
Camoriano, Raffaello Assistanto Prof. – Politecnico di Torino, Italy Machine learning robotics
Catalano, Alice Maria PhD Student – University of Genova, Italy Biomedical simulation
Cavalcanti Santos, João Researcher – LIRMM, France Robotics
Cei, Gianmarco PhD Student – University of Pisa, Italy Biomechanics, robotics
Cherif, Intissar PhD Student – Evry-Saclay University, France VR/AR
Choi, Jaesoon Professor – Asan Medical Center, South Korea Medical simulation
Cisneros Limon, Rafael Researcher – AIST, Japan Soft-robotics
Coevoet, Eulalie R&D Engineer – Inria, France Soft-robotics
Cotin, Stephane Researcher – Inria, France Biomechanics
De Iturrate, Mikel PhD student – King’s College London, UK Biomedical simulations
Dehaybe, Louis PhD Student – Univeristy of Liège, Belgium Robotic manipulation
Dequidt, Jeremie Full Professor – Inria, France Biomechanics, geometric mod.
Dreyfus, Roland PhD – ETH, Switzerland Medical robotics
Ducrocq, Julien Postdoc – NAIST, Japan VR/AR, robotics
Duriez, Christian Research Director – Inria, France Soft-robotics
Ergun, Serkan PhD Student – University of Klagenfurt, Germany Human-robot interaction
Escaida, Stefan Researcher – Universidad de O’Higgins, Chile Soft-robotics
Evans, Michael PhD Student – University of Sheffield, UK Biomechanical simulation
Eyberg, Christoph Researcher – Fraunhofer IPA, Germany Soft-robotics
Fabrice, Jaillet Researcher / University – LIRIS, France Biomechanical simulation VR
Ferrentino, Pasquale PhD Student – Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium Soft-robotics
Gesnouin, Philippe e-Health Program Manager – Inria, France Healthcare
Goury, Olivier Researcher – Inria, France Soft-robotics
Ha Thuc, Long Phd Student – CNRS, France Robotics
Haouchine, Nazim Researcher – Harvard/BWH, USA VR/AR computer vision
Ho, Van Researcher – JAIST Soft-robotics
Horsch, Johannes Group manager – Fraunhofer IPA, Germany Biomechanical simulation
Hu, Kejun Engineer – FEMTO-ST, France Biomechanics, soft-robotics
Huda, Nurul Researcher – BUET, Bangladesh Biomechanics, fluid simulation
Jackson, Benjamin PhD student – King’s College London, UK Soft-robotics
Jain, Harsh Post Doctoral scientist – IISER Mohali, India Mechanical simulation
Jiralerspong, Trivoramai PhD Student – Tsinghua University, China Soft-robotics
Nguyen, Giang PhD Student – IAI University Bremen, Germany Simulation, robotics
Kanno, Ryo PhD Student – Empa, Switzerland Soft-robotics
Karstensen, Lennart PhD Student – FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany Endovascular robotics
Kim, Ha PhD Student – Pusan University, South Korea Simulation, AI robotics
Kruszewski, Alexandre Researcher – Centrale Lille, France Soft-robotics
Le Gall, Alexia PhD Student – Scuala Superiore Sant’Anna, Italy Soft-robotics
Lebrun, Flavien PostDoc – Laboratoire IBISC, France Biomechanical simulation
Malak, Kanaan PhD Student – Arinfo, France VR/AR
Mandela, O. Fonkoua PhD Student – Inria, France Object manipulation
Marchal, Damien Engineer – CNRS, France Soft-robotics
Martin, Claire PhD student – Inria, France Biomechanical simulation
Martini, Michele PhD Student – Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia, Italy Soft-robotics
Masoud, Goharimanesh Researcher – University of Torbat Heydarieh, Iran Soft-robotics
Masson, Jean-Baptiste Researcher – Inria/Pasteur/CNRS, France Biomechanics, neuroscience
Mazier, Arnaud Postdoc – University of Sydney, USA Biomechanical simulations
Meddah, Ishak H.A Researcher – University of Saida, Algeria Computing
Ménager, Etienne PhD student – Inria, France Soft-robotics, AI
Navez, Tanguy PhD Student – Inria, France Soft-robotics, AI
Nhan, Nguyen Researcher – JAIST, Japan Soft-robotics
Nicotra, Emanuele PhD student – UNSW, Australia Soft-robotics
Nikolaev, Sergei Postdoc – University of Montpellier, France Biomechanics, biology
Nour, Mohamed-Yassir ATER – University Lorraine, France Computer graphics
Nyaga, Alice PhD Student – Institut Pascal, France Soft-robotics
Oberlé, Antoine Research Engineer – CNRS, France Robotics
Odot, Alban PhD student – Self-employed, France Biomechanics, AI
Peters, Jorg Researcher – University of Florida, USA Surgical AR solutions
Peyron, Quentin Researcher – Inria, France Soft-robotics
Pham, Viet Working Student / M.Sc. Student in CS – Carl Zeiss AG, Germany Reinforcement learning
Protopapa, Andrea PhD Student – Politecnico di Torino, Italy Soft-robotics
Rasheed, Bismi PhD Student – NTNU, Norway Surgery Simulation
Ribière, Véronique Engineer – CNRS, France Industrial, medical robotics
Ringel, Morgan PhD Student – Vanderbilt University, USA Biomechanical simulation
Robertshaw, Harry PhD Student – King’s College London, UK Soft-robotics
Rodríguez, Carlos Professor – KU Leuven, Belgium Surgical training
Roussel, Olivier Engineer – Inria, France Rigid-body dynamics
Sadati, Hadi Research Fellow – King’s College London, UK Soft-robotics
Sahifi, Hanie Student – Amirkabir University of Technology, Iran Soft-robotics
Samain, Guillaume PhD Student – ISIR, France Soft-robotics
Sanz Lopez, Mario Engineer – CRIStAL/CNRS, France Soft-robotics
Sarry, Laurent Professor – Université Clermont Auvergne, France Biomechanical simulation
Scarponi, Valentina PhD student – Inria, France Biomechanics
Scheikl, Paul Maria PhD Student – FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany ML, robot-assisted surgery
Tian, Sizhe PhD Student – Inria, France Soft-robotics
Tortos, Pablo PhD Student – Chiba University, Japan Soft-robotics
Tymkovych, Maksym Researcher – Kharkiv NURE, Ukraine Robotics
Vaillant, Joris Engineer – Inria, France Robotics
Vanneste, Félix Post-doctorant – Inria, France Soft-robotics
Varga, Balint Research Group Leader – KIT, Germany HMI, shared control
Wang, Xing Researcher – CSIRO Soft-robotics
Xu, Xin PhD Student – PolyU, Hong-Kong Parallel continuum robot
Yinoussa, Adagolodjo Associate professor – Inria, France Medical, soft-robotics
Youssef, Samuel Engineer – Inria, France Soft-robotics, AI
Zahra, Bounik Postdoc – Self-employed, Iran ML, simulation, VR
Zhang, Yiyuan PhD Student – NUS, Singapore Soft-robotics
Zhang, Zhongkai Researcher – CAS, HongKong Biomedical simulation
Zuo, Kaiwen Master Student – CWRU, USA Biomechanics, surgical robotics

Consortium staff

Baksic, Paul Engineer – SOFA Consortium, France Medical robotics
Talbot, Hugo Engineer – SOFA Consortium, France Community, Biomechanics

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