Technical roadmap
The roadmap is jointly defined by the Consortium Members with the developer community at the SOFA Technical Committee (STC). This committee is open and free for all, however votes for the roadmap are restricted to Consortium Members.
Read more on the governance.
Previous edition (STC#17) took place in Strasbourg from June 10 to 12th 2024. During this meeting, the committee voted the following roadmap:
Matrix assembly API in SOFA
- Geometric stiffness to be implemented for some important non-linear mappings
- Investigate the assembly of the right-hand side
Constraint modernization
- Implementation of a direct approach for the constraint resolution, which will firstly require the implementation of a full Newton-Raphson scheme
- Separate constraint model into the combination of a mapping and a simple constraint
Refactor object registration
- Create POC (continue PR)
- Create compatibility layer
- Agree on mechanism
- Deploy in the code base
- Refactor meta plugins
Conda packaging
- Update and finalize packaging with the new v24.06 release
Performance regression tests
- Define the required hardware
- Define the output of the tests
- Define the scenes to run
- Build the scripts
- Define the environment (compiler optimization)
- Build a dedicated dashboard
Updated and automated documentation
- Generalize access to component information
- Dump json → #4775
- Modify scripts of SofaDocGenerator
- Prepare the documentation page on website
- Merge into as a branch (actually 3 branches)
- Recursive redirection to sofa-framework
- Add button to get back to SOFA website from the doc and update theme
- Current doc
- deletion of unneeded parts in github/doc (data, examples) to avoid duplicates
- modify all equations into usual Latex equations
- do relative link url references
- Define specification on how to document plugins: GitHub Actions to generate and integrate to the general SOFA doc
- Formalize SOFA learning paths for new users
Cosserat rod plugin
- Work on a 4-DOF template (torsion, bendings and stretching)
- Co-axial beam modeling
- Implement non-linear mapping contributions
Robotic-dedicated application
- Viewer: hire the engineer
- Modeler: write specifications for future sub-contracting
- SOFA-Pinocchio integration as a plugin replacing the ArticulatedSystemMapping
RL in soft-robotics
- SofaGym: use simulation restart for path planning of the catheter navigation scene
Model Order Reduction plugin
- Regression test on standard and reduced scenes
- Add examples/utilities for partitioned reduction
- CUDA implementation
- Develop collision reduction and document it
- Update reduction process with new Prefabs and leverage python3 capabilities
- Add documentation on installation on different OS
- Fix the graphical user interface
Validation & Verification
- Browse found papers
- Make a report
- Reference mechanical tests
- Define regular tests in mechanics
- Write such tests in collaboration
(indiedev, intern, subcontracting)
- Add tests on material forcefields
(with multiple parameters)