Dear SOFA community,
2018 is coming to its end but this year has been a very dense and productive year. Read below the 2018 highlights!
A first clue of this successful year 2018 is the number of publications. Through the HAL portal, we count some of them:
- 13 journal articles
- 9 conference papers
- 1 thesis
- 1 poster
This does not account for all of your papers. Many others have been accepted for Chinese, Korean, German and many additional SOFA users. Always keep us updated about your academic achievements!

Main events
SOFA has been traveling the world in 2018:
Jan 18 | starting with the MedTeq event in Montreal that was the opportunity to meet many Canadian partners on simulation |
Jan 18 | subsequently, a workshop session on soft-robotics was organized in Berlin with TU Berlin, Inria and Amazon Robotics |
Mar 18 | SOFA was presented in Paris at StationF, campus gathering a whole entrepreneurial ecosystem |
Jun 18 | the 5th SOFA Technical Committee took place in Strasbourg to focus on technical discussions and decision for designing the SOFA roadmap |
Jun 18 | SOFA Consortium staff was part of the MedFIT 2018 event gathering 600 international partners from more than 20 countries to present innovative products and technologies |
Nov 18 | the 1st international SOFA week took place in Strasbourg (France) and was designed to gather the entire SOFA community, to present technological and scientific advances, while fostering the networking within the community. The event was a real success and the second edition is already scheduled for November 2019 |
Dec 18 | twice in row, Stéphane Cotin, Professor at Inria and head of the Mimesis team, has been awarded for his contributions in medical simulation, namely through his work in the SOFA framework |
In the code
This year, the community and the SOFA Consortium worked together towards a more stable, cleaner and improved version of SOFA with always additional features. A massive effort has been put in the new continuous integration system, in regression tests, in scene tests for more stability. New algorithms and models like the non-linear topologies and non-linear constitutive laws are now available. The documentation has been improved with new pages about Mappings, Collision, Constraints and DataTypes!
One new Consortium member
Late 2018, the Kyungpook University (Korea) joined the SOFA Consortium as a Technical Member in order to be part in discussion and decisions on major development axes, influencing the technical roadmap through their contributions.
One startup creation
As every year since 2013, the SOFA community welcomed a new company created early 2018. Created by E. Pernod, InfinyTech3D is a private organization proposing consulting and development services for SOFA. InfinyTech3D is also working at the integration of SOFA within other framework like Unity3D or UnrealEngine. This first year was a success and we are looking forward to 2019! Read the full article on InfinyTech3D.
And to conclude…
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