The simulation projects ongoing in Seoul with the Asan Medical Center, former SOFA Technical Member, led to the creation of LN Robotics. LN Robotics is a startup company focusing on… read more →
The SOFA team is glad to announce the v24.12 release! What’s new? Introduction of new mappings Augmented lagrangian algorithm for large deformation frictional contact New explicit components registration Nix packaging… read more →
As we learned during the annual SOFA conference (SOFA Week 2024) on Nov 26 2024, SOFA has been elected winner of the Jury’s Award at the Open Science Awards for… read more →
Last November, the 2024 edition of the international SOFA Week took place from the 25th to the 29th November 2024. Open and free, this SOFA Week is designed to gather… read more →
The award program has been organized to reward the best open source contributions of 2024. All contributions were eligible for application: it could be an open-source plugin, a pull-request on… read more →
The SOFA team is glad to announce the v24.06 release! What’s new? Stable Neo Hookean material in now available in SOFA Improvement on linear systems, bringing interesting speed-ups 🔥 New… read more →
The SOFA Week is the annual opportunity to meet the international community, discover the latest technological and scientific results and start new collaborations. Dates: from the 25th to the 29th… read more →
Polytechnique Montréal hosted the first edition of the SOFA America Workshop on May 30-31, 2024, gathering a vibrant community of researchers, engineers, and students to explore the latest advancements in… read more →
On June 10-12th 2024, the community will meet for the 17th SOFA Technical Committee (STC#17). At this occasion, the technical roadmap for the v24.12 release will be jointly defined with… read more →
Funded by the Samuel de Champlain program, the first SOFA America Workshop in robotics is jointly organized by Inria, McGill, Mila University and Polytechnique Montreal. Held on Polytechnique Montreal campus… read more →