The exhibition “Graine d’Entrepreneur” is currently available on the walls of the French Ministry for Research in Paris. Discover all Inria entrepreneurs and more especially our member Anatoscope! The exhibition… read more →
SOFA is now officially on GitHub! Clone SOFA directly from the SOFA Framework GitHub account: You can now: create pull-requests and help us improving the online documentation: The… read more →
We are about to move SOFA to GitHub! The GitHub migration will bring many new features for you all! You will be able to: ease new contributions by allowing pull-requests,… read more →
The Consortium was invited to present its activity for the community and its future objectives to the Mimesis team. The retreat was the opportunity to discover the research work performed… read more →
Today, we will present the SOFA framework to the IGG Lab. This lab belongs to ICube, i.e. the CNRS in Alsace. Research, within the IGG group, explores geometry and its… read more →
They are released! You can now find the binary for MacOS Darwin. Enjoy the pleasure of simulation with SOFA on your Mac! Do not hesitate to give us feedback about… read more →
From the 23rd to the 25th of March, the French Symposium in Healthcare Simulation will take place in Clermont-Ferrand. This year, the event is jointly organized with the 2nd congress… read more →
You are a researcher in physics simulation? An industrial needing to add a physics engine to your solution? Do not hesitate to contact the SOFA Consortium so that you can… read more →
Are you a new SOFA user? or a highly experienced developper? We need you! Give us any feedback about SOFA! We created for you a form in which you will… read more →
A new plugin has arrived in SOFA! You can now play with your LeapMotion in SOFA. Stretch a liver as much as you want! The plugin is available in the… read more →