On June 24th 2019, the Defrost team organizes an onsite training session with tutorials on the open-source SoftRobot project. Led by Dr. Damien Marchal from CNRS, this session provides a… read more →
What is it? The SOFA Technical Committee focuses on technical discussions on current and future developments in SOFA. With the Technical Members of the consortium, the technical roadmap of the… read more →
The SOFA Consortium took part in the organization of the 8th SoFraSimS Conference about Medical Simulation. Every year, the conference welcomes about 400 medical staff, researchers and companies in the… read more →
Soft-robotics is an recent and growing field of research. It consists in using soft materials and deformable structures in order to build a new generation of robots. The scientific challenge… read more →
As in 2017, the SOFA community participated in the 2019 edition of the open-source conference FOSDEM. This year again, FOSDEM appeared as a major European event for open-source softwares where… read more →