We just bought the July 2016 special issue of the Science et Vie magazine! You can find an article about Anatoscope in it! This article describes the activities of the… read more →
A publication in the journal Medical Image Analysis (MedIA) has just been accepted! This work entitles Interactive Training System for Interventional Electrocardiology Procedures. This paper presents the first training system… read more →
You are a SOFA user and you will or you already got a paper accepted with your work? Promote it and make it appear on the list of the SOFA… read more →
On the 22nd of June, the Consortium SOFA will be part of the 36H Chrono Grand Ouest in Nantes. This event aims at promoting all innovative technologies in healthcare. The… read more →
The exhibition “Graine d’Entrepreneur” is currently available on the walls of the French Ministry for Research in Paris. Discover all Inria entrepreneurs and more especially our member Anatoscope! The exhibition… read more →