The first commit in SOFA is ten years old! SOFA is still growing and improving! Thank you to the community! Thank you all for contributing and for using it for… read more →
During the VRIPHYS 2015 conference in Lyon (France), a SOFA day is organized on the 3rd November 2015. The program is already available online. Register and join us to discover… read more →
At the occasion of the annual French Radiology Congress (JFR 2015), several work based on SOFA were presented. The technologies developed by Anatoscope (see illustration below) were highlighted, as well… read more →
On the 12th of October, Inria organized the Inria-Industry 2015 meeting (RII). At this occasion, some of the work done using SOFA within Inria (Mimesis team) have been presented. Augmented… read more →