For the second time, an award program has been organized to reward the best open source contributions of 2020. All contributions were eligible for application: it could be an open-source plugin, a pull-request on GitHub, a video, a tutorial or documentation pages.

The SOFA Award strongly motivated me to dig into the code of SOFA and contribute way more to the open-source!
Camille Krewcun, PhD (UCA)

The program included two prizes. The winners have been announced on 24th November during the 2020 SOFA Symposium:

Organizers’ Prize
Prize: 600€
Public Prize
Prize: 400€
Krewcun, Camille
Plugin: Plastic beam model
Roy, Frederick
(Independent developer)
Plugin: SOFA RHI
An extension to the BeamFEMForceField component, which implements a plastic mechanical behavior. This allows to model materials which are able to undergo permanent deformation such as metals. The underlying mechanical computation is based on a Von Mises-Hill plasticity model, and the nonlinear mechanics are solved with a radial return algorithm. This component was originally developed to simulate coronary stent deployment. Rendering Hardware Interface API for SOFA. Render your simulation using either OpenGL ES, Direct3D 11, Metal or Vulkan with SOFA.

Find all award candidates on the 2020 Award page here.

Congratulations to Camille & Fred!