SOFA v18.06


What’s new in SOFA v18.06

Breaking: Handling linearised constraints

This work around FreeMotionAnimationLoop has two effects:

  • Adjust FreeMotionAnimationLoop so that it is more faithful to the actual equations, most notably by allowing only one linearisation of the mappings within the time step.
  • Update the API in order to compute a linearised version of the constraint forces, in a similar fashion to what is done in the Compliant plugin.

Details and documentation on pull-request #459.

Project: SOFA-NG

The SOFA-NG project started during v17.12 development has evolved.
Here are the main achievements of the past 6 months:

See SOFA-NG GitHub issue for all details.

Updated: deps

  • JSON updated to 3.1.2
    See #719.

  • GTest updated to 1.9
    See #604.

  • GLUT removed and cleaned
    See #598.

Improved: Doxygen

Doxygen comments were added on each Data of each Component. Components API documentation is now way more detailed and updated every day.

See ConstraintAnimationLoop API for example.

Improved: CMake

CMake rules for installation and packaging were improved. SOFA can now be installed and distributed with nearly zero post-install operation.

See #635.

A CMake external projects handling method was added. It permits to auto-checkout on configure step plugins that are on another repository.

See #649.

SofaPython: PythonScriptDataEngine (PSDE)

You can think of the PSDE as a possibility of subclassing the Sofa ‘DataEngine’ in a scripted way. In the second example provided it is shown how a versatile ROI functionality can be implemented with the help of the PSDE.
The PSDE works similar to a function block in Simulink or comparable software. The user can define a block (a PSDE) declaring its Inputs, Outputs (I/Os) and its behavior using Python alone. It has some similarities with the “PythonScriptController” (PSC).

Details and documentation on pull-request #583.

SOFA v18.06 activity

Our beloved contributors

79 new topics on forum
71 merged pull-requests
22 closed issues
5 new contributors

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