Add a publication with HAL


You want your papers, which rely on SOFA, to be listed on our website?
Just follow the following explanations for HAL.


Case 1 – add a new paper on HAL

First, go on the HAL portal and log in. Follow carefully the following steps:

The upload process starts by clicking on “Submit”:

  • choose the type of paper (poster, conference or journal ..)
  • upload the compulsory documents:
    • the PDF document,
    • videos, or others supplementary data, if any,
    • one or several images: do not forget to define one image as primary as shown in the following image.
  • AjoutVignettes

    Specify one image as “Primary”

  • check the automatic formatting (title, summary of the work, keywords, information about the conference/journal, etc.),
  • add “SOFA” in the field “Collaboration/Project”,
  • add the authors,
  • check the overall information and validate it.

It’s done !
Your paper will automatically appear in our publication list!

Case 2 – list a former paper

If you already uploaded your paper on HAL, but you want to refer this paper in our publication list, follow the instruction:

  • Log in with your HAL account,
  • Edit the metadata of the paper,
  • add “SOFA” in the field “Collaboration/Project”.
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