Home › Forum › SOFA › Using SOFA › [SOLVED] BilateralInteractionConstraint reduces gravity by 100x
Tagged: 64_bits, Plugin_SoftRobots, SOFA_1906, Windows_10
- This topic has 7 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 4 years, 10 months ago by
22 December 2019 at 23:10 #14791
I’m attempting to model a soft body attached to a rigid body. As suggested in several posts on the forum, I rigidly map the points of a surface mesh to the 6dof rigid body, and use a BilateralInteractionConstraint to attach the soft body to the rigid surface. This works as a method of attachment, but the constraint seems to dilute gravitational (and possibly other) forces on the soft body by a factor of 100x as they are experienced by the rigid body. In other words, an upward force of only 1% of the soft body’s weight applied to the rigid body is enough to compensate for the additional weight of the entire soft body. When the upward force is applied directly to the soft body, a force equal to the total weight of that body is needed (as expected). Can anyone explain this discrepancy?import Sofa from stlib.scene import Scene from stlib.visuals import VisualModel import numpy as np def createScene(rootNode): scene = Scene(rootNode, plugins=["SoftRobots", "SofaSparseSolver", "SofaMiscCollision", "SofaPython"]) # scene.VisualStyle.displayFlags = 'showForceFields showBehaviorModels showInteractionForceFields' rootNode.createObject("BackgroundSetting", color=[1., 1., 1.]) rootNode.dt = 0.01 rootNode.gravity = [0., 0., -981.] rootNode.createObject("FreeMotionAnimationLoop") rootNode.createObject("GenericConstraintSolver", maxIterations=1e3, tolerance=1e-5) # Rigid object rigid_node = rootNode.createChild("rigid") totalMass = .01 inertiaMatrix = [1., 0., 0., 0., 1., 0., 0., 0., 1.] volume = 1.0 uniformScale = 20 rigid_node.createObject('EulerImplicitSolver', name='odesolver') rigid_node.createObject('CGLinearSolver', name='Solver') rigid_node.createObject("MechanicalObject", template="Rigid3", name="dofs", showObjectScale=uniformScale) mass = rigid_node.createObject('UniformMass', name="mass", vertexMass=[totalMass, volume, inertiaMatrix[:]]) mass.totalMass = totalMass rigid_node.createObject('UncoupledConstraintCorrection', compliance=1e-8) points = rigid_node.createChild('points') loader = points.createObject('MeshObjLoader', name='loader', filename='mesh/cube.obj', scale=uniformScale) points.createObject('Mesh', src=loader, name="MeshPoints") points.createObject('MechanicalObject', name='dofs', template='Vec3d', showObject=True, showObjectScale=1, src=loader) # geomAlgo = points.createObject('TriangleSetGeometryAlgorithms', template="Vec3d", name='GeomAlgo') # mass = points.createObject('DiagonalMass', massDensity=.00001, name='mass') points.createObject('RigidMapping', name="mapping", input=rigid_node, output=points) points.createObject('UncoupledConstraintCorrection', compliance=0.002) visual = VisualModel(rigid_node, 'mesh/cube.obj', scale=[uniformScale]*3, color=[0.75, 0.75, 0.25, 1.]) visual.writeZTransparent = True visual.createObject('RigidMapping', name="mapping") # elastic object eobject = rootNode.createChild("eobject") loader = eobject.createObject('MeshVTKLoader', name='loader', filename="finger.vtk") integration = eobject.createObject('EulerImplicitSolver', name='integration') solver = eobject.createObject('SparseLDLSolver', name="solver") container = eobject.createObject('TetrahedronSetTopologyContainer', src='@loader', name='container') dofs = eobject.createObject('MechanicalObject', template='Vec3d', name='dofs', src='@loader') geomAlgo = eobject.createObject('TetrahedronSetGeometryAlgorithms', template="Vec3d", name='GeomAlgo', drawTetrahedra=True) forcefield = eobject.createObject('TetrahedronFEMForceField', template='Vec3d', method='large', name='forcefield', poissonRatio=0.25, youngModulus=20000) constraintSolver = eobject.createObject('LinearSolverConstraintCorrection', solverName=solver.name) mass = eobject.createObject('DiagonalMass', massDensity=.00001, name='mass') # constraint rootNode.createObject('BilateralInteractionConstraint', template='Vec3d', name="BilateralInteractionConstraint", object1=rigid_node.points, object2=eobject, first_point=5, second_point=83, ) # # force eobject.init() ### THe EFFECTIVE MASS OF THE ATTACHED BODY SEEMS TO BE ONLY 1% OF ITS ACTUAL MASS ### net_mass = rigid_node.getObject("mass").totalMass + eobject.getObject("mass").totalMass/100 rigid_node.createObject("ConstantForceField", indices=[0], force=[0, 0, 981.*net_mass, 0, 0, 0], arrowSizeCoef=.1/net_mass) return rootNode
Thanks for your help!
Josh7 February 2020 at 19:06 #15190Hugo
KeymasterHi @joshuaf
I am really sorry for this delayed reply.
I wanted to find some time to look at your simulation.Your simulation includes constraints, solved following the Lagrange multiplier method. You are right, the force that must be applied to compensate the gravity must be scaled by 0.01. It actually corresponds to the time step.
I think this comes from the Lagrange constraint resolution which involves the time step. I need to get through the equations to provide you a complete explanation. I will get back to you next week.
Sorry again for our latency!
Best wishes,Hugo
7 February 2020 at 21:10 #15196Joshua
BlockedHi Hugo,
I really appreciate your reply, and look forward to hearing what you uncover when you get a chance.
Josh12 February 2020 at 02:05 #15203Joshua
BlockedFollowing up, when I replace the attached soft body with a rigid one, the factor of 100 (or 1/dt based on your earlier post) disappears. If anything this leaves me more confused, but I hope it provides someone more knowledgeable with some clue what’s happening!
import Sofa from stlib.scene import Scene from stlib.visuals import VisualModel import numpy as np def createScene(rootNode): scene = Scene(rootNode, plugins=["SoftRobots", "SofaSparseSolver", "SofaMiscCollision", "SofaPython"]) # scene.VisualStyle.displayFlags = 'showForceFields showBehaviorModels showInteractionForceFields' rootNode.createObject("BackgroundSetting", color=[1., 1., 1.]) rootNode.dt = 0.01 rootNode.gravity = [0., 0., -981.] rootNode.createObject("FreeMotionAnimationLoop") rootNode.createObject("GenericConstraintSolver", maxIterations=1e3, tolerance=1e-5) # Rigid object 1 rigid_node1 = rootNode.createChild("rigid1") totalMass = .01 inertiaMatrix = [1., 0., 0., 0., 1., 0., 0., 0., 1.] volume = 1.0 uniformScale = 1 rayleighMass = .5 rayleighStiffness = 1 rigid_node1.createObject('EulerImplicitSolver', name='odesolver', rayleighMass=rayleighMass, rayleighStiffness=rayleighStiffness) rigid_node1.createObject('CGLinearSolver', name='Solver') rigid_node1.createObject("MechanicalObject", template="Rigid3", name="dofs", showObjectScale=uniformScale) rigid_mass1 = rigid_node1.createObject('UniformMass', name="mass", vertexMass=[totalMass, volume, inertiaMatrix[:]]) rigid_mass1.totalMass = totalMass rigid_node1.createObject('UncoupledConstraintCorrection', compliance=1e-8) points1 = rigid_node1.createChild('points') loader1 = points1.createObject('MeshObjLoader', name='loader', filename='mesh/cube.obj', scale=uniformScale) points1.createObject('Mesh', src=loader1, name="MeshPoints") points1.createObject('MechanicalObject', name='dofs', template='Vec3d', showObject=True, showObjectScale=1, src=loader1) points1.createObject('RigidMapping', name="mapping", input=rigid_node1, output=points1) points1.createObject('UncoupledConstraintCorrection', compliance=0.002) visual1 = VisualModel(rigid_node1, 'mesh/cube.obj', scale=[uniformScale]*3, color=[0.75, 0.75, 0.25, 1.]) visual1.writeZTransparent = True visual1.createObject('RigidMapping', name="mapping") # Rigid object 2 rigid_node2 = rootNode.createChild("rigid2") rigid_node2.createObject('EulerImplicitSolver', name='odesolver', rayleighMass=rayleighMass, rayleighStiffness=rayleighStiffness) rigid_node2.createObject('CGLinearSolver', name='Solver') rigid_node2.createObject("MechanicalObject", template="Rigid3", name="dofs", showObjectScale=uniformScale, translation=[0, 0, -2]) rigid_mass2 = rigid_node2.createObject('UniformMass', name="mass", vertexMass=[totalMass, volume, inertiaMatrix[:]]) rigid_mass2.totalMass = totalMass rigid_node2.createObject('UncoupledConstraintCorrection', compliance=1e-8) points2 = rigid_node2.createChild('points') loader2 = points2.createObject('MeshObjLoader', name='loader', filename='mesh/cube.obj', scale=uniformScale, translation=[0, 0, 0]) points2.createObject('Mesh', src=loader2, name="MeshPoints") points2.createObject('MechanicalObject', name='dofs', template='Vec3d', showObject=True, showObjectScale=1, src=loader2) points2.createObject('RigidMapping', name="mapping", input=rigid_node2, output=points2) points2.createObject('UncoupledConstraintCorrection', compliance=0.002) visual2 = VisualModel(rigid_node2, 'mesh/cube.obj', scale=[uniformScale]*3, color=[0.75, 0.75, 0.25, 1.]) visual2.writeZTransparent = True visual2.createObject('RigidMapping', name="mapping") # constraint rootNode.createObject('BilateralInteractionConstraint', template='Vec3d', name="BilateralInteractionConstraint", object1=rigid_node1.points, object2=rigid_node2.points, first_point=[0, 3, 4, 7], second_point=[1, 2, 5, 6], ) net_mass = rigid_node1.getObject("mass").totalMass + rigid_node2.getObject("mass").totalMass rigid_node2.createObject("ConstantForceField", indices=[0], force=[0, 0, 981.*net_mass, 0, 0, 0], arrowSizeCoef=.01/net_mass) return rootNode
3 March 2020 at 16:07 #15267Hugo
KeymasterHi @joshuaf
Sorry for my latency, I am in the middle of different administrative things!
I really must thank you for investigating further with a full-rigid approach. It definitely helps: since it shows that the problem comes from the computation of the implicit part of the internal forces (mechanical model) with these constraints.
It is therefore a very good clue.
Let me further dig into this and I get back to you asap.Best
4 April 2020 at 01:12 #15643Hugo
KeymasterDear @joshuaf
Sorry for the delay of this reply. Your question got me stuck for some time and I needed to get to some constraint resolution experts. They actually did not get why at a first glance the forces were not balancing the gravity acceleration.
I think I just found the point.
In the UncoupledConstraintCorrection, it exist (in a galaxy far far away) a data named “useOdeSolverIntegrationFactors“. This data allows to use as factor to apply the corrective motion (coming from the lamda multipliers, solution of the constraint problem) either:
* (default) the correctionVelocityFactor and correctionPositionFactor (two other data in the UncoupledConstraintCorrection) –>
* the integration factors of the ODE solver (EulerImplicitSolver in your case) –>useOdeSolverIntegrationFactors=1
On the other hand, the LinearSolverConstraintCorrection offers only one solution for applying the corrective motion: it is using the integration factors of the ODE solver. Therefore, if you do not specify the data
in your UncoupledConstraintCorrection, the constraints won’t be applied in the same way on the rigid () and the deformable object.Your fix: just setting the data to true in the UncoupledConstraintCorrection.
Damned! all this just for a flag. I will investigate more what is the interest of using correctionVelocityFactor and correctionPositionFactor, provided by the user.
13 April 2020 at 02:46 #15690Joshua
BlockedLooks like that worked! Thanks so much, Hugo!
13 April 2020 at 13:36 #15694jnbrunet
ModeratorHey @hugo,
Nice find!
Do you think we could add some documentation (maybe here) on these integration factors? In fact, all of those methods that need to be overridden by ODE solvers:
double OdeSolver::getPositionIntegrationFactor (int /*inputDerivative*/, int /*outputDerivative*/); double OdeSolver::getSolutionIntegrationFactor (int /*outputDerivative*/); double OdeSolver::getVelocityIntegrationFactor(); double OdeSolver::getPositionIntegrationFactor();
are very difficult to grasp…and the doxygen isn’t super clear.
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