Home › Forum › SOFA › Using SOFA › [SOLVED] “Could not read value for data field position” and segfault
- This topic has 2 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 4 years, 9 months ago by
11 May 2020 at 13:19 #16157
I have encountered an issue that might be a bug but I prefer to ask before opening an issue.
I have a scene in with bodies discredited with beam elements enter into contact.When I increase the number of nodes used to discretise each body, I have a series of warnings that look like:
[WARNING] [MechanicalObject(DOFs)] Could not read value for data field position: 0. 0. 0. ..., 0. 0. 0.
After this, I also get:[WARNING] [FixedConstraint(FixedConstraint)] Index 0 not valid, should be [0,0]. Constraint will be removed. ########## SIG 11 - SIGSEGV: segfault ########## Segmentation fault: 11
The code I am running is the following (sorry for the length):
import sys import os import Sofa import numpy as np from pyquaternion import Quaternion import pickle def save_obj(obj, name ): with open(name + '.pkl', 'wb') as f: pickle.dump(obj, f, pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL) def load_obj(name ): with open(name + '.pkl', 'rb') as f: return pickle.load(f) def getOrientationQuaternion(a, b): assert np.allclose(np.linalg.norm(b), 1.) v = np.cross(a,b) s = np.linalg.norm(v) if not np.allclose(s, 0): c = np.dot(a,b) vskew = np.array([[0, -v[2], v[1]], [v[2], 0 , -v[0]], [-v[1], v[0], 0] ]) # rotation matrix rotating a into b R = np.eye(3) + vskew + np.dot(vskew, vskew) * ((1-c)/(s**2)) else: R = np.eye(3) assert np.allclose(R.dot(a), b) # components are not in the right order qi = Quaternion(matrix=R).elements return np.array([qi[1], qi[2], qi[3], qi[0]]) def getCoordPointsAlongHellix(r, h, npt, tmax, c = 1): x = np.zeros((npt,3), dtype = float) # field of tangent vectors xp = np.zeros((npt,3), dtype = float) t = np.linspace(0,tmax, npt) x[:,0] = r * np.cos(t) x[:,1] = r * np.sin(t) x[:,2] = c * h * t xp[:,0] = -r * np.sin(t) xp[:,1] = r * np.cos(t) xp[:,2] = c * h # https://math.stackexchange.com/a/476311/392320 q = np.zeros((npt,4), dtype = float) a = np.array([1,0,0]) # from this link, it looks like we need to provide the unit tangent vectors to the curve for i in range(npt): #tangent to the curve at the node b = xp[i]/np.linalg.norm(xp[i]) q[i] = getOrientationQuaternion(a, b) return x, q class BeamFEMForceField (Sofa.PythonScriptController): def __init__(self, node, commandLineArguments) : self.commandLineArguments = commandLineArguments print "Command line arguments for python : "+str(commandLineArguments) self.createGraph(node) return None; def createGraph(self,rootNode): UL = 1E-3 # pitch length p = 115 * UL # heigth of the strand h = 2 * p # radius of the core wire # found in the paper of Jiang 1999 # careful because the diameter is given, not the radius rCore = 0.5 * 3.93 * UL rHelli = 0.5 * 3.73 * UL radiusSphereCollisionModelCore = str(0.95 * rCore ) radiusSphereCollisionModelHeli = str(0.95 * rHelli) # Young's modulus E=188e9 # Poisson's ratio nu = 0.3 # number of nodes nn = int(self.commandLineArguments[1]) assert nn > 1 nbeam = nn - 1 # target strand strain epsilon = 0.01 # take gravity into account gravity = 0 BC = ['AxialForceAtTip', 'MoveNodeAtTip'][1] indexNodeBC = str(nn-1) DirectoryResults='./Tensile/' self.DirectoryResults = DirectoryResults if not os.path.exists(DirectoryResults): os.mkdir(DirectoryResults) self.rootNode = rootNode # rootNode rootNode.createObject('RequiredPlugin', name='SofaOpenglVisual') rootNode.createObject('RequiredPlugin', name='SofaPython') showCollisionModels = 1 if showCollisionModels: rootNode.createObject('VisualStyle', displayFlags='showBehaviorModels showForceFields showCollisionModels') else: rootNode.createObject('VisualStyle', displayFlags='showBehaviorModels showForceFields') rootNode.createObject('DefaultPipeline', draw='0', depth='6', verbose='0') rootNode.createObject('BruteForceDetection', name='N2') rootNode.createObject('MinProximityIntersection', contactDistance= 0.005 * rCore , alarmDistance= 0.01 * rCore, name='Proximity') rootNode.createObject('DefaultContactManager', name='Response', response='default') if gravity: rootNode.gravity = [0,0,-9.81] else: rootNode.gravity = [0,0,0] rootNode.dt = 0.001 rootNode.createObject('EulerImplicitSolver', rayleighStiffness='0', printLog='false', rayleighMass='0.1') rootNode.createObject('CGLinearSolver', threshold='1.0e-9', tolerance='1.0e-9', name='linear solver', iterations='25') # topology lines = np.zeros((nbeam, 2), dtype=int) lines[:,0] = np.arange(0, nn -1) lines[:,1] = np.arange(1, nn) lines = str(lines.flatten()).replace('[', '').replace(']','') # rootNode/CentralBeam --> straight beam x, q = getCoordPointsAlongHellix(0, h, nn, tmax = 2 * np.pi, c = p) number_dofs_per_node = 7 Coord = np.zeros((nn, number_dofs_per_node),dtype=float) Coord[:, :3] = x Coord[:, 3:] = q lengthStrand = Coord[-1, 2] d = {"lengthStrand": lengthStrand} save_obj(d, DirectoryResults + 'infoSimu' ) if BC == 'AxialForceAtTip': #index of the last node forceApplied = [0, 0, 10000, 0, 0, 0] elif BC == 'MoveNodeAtTip': index = str(nn-1) # easy to retrieve the displacement disp = epsilon * lengthStrand keyTimes = np.zeros(3) keyTimes[0] = 0 keyTimes[1] = 10 keyTimes[2] = 20 movements = np.zeros((keyTimes.shape[0], 6), dtype=float) movements[1] = [0, 0, disp, 0, 0, 0] movements[2] = [0, 0, disp, 0, 0, 0] keyTimes = keyTimes.ravel().tolist() movements = movements.ravel().tolist() strCoord = str(Coord.flatten()).replace('\n', '').replace('[', '').replace(']','') CentralBeam = rootNode.createChild('CentralBeam') self.CentralBeam = CentralBeam CentralBeam.createObject('MeshTopology', lines=lines, name='lines') CentralBeam.createObject('MechanicalObject', position=strCoord, name='DOFs', template='Rigid3d', showObject=0) CentralBeam.createObject('FixedConstraint', indices='0', name='FixedConstraint') CentralBeam.createObject('UniformMass', vertexMass='1 1 0.01 0 0 0 0.1 0 0 0 0.1', printLog='false', showAxisSizeFactor=0) CentralBeam.createObject('BeamFEMForceField', radius=str(rCore), name='FEM', poissonRatio=nu, youngModulus=E) Collision = CentralBeam.createChild('Collision') self.Collision = Collision CentralBeam.createObject('SphereModel', radius=radiusSphereCollisionModelCore, name='SphereCollision') if BC == 'AxialForceAtTip': CentralBeam.createObject('ConstantForceField', indices=indexNodeBC, showArrowSize='0.0005', printLog='1', forces=forceApplied) elif BC == 'MoveNodeAtTip': CentralBeam.createObject('LinearMovementConstraint', keyTimes=keyTimes, template='Rigid3d', movements=movements, indices=indexNodeBC) # rootNode/beamJ --> helicoidal beam rotAngle = 360/6 x, q = getCoordPointsAlongHellix( (rCore+rHelli), h, nn, tmax = 2 * np.pi, c = p) Coord[:,:3] = x Coord[:, 3:] = q strCoord = str(Coord.flatten()).replace('\n', '').replace('[', '').replace(']','') for i in range(6): strbeam = 'HellicalBeam' + str(i) HeliBeami = rootNode.createChild(strbeam) setattr(self, strbeam, HeliBeami) # HeliBeami.createObject('EulerImplicitSolver', rayleighStiffness='0', printLog='false', rayleighMass='0.1') # HeliBeami.createObject('BTDLinearSolver', printLog='false', template='BTDMatrix6d', verbose='false') rot = "0 0 " + str(i * rotAngle) HeliBeami.createObject('MechanicalObject', position=strCoord, name='DOFs', template='Rigid3d', rotation=rot) HeliBeami.createObject('MeshTopology', lines=lines, name='lines') HeliBeami.createObject('FixedConstraint', indices='0', name='FixedConstraint') HeliBeami.createObject('UniformMass', vertexMass='1 1 0.01 0 0 0 0.1 0 0 0 0.1', printLog='false', showAxisSizeFactor=0) HeliBeami.createObject('BeamFEMForceField', radius=str(rHelli), name='FEM', poissonRatio=nu, youngModulus=E) HeliBeami.createObject('SphereModel', radius=radiusSphereCollisionModelHeli, name='SphereCollision') index = str(nn-1) if BC == 'AxialForceAtTip': HeliBeami.createObject('ConstantForceField', indices=indexNodeBC, showArrowSize='0.0005', printLog='1', forces=forceApplied) elif BC == 'MoveNodeAtTip': HeliBeami.createObject('LinearMovementConstraint', keyTimes=keyTimes, template='Rigid3d', movements=movements, indices=indexNodeBC) HeliBeami.createObject('Monitor', name="ReactionForce" + strbeam, indices=0, template="Rigid3d", showPositions=0, PositionsColor="1 0 1 1", ExportPositions=False, showVelocities=False, VelocitiesColor="0.5 0.5 1 1", ExportVelocities=False, showForces=0, ForcesColor="0.8 0.2 0.2 1", ExportForces=True, showTrajectories=0, TrajectoriesPrecision="0.1", TrajectoriesColor="0 1 1 1", sizeFactor="1", fileName=DirectoryResults + strbeam + 'ReactionForce') CentralBeam.createObject('Monitor', name="ReactionForceCentralBeam", indices='0', template="Rigid3d", showPositions=0, PositionsColor="1 0 1 1", ExportPositions=False, showVelocities=False, VelocitiesColor="0.5 0.5 1 1", ExportVelocities=False, showForces=0, ForcesColor="0.8 0.2 0.2 1", ExportForces=True, showTrajectories=0, TrajectoriesPrecision="0.1", TrajectoriesColor="0 1 1 1", sizeFactor="1", fileName=DirectoryResults + 'CentralBeamReactionForce') CentralBeam.createObject('Monitor', name="DisplacementEndNode", indices=indexNodeBC, template="Rigid3d", showPositions=0, PositionsColor="1 0 1 1", ExportPositions=1 , showVelocities=False, VelocitiesColor="0.5 0.5 1 1", ExportVelocities=False, showForces=0, ForcesColor="0.8 0.2 0.2 1", ExportForces=0, showTrajectories=0, TrajectoriesPrecision="0.1", TrajectoriesColor="0 1 1 1", sizeFactor="1", fileName=DirectoryResults + 'CentralBeamDisplacementEnd') return 0; def onMouseButtonLeft(self, mouseX,mouseY,isPressed): ## usage e.g. #if isPressed : # print "Control+Left mouse button pressed at position "+str(mouseX)+", "+str(mouseY) return 0; def onKeyReleased(self, c): ## usage e.g. #if c=="A" : # print "You released a" return 0; def initGraph(self, node): ## Please feel free to add an example for a simple usage in /Users/marco.magliulo/mySofaCodes/myScriptsToGetStarted//Users/marco.magliulo/Software/sofa/src/applications/plugins/SofaPython/scn2python.py return 0; def onKeyPressed(self, c): ## usage e.g. #if c=="A" : # print "You pressed control+a" return 0; def onMouseWheel(self, mouseX,mouseY,wheelDelta): ## usage e.g. #if isPressed : # print "Control button pressed+mouse wheel turned at position "+str(mouseX)+", "+str(mouseY)+", wheel delta"+str(wheelDelta) return 0; def storeResetState(self): ## Please feel free to add an example for a simple usage in /Users/marco.magliulo/mySofaCodes/myScriptsToGetStarted//Users/marco.magliulo/Software/sofa/src/applications/plugins/SofaPython/scn2python.py return 0; def cleanup(self): ## Please feel free to add an example for a simple usage in /Users/marco.magliulo/mySofaCodes/myScriptsToGetStarted//Users/marco.magliulo/Software/sofa/src/applications/plugins/SofaPython/scn2python.py return 0; def onGUIEvent(self, strControlID,valueName,strValue): ## Please feel free to add an example for a simple usage in /Users/marco.magliulo/mySofaCodes/myScriptsToGetStarted//Users/marco.magliulo/Software/sofa/src/applications/plugins/SofaPython/scn2python.py return 0; def onEndAnimationStep(self, deltaTime): ## Please feel free to add an example for a simple usage in /Users/marco.magliulo/mySofaCodes/myScriptsToGetStarted//Users/marco.magliulo/Software/sofa/src/applications/plugins/SofaPython/scn2python.py t = self.rootNode.time # print "t=" # print str(t) # print "\n" if t > 5: print "End of the loading reached. Post process starts" self.rootNode.animate = False print '\n \n ' import os import matplotlib.pylab as plt plt.close('all') fileDir = self.DirectoryResults fileExt = r".txt" L = [_ for _ in os.listdir(fileDir) if _.endswith(fileExt)] arr = np.zeros(np.loadtxt(fileDir+L[0]).shape) for i, file in enumerate(L): if 'ReactionForce' in file: arr += np.loadtxt(fileDir+file) else: posDirichlet = np.loadtxt(fileDir+file) t = np.loadtxt(fileDir+L[0])[:,0] RFz = arr[:,3] uDirichlet = posDirichlet - posDirichlet[0] d = load_obj(fileDir+'infoSimu') # length of the strand h = d['lengthStrand'] # compute the strand axial strain epsilon = uDirichlet[:,3] / h filter = t <= 10 plt.figure() plt.plot(t[filter], epsilon[filter]) ax = plt.gca() ax.set_xlabel('time') ax.set_ylabel(r'$\epsilon$ strand $\frac{l}{L}$') plt.savefig(fileDir+ 'timeVSepsilon') plt.figure() plt.plot(epsilon[filter], RFz[filter], label='Sofa model with BFE') # currve from Costello theory. Seen in the paper of Jiang, 1999 # I just took 2 points on the curve of Fig. 5 slopeCostello = (150E3)/0.011 plt.plot(epsilon[filter], slopeCostello * epsilon[filter], label='Costello', linestyle='--') ax = plt.gca() ax.set_xlabel(r'$\epsilon$ strand $\frac{l}{L}$') ax.set_ylabel(r'$F_{z}$') ax.legend() plt.savefig(fileDir+ 'epsilonVSAxialLoad') quit() return 0; def onLoaded(self, node): ## Please feel free to add an example for a simple usage in /Users/marco.magliulo/mySofaCodes/myScriptsToGetStarted//Users/marco.magliulo/Software/sofa/src/applications/plugins/SofaPython/scn2python.py return 0; def reset(self): ## Please feel free to add an example for a simple usage in /Users/marco.magliulo/mySofaCodes/myScriptsToGetStarted//Users/marco.magliulo/Software/sofa/src/applications/plugins/SofaPython/scn2python.py return 0; def onMouseButtonMiddle(self, mouseX,mouseY,isPressed): ## usage e.g. #if isPressed : # print "Control+Middle mouse button pressed at position "+str(mouseX)+", "+str(mouseY) return 0; def bwdInitGraph(self, node): ## Please feel free to add an example for a simple usage in /Users/marco.magliulo/mySofaCodes/myScriptsToGetStarted//Users/marco.magliulo/Software/sofa/src/applications/plugins/SofaPython/scn2python.py return 0; def onScriptEvent(self, senderNode, eventName,data): ## Please feel free to add an example for a simple usage in /Users/marco.magliulo/mySofaCodes/myScriptsToGetStarted//Users/marco.magliulo/Software/sofa/src/applications/plugins/SofaPython/scn2python.py return 0; def onMouseButtonRight(self, mouseX,mouseY,isPressed): ## usage e.g. #if isPressed : # print "Control+Right mouse button pressed at position "+str(mouseX)+", "+str(mouseY) return 0; def onBeginAnimationStep(self, deltaTime): ## Please feel free to add an example for a simple usage in /Users/marco.magliulo/mySofaCodes/myScriptsToGetStarted//Users/marco.magliulo/Software/sofa/src/applications/plugins/SofaPython/scn2python.py # nodeBlocked = self.rootNode.getChild('CentralBeam').getObject('FixedConstraint').findData('indices').value # print 'node blocked is ' + str(nodeBlocked) # import pdb; pdb.set_trace() return 0; def createScene(rootNode): rootNode.findData('dt').value = '0.01' rootNode.findData('gravity').value = '0 0 -9.81' try : sys.argv[0] except : commandLineArguments = [] else : commandLineArguments = sys.argv myBeamFEMForceField = BeamFEMForceField(rootNode,commandLineArguments) return 0;
I launch the simulation as follows:
runSofa TensileTestOnSixPlusOneStrand.py --argv 150 -g batch --start -n 10000
is the number of nodes used per body.No problem when we have
nodes, but for150
nodes and above, the warning messages and segfault error mentioned above occur.Anyone has experienced something similar?
14 May 2020 at 23:17 #16239Hugo
First, the MechanicalObject error comes from the np matrix format with …
You need to remove the ‘…’, thus your command becomes:
str(Coord.flatten()).replace('\n', '').replace('[', '').replace(']','').replace('...','')
Second, the error of the FixedConstraint comes from a problem of index, as you can see in FixedConstraint.inl line 179. Which means, you have a size problem somewhere there.
This should help, let me know if you stay stuck.
20 May 2020 at 09:53 #16327MarcoMag
BlockedHi Hugo,
Thanks for your help.
I removed the stringsstr(Coord.flatten()).replace('\n', '').replace('[', '').replace(']','')
andstr(lines.flatten()).replace('[', '').replace(']','')
with lists, i.e.Coord.flatten().tolist()
and it solved the problems, even the one related to the index.Best,
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