Home › Forum › SOFA › Using SOFA › [SOLVED] How to look at the example of the source code(c++) ?
Tagged: 32_bits, SOFA_other, Windows_7
- This topic has 5 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 7 years, 11 months ago by
28 March 2017 at 10:16 #8838
I have a question .I want to learn the source code of SOFA . There are some examples in the tutorials. But I don not konw where is source code(C++) ?28 March 2017 at 18:45 #8841Hugo
KeymasterHi Sen,
Indeed there is example of C++ scenes in applications/tutorials.
The source code of SOFA is hosted on GitHub : https://github.com/sofa-framework/sofa
You can clone it with git and browse it.What do you mean learn the source code?
6 April 2017 at 15:46 #8862Sen
BlockedHi Hugo,
I want to create simulation by using c++. And I find that .scn file is to simulate.I wan to know that xml or scn can be converted to c++ ? Or How the xml or scn file is called c++ C++ programs or functions? And In the future, I can develop their own algorithm by using c++.6 April 2017 at 16:14 #8863Hugo
KeymasterHi Sen,
In SOFA, the XML file is read and parsed by runSofa (see in applications/projects/runSofa/Main.cpp line 392), which then instantiates the C++ component.
To write you own scene in C++, please refer to:
- this post
- and the associated documentation
8 April 2017 at 15:50 #8895Sen
/****************************************************************************** * SOFA, Simulation Open-Framework Architecture, version 1.0 RC 1 * * (c) 2006-2011 INRIA, USTL, UJF, CNRS, MGH * * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free * * Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) * * any later version. * * * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for * * more details. * * * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 * * Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * ******************************************************************************* * SOFA :: Applications * * * * Authors: The SOFA Team and external contributors (see Authors.txt) * * * * Contact information: contact@sofa-framework.org * ******************************************************************************/ #include <iostream> #include <sstream> #include <fstream> #include <sofa/helper/ArgumentParser.h> #include <sofa/simulation/common/common.h> #include <sofa/simulation/common/Node.h> #include <sofa/helper/system/PluginManager.h> #ifdef SOFA_HAVE_DAG #include <sofa/simulation/graph/init.h> #include <sofa/simulation/graph/DAGSimulation.h> #endif #ifdef SOFA_SMP #include <sofa/simulation/tree/SMPSimulation.h> #endif #include <sofa/simulation/tree/init.h> #include <sofa/simulation/tree/TreeSimulation.h> #include <SofaComponentMain/init.h> #include <SofaLoader/ReadState.h> #include <SofaValidation/CompareState.h> #include <sofa/helper/Factory.h> #include <sofa/helper/BackTrace.h> #include <sofa/helper/system/FileRepository.h> #include <sofa/helper/system/SetDirectory.h> #include <sofa/helper/Utils.h> #include <sofa/gui/GUIManager.h> #include <sofa/gui/Main.h> #include <sofa/gui/BatchGUI.h> // For the default number of iterations #include <sofa/helper/Logger.h> #include <sofa/helper/system/gl.h> #include <sofa/helper/system/glut.h> #include <sofa/helper/system/atomic.h> #ifdef SOFA_SMP #include <athapascan-1> #endif /* SOFA_SMP */ #ifdef WIN32 #include <windows.h> #endif using std::cerr; using std::endl; using sofa::helper::Utils; using sofa::helper::Console; void loadVerificationData(std::string& directory, std::string& filename, sofa::simulation::Node* node) { std::cout << "loadVerificationData from " << directory << " and file " << filename << std::endl; std::string refFile; refFile += directory; refFile += '/'; refFile += sofa::helper::system::SetDirectory::GetFileName(filename.c_str()); std::cout << "loadVerificationData " << refFile << std::endl; sofa::component::misc::CompareStateCreator compareVisitor(sofa::core::ExecParams::defaultInstance()); compareVisitor.setCreateInMapping(true); compareVisitor.setSceneName(refFile); compareVisitor.execute(node); sofa::component::misc::ReadStateActivator v_read(sofa::core::ExecParams::defaultInstance(), true); v_read.execute(node); } // --------------------------------------------------------------------- // --- // --------------------------------------------------------------------- int main(int argc, char** argv) { sofa::simulation::tree::init(); #ifdef SOFA_HAVE_DAG sofa::simulation::graph::init(); #endif sofa::component::init(); //std::cout << "Using " << sofa::helper::system::atomic<int>::getImplName()<<" atomics." << std::endl; sofa::helper::BackTrace::autodump(); sofa::core::ExecParams::defaultInstance()->setAspectID(0); #ifdef WIN32 { HANDLE hStdout = GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE); COORD s; s.X = 160; s.Y = 10000; SetConsoleScreenBufferSize(hStdout, s); CONSOLE_SCREEN_BUFFER_INFO csbi; if (GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo(hStdout, &csbi)) { SMALL_RECT winfo; winfo = csbi.srWindow; //winfo.Top = 0; winfo.Left = 0; //winfo.Bottom = csbi.dwSize.Y-1; winfo.Right = csbi.dwMaximumWindowSize.X-1; SetConsoleWindowInfo(hStdout, TRUE, &winfo); } } #endif sofa::gui::initMain(); std::string fileName ; bool startAnim = false; bool printFactory = false; bool loadRecent = false; bool temporaryFile = false; bool testMode = false; int nbIterations = sofa::gui::BatchGUI::DEFAULT_NUMBER_OF_ITERATIONS; unsigned int nbMSSASamples = 1; unsigned computationTimeSampling=0; ///< Frequency of display of the computation time statistics, in number of animation steps. 0 means never. std::string gui = ""; std::string verif = ""; #ifdef SOFA_SMP std::string simulationType = "smp"; #else std::string simulationType = "tree"; #endif std::vector<std::string> plugins; std::vector<std::string> files; #ifdef SOFA_SMP std::string nProcs=""; bool disableStealing = false; bool affinity = false; #endif std::string colorsStatus = "auto"; std::string gui_help = "choose the UI ("; gui_help += sofa::gui::GUIManager::ListSupportedGUI('|'); gui_help += ")"; sofa::helper::parse(&files, "This is a SOFA application. Here are the command line arguments") // alphabetical order on short name .option(&startAnim,'a',"start","start the animation loop") .option(&computationTimeSampling,'c',"computationTimeSampling","Frequency of display of the computation time statistics, in number of animation steps. 0 means never.") .option(&gui,'g',"gui",gui_help.c_str()) .option(&plugins,'l',"load","load given plugins") .option(&nbMSSASamples, 'm', "msaa", "number of samples for MSAA (Multi Sampling Anti Aliasing ; value < 2 means disabled") .option(&nbIterations,'n',"nb_iterations","(only batch) Number of iterations of the simulation") .option(&printFactory,'p',"factory","print factory logs") .option(&loadRecent,'r',"recent","load most recently opened file") .option(&simulationType,'s',"simu","select the type of simulation (bgl, dag, tree, smp)") .option(&temporaryFile,'t',"temporary","the loaded scene won't appear in history of opened files") .option(&testMode,'x',"test","select test mode with xml output after N iteration") .option(&verif,'v',"verification","load verification data for the scene") .option(&colorsStatus,'z',"colors","use colors on stdout and stderr (yes, no, auto)") #ifdef SOFA_SMP .option(&disableStealing,'w',"disableStealing","Disable Work Stealing") .option(&nProcs,'c',"nprocs","Number of processor") .option(&affinity,'f',"affinity","Enable aFfinity base Work Stealing") #endif (argc,argv); #ifdef SOFA_SMP int ac = 0; char **av = NULL; Util::KaapiComponentManager::prop["util.globalid"]="0"; Util::KaapiComponentManager::prop["sched.strategy"]="I"; if(!disableStealing) Util::KaapiComponentManager::prop["sched.stealing"]="true"; if(nProcs!="") Util::KaapiComponentManager::prop["community.thread.poolsize"]=nProcs; if(affinity) { Util::KaapiComponentManager::prop["sched.stealing"]="true"; Util::KaapiComponentManager::prop["sched.affinity"]="true"; } a1::Community com = a1::System::join_community( ac, av); #endif /* SOFA_SMP */ #ifndef SOFA_NO_OPENGL if(gui!="batch") glutInit(&argc,argv); #endif #ifdef SOFA_SMP if (simulationType == "smp") sofa::simulation::setSimulation(new sofa::simulation::tree::SMPSimulation()); else #endif #ifdef SOFA_HAVE_DAG if (simulationType == "tree") sofa::simulation::setSimulation(new sofa::simulation::tree::TreeSimulation()); else sofa::simulation::setSimulation(new sofa::simulation::graph::DAGSimulation()); #else //SOFA_HAVE_DAG sofa::simulation::setSimulation(new sofa::simulation::tree::TreeSimulation()); #endif if (colorsStatus == "auto") Console::setColorsStatus(Console::ColorsAuto); else if (colorsStatus == "yes") Console::setColorsStatus(Console::ColorsEnabled); else if (colorsStatus == "no") Console::setColorsStatus(Console::ColorsDisabled); else { Console::setColorsStatus(Console::ColorsAuto); sofa::helper::Logger::getMainLogger().log( sofa::helper::Logger::Warning, std::string( "Invalid argument '") + colorsStatus + std::string(" 'for '--colors '" ) ); } // Add the plugin directory to PluginRepository #ifdef WIN32 const std::string pluginDir = Utils::getExecutableDirectory(); #else const std::string pluginDir = Utils::getSofaPathPrefix() + "/lib"; #endif sofa::helper::system::PluginRepository.addFirstPath(pluginDir); // Initialise paths sofa::gui::BaseGUI::setConfigDirectoryPath(Utils::getSofaPathPrefix() + "/config"); sofa::gui::BaseGUI::setScreenshotDirectoryPath(Utils::getSofaPathPrefix() + "/screenshots"); if (!files.empty()) fileName = files[0]; for (unsigned int i=0; i<plugins.size(); i++) sofa::helper::system::PluginManager::getInstance().loadPlugin(plugins[i]); sofa::helper::system::PluginManager::getInstance().init(); if(gui.compare("batch") == 0 && nbIterations >= 0) { std::ostringstream oss ; oss << "nbIterations="; oss << nbIterations; sofa::gui::GUIManager::AddGUIOption(oss.str().c_str()); } if(nbMSSASamples > 1) { std::ostringstream oss ; oss << "msaa="; oss << nbMSSASamples; sofa::gui::GUIManager::AddGUIOption(oss.str().c_str()); } if (int err = sofa::gui::GUIManager::Init(argv[0],gui.c_str())) return err; if (fileName.empty()) { if (loadRecent) // try to reload the latest scene { std::string scenes = sofa::gui::BaseGUI::getConfigDirectoryPath() + "/runSofa.ini"; std::ifstream mrulist(scenes.c_str()); std::getline(mrulist,fileName); mrulist.close(); } else fileName = "Demos/caduceus.scn"; fileName = sofa::helper::system::DataRepository.getFile(fileName); } if (int err=sofa::gui::GUIManager::createGUI(NULL)) return err; //To set a specific resolution for the viewer, use the component ViewerSetting in you scene graph sofa::gui::GUIManager::SetDimension(800,600); sofa::simulation::Node::SPtr groot = sofa::core::objectmodel::SPtr_dynamic_cast<sofa::simulation::Node>( sofa::simulation::getSimulation()->load(fileName.c_str())); if (groot==NULL) { groot = sofa::simulation::getSimulation()->createNewGraph(""); } if (!verif.empty()) { loadVerificationData(verif, fileName, groot.get()); } sofa::simulation::getSimulation()->init(groot.get()); sofa::gui::GUIManager::SetScene(groot,fileName.c_str(), temporaryFile); //======================================= //Apply Options if (startAnim) groot->setAnimate(true); if (printFactory) { std::cout << "////////// FACTORY //////////" << std::endl; sofa::helper::printFactoryLog(); std::cout << "//////// END FACTORY ////////" << std::endl; } if( computationTimeSampling>0 ) { sofa::helper::AdvancedTimer::setEnabled("Animate", true); sofa::helper::AdvancedTimer::setInterval("Animate", computationTimeSampling); } //======================================= // Run the main loop if (int err = sofa::gui::GUIManager::MainLoop(groot,fileName.c_str())) return err; groot = dynamic_cast<sofa::simulation::Node*>( sofa::gui::GUIManager::CurrentSimulation() ); if (testMode) { std::string xmlname = fileName.substr(0,fileName.length()-4)+"-scene.scn"; std::cout << "Exporting to XML " << xmlname << std::endl; sofa::simulation::getSimulation()->exportXML(groot.get(), xmlname.c_str()); } if (groot!=NULL) sofa::simulation::getSimulation()->unload(groot); sofa::gui::GUIManager::closeGUI(); sofa::simulation::tree::cleanup(); #ifdef SOFA_HAVE_DAG sofa::simulation::graph::cleanup(); #endif return 0; }
my mian.cpp has 350 line . I do not konw where is the 392 line.
9 April 2017 at 21:53 #8896Hugo
KeymasterHi Sen,
You are using SOFA RC1 version, which is obsolete for several years and not supported anymore. Please download the latest v16.12 release.
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