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Home › Forum › SOFA › Getting Started › [SOLVED] installing SOFA on mac OSX
Hi, I need to install SOFA on my mac for my thesis … I’m sorry but I’m not an expert in the use of the terminal to install a program…I downloaded Linux binaries of SOFA and QT5 … what should I do Now?
Unfortunately, there are no precompiled binaries of Sofa for now. (we are currently working on it).
Linux libraries won’t run on OS X.
(if you know virtualization, you can try to install Linux in a Virtual Machine; for example with VirtualBox)
Ok, so the only way to install SOFA on Mac OS X is starting from the source code … I have followed the instructions on the site and launching bin / runSofa_d I get the following message:
WARNING(SofaGUI): Previously used GUI not registered. Using default GUI.
Loading OBJ topology : snake_body.obj
[WARNING] [MechanicalObject “CollisModel”] Writing to State vector position(V_COORD) with incorrect size : 497 != 1
PNG image /Users/clarit/sofa/share/textures/snakeColorMap.png: 2048x2048x24
[WARNING] [MechanicalObject “CollisModel”] Writing to State vector position(V_COORD) with incorrect size : 16 != 1
[WARNING] [MechanicalObject “CollisModel”] Writing to State vector position(V_COORD) with incorrect size : 336 != 1
[WARNING] [MechanicalObject “CollisModel”] Writing to State vector position(V_COORD) with incorrect size : 17 != 1
Computing 1000 iterations.
what can I do ?
First, it seems that you built Sofa in Debug mode (hence the _d in the binary name).
It enables a lot of debugging infomation in the console so it can be disturbing.
Secondly, it appears that you just launched Sofa in batch mode, which means that it is doing the simulation without any GUI. It is weird that it did not launch the Qt default GUI so I guess that you did not install any Qt libraries. ( I read the page about installing Sofa on OS X and it is not explicitly described indeed).
So with Macport, type in a terminal:
sudo port install qt5
It will install the latest Qt5 version. Re-run Cmake and make sure that Qt is enabled in the logs. Finally, build by doing make as you did before.
Thank you so much … after installing QT5 now everything works perfectly
Nice to hear.
Enjoy SOFA and do not hesitate to re-contact us for any help.
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