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Home › Forum › Announcements / Infos › SOFA in your browser !
Dear SOFA Users,
You can now have SOFA in your browser !
We have recently developed a tool that allows the visualisation in a browser of a SOFA simulation running in a distant server.
We made two small examples with the caduceus and with another scene.
It is possible to move the camera with the mouse and to interact with the scene through pre-set actions.
Feel free to try it. And do not hesitate to contact us if you want more informations.We are also happy to receive feedback
Best regards to all
Clément Forest
Wah ! that’s a great news.
Is there any differences in term of interactions compared to the usual GUI, i.e. what did you mean by pre-set actions ?
Is there any limitations ?
I felt some latency in the interaction, have you them as well ?
Congrats again.
Hi Hugo.
We try to code camera manipulations the same way it is done in the usual GUI. We have no mouse interaction with the scene yet (but we plane to do it).
By pre-set actions, I mean that the client can only tells the server to “do action number X”, but can not access nor modify the graph directly. This would be possible using our SFE/TCP interface, but we deactivate it for security reasons. The actions we can do are: send a force to a given object, modify a data on the fly (eg. mass, young modulus, friction coefficient), displace or hide objects, reset the scene, …
The current limitations I am aware of are:
– no texture for now (but that could be done easily),
– no mouse interaction (for now),
– topology modifications and on the fly addition of objects are not correctly handled.
– no more than one client by html page.
The latency you feel is due to the network. If your server and client are in the same host or close enough, you won’t have any latency. If you use your phone, you’ll have (much) more.
Clément Forest
great! but… I wanted to try it, the 2 links give me: Error 503 Service Unavailable
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