Forum Replies Created
BlockedExcuse me, Hugo, if it is useful
I can send the details of the
previous compilation,
Best, Elekewpostek
BlockedHi Hugo,
Yes, I have just upgraded gcc.
Best, Elekewpostek
BlockedHi Hugo,
I applied gcc 8.3.0.
Even with older boost (to upgrade of course)
it works,
Cheerscmake \ -DBoost_INCLUDE_DIR:PATH=/net/software/local/boost/1.58.0-gcc6.4.0/include \ -DPYTHON_EXECUTABLE:FILEPATH=/net/software/local/python/3.6.5/bin/python3 \ -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER:FILEPATH=/net/software/local/gcc/8.3.0/bin/c++ \ -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_AR:FILEPATH=/net/software/local/gcc/8.3.0/bin/gcc-ar \ -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_RANLIB:FILEPATH=/net/software/local/gcc/8.3.0/bin/gcc-ranlib \ -DCMAKE_C_COMPILER:FILEPATH=/net/software/local/gcc/8.3.0/bin/gcc \ -DCMAKE_C_COMPILER_AR:FILEPATH=/net/software/local/gcc/8.3.0/bin/gcc-ar \ -DCMAKE_C_COMPILER_RANLIB:FILEPATH=/net/software/local/gcc/8.3.0/bin/gcc-ranlib \ -DGLEW_INCLUDE_DIR:PATH=/net/software/local/glew/2.1.0/include \ -DGLEW_LIBRARY:FILEPATH=/net/software/local/glew/2.1.0/lib64/ \ /net/people/plgewpostek/sofa0/src
BlockedHi Hugo,
Thank you for the hint. I will be looking into.
In the meantime, I prepared the geometry of the single composite object, that consists of the nucleus, cytoplasm, outer membrane, membrane that surrounds the nucleus and tendons.I made it using the gmsh. Since the nonlinear models are not available to the public yet
(you mentioned about presenting the ideas during your meeting), I would like to calculate the collisions of high number of such objects, but assuming the physically linear material. After reaching the success (hoping) I would start the implementation
of the non-linear models.I am sending you the gmsh files (*geo, *msh and two pictures).
Obviously, it is necessary to scale down the model (diameter=1).Best regards,
BlockedHi Hugo,
just ensure, of course,
I can share evth.
Best regards, Elekewpostek
BlockedHi Hugo,
Sounds great.
I have the procedures in the programs that are written by myself.
These are f77/f90 procedures.Now, I still work on the model creation of
several composite cells that are colliding.
My latest thread is “compiling_AdvancedTimer” in the subject.
In fact, these are some problems with ogl.Cheers,
I think the switches should be for example:-DGLEW_INCLUDE_DIR:PATH=/usr/include -DGLEW_LIBRARY:FILEPATH=/usr/lib64/
However, while building without OGL the glew should not be
linked (I believe)I think there is a kind of conflict.
best, Elek
BlockedHi, thank you, just one remark,
there is no problem with the stable versions,
best, Elekewpostek
it would be great to have viscous models,
viscous-elastic (standard solid) and creep (similar to metals,
time hardening, strain hardening).
Perfect, would be to have tendons (with prestressing).Best regards,
BlockedHi Maxime,
I repeated the installation of GLEW as you shown, on ubuntu.
Morover, I do compilation on a cluster where the glew is installed
108731:372 usr/lib64/
108968:0 usr/lib64/
However, I still arrive at the same error.[ 91%] Building CXX object SofaKernel/SofaFramework/framework_test/CMakeFiles/SofaFramework_test.dir/helper/gl/GLSLShader_test.cpp.o
In file included from /home/eligiusz/tmp_feb_sofa/sofa-master/SofaKernel/framework/framework_test/helper/gl/GLSLShader_test.cpp:4:0:
/home/eligiusz/tmp_feb_sofa/sofa-master/SofaKernel/framework/sofa/core/../../sofa/helper/gl/GLSLShader.h:38:2: error: #error GL Shader support requires GLEW. Please define SOFA_HAVE_GLEW to use shaders.
#error GL Shader support requires GLEW. Please define SOFA_HAVE_GLEW to use shaders.I think I should rather not get the error with the cmake switches like this:
cd build
/home/eligiusz/cmake_tmp/cmake-3.2.2-Linux-i386/bin/cmake -DSOFA_NO_OPENGL:BOOL=ON -DSOFA_BUILD_SCENECREATOR:BOOL=OFF -DSOFA_OPENMP:BOOL=OFF -DAPPLICATION_MODELER:BOOL=OFF -DCMAKE_CXX_FLAGS:STRING=’-fpermissive’ -DCMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_DEBUG:STRING=’-fpermissive’ ../sofa-masterI use gcc 4.8 and 4.9.
best regards,
Thank you, yes, it is. I am using 4.8 now.
However, one problem arises.
I build without opengl for batch mode.
However, it appears an error with GLEW,
as follows.[ 91%] Building CXX object SofaKernel/SofaFramework/framework_test/CMakeFiles/SofaFramework_test.dir/helper/gl/GLSLShader_test.cpp.o In file included from /home/eligiusz/tmp_feb_sofa/sofa-master/SofaKernel/framework/framework_test/helper/gl/GLSLShader_test.cpp:4:0: /home/eligiusz/tmp_feb_sofa/sofa-master/SofaKernel/framework/sofa/core/../../sofa/helper/gl/GLSLShader.h:38:2: error: #error GL Shader support requires GLEW. Please define SOFA_HAVE_GLEW to use shaders. #error GL Shader support requires GLEW. Please define SOFA_HAVE_GLEW to use shaders. ^ /home/eligiusz/tmp_feb_sofa/sofa-master/SofaKernel/framework/framework_test/helper/gl/GLSLShader_test.cpp: In member function ‘virtual void GLSLShader_test_GLSLShader_SetFiles_Test::TestBody()’:
I think this problem was removed with the stable versions. I use v16.08.
I works without ogl well. The same with 16.12.Would you mind to help with it ?
Bes regards, Elek
Blockedhi Hugo,
Thank you, I think we can close
the topic,
best, Elekewpostek
Blockedright, I will check the format,
BlockedHi Hugo,
yes, it has helped, the triangles cover
the surface.
Just one concern.
Is it possible to identify the triangles on the surface
in the resulting *.vtu file (vtkExporter) ?
The total number of cells is
<Piece NumberOfPoints=”3009″ NumberOfCells=”65516″>
the tetrahedrals only – 15033;cheers,
BlockedYes, it is,
cheers, Elekewpostek
BlockedHi Hugo,
Yes, I did. There still is quite much work
to build the framework of the system before
adding nonlinearities.
Best regards, Elek.ewpostek
BlockedThank you, I will do the test on comparison
of the stiffnesses (hetero and homogenous structure).So far, I have checked the reading of the file
and the applicability of the drawHeterogeneousTetra=”1″ to
the TetrahedronFEMForceField
and TetrahedralCorotationalFEMForceFieldBoth commands read the file *pos. However, the
TetrahedralCorotationalFEMForceField gives the warning:
Unused Attribute: “drawHeterogeneousTetra” with value: “1”.Could you tell me if the vector *pos should work with
other parameters as well? Namely, Poisson’s ratio,
and for the nonlinear materials parameters like for example neohokean.
This is because I intend to have nonlinear viscous-elastic
finite strains materials in the bodies.Cheers, Elek
Sorry, may be it is redundant.
Would you mind to give a hint
how to build a composite object based
on one single mesh (gmsh 1.0 format) ?
(different kind of materials)kindest regards, Elek
I think, I created
TetrahedralCorotationalFEMForceField.scn #182
I am sorry, yes, it is warning only,
cheers, Elekewpostek
BlockedHi Hugo,
Yes, it would be much better, definitely.
I simply do not see the coincidence
between ‘rphys’ variable and the
definition of the for example
<TetrahedralCorotationalFEMForceField template=”Vec3d” name=”FEM” method=”large” poissonRatio=”0.3″ youngModulus=”100″ computeGlobalMatrix=”0″ /><TetrahedralCorotationalFEMForceField template=”Vec3d” name=”FEM” method=”large” poissonRatio=”0.3″ youngModulus=”500″ computeGlobalMatrix=”0″ />
since I should set it twice for two different physical models. This is the second tet.
rphys = 1
2 4 1 1 4 654 1708 1974 2101and this is the 15032th tet with rphys = 2
15032 4 2 2 4 1319 1390 1320 3008Because both kind of elements should be
in the same Mechanical, Elek
Thank you for the hint on the (“)
BlockedHi Hugo,
Thank you very much for the template.
I obtained the displacements and forces in the test2a(_n).vtu files.
There is only one surprising comment from the program:eligiusz@eligiusz-laptop:~/tmp_stable_sofa/tmp_exa/stan_t1$ /home/eligiusz/tmp_stable_sofa/sofa/v16.08/build/bin/runSofa -g batch -n 3 x2_hg.scn
[WARNING] [VTKExporter] File test_2a NOT FOUND in :/home/eligiusz/tmp_stable_sofa/sofa/v16.08/src/examples:/home/eligiusz/tmp_stable_sofa/sofa/v16.08/src/share
File test_2a NOT FOUND in :/home/eligiusz/tmp_stable_sofa/sofa/v16.08/src/examples:/home/eligiusz/tmp_stable_sofa/sofa/v16.08/src/share
Could not read value for data field position: mecaDOFs.position
The model is NeoHookean
Computing 3 iterations.
3 iterations done in 3.32091 s ( 0.903368 FPS).
3 iterations done in 3.32091 s ( 0.903366 FPS).
eligiusz@eligiusz-laptop:~/tmp_stable_sofa/tmp_exa/stan_t1$thank you,
BlockedHi Hugo,
The problem is that when putting the
vtkExporter at the second place (correctly) I do not
obtain neither displacements (deformed structure)
nor forces.
The files from the step one or step 10 are the same.
I run the example in the interactive mode. It gives
the deformation.There are zeros the the end
<VTKFile type=”UnstructuredGrid” version=”0.1″ byte_order=”BigEndian”> <UnstructuredGrid> <Piece NumberOfPoints=”510″ NumberOfCells=”10589″> <PointData> <DataArray type=”Float64″ Name=”force” NumberOfComponents=”3″ format=”ascii”> 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
I applied different combinations of the parameters but
it gave me the same result.I see that the vtkExporter should not
be put on the place “one” because the mechanical
object is defined above the node <Node name=”FastTetrahedronCorotationalForceField”>
(I believe ?).However, “experimentally”, while putting the vtkExporter at the position “one”
I have got a deformation. However, it’s true I do
not know if this is right (correct).
Morover, there is the error:[WARNING] [VTKExporter] VTKExporter : error while fetching data field 'force' of object 'dofs', check object name
best, Elek
BlockedHi Hugo,
Thank you, works!
regards, Elekewpostek
Blockedhi, sorry, I have found it,
just a confusion,
best regards, Elek -