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I guess you are speaking about debug mode ?
Anyway, did you check that your plugin is well loaded ? Otherwise, the fact that it cannot create your MyBehaviorModel object depends of your code but here are some hints :
– you did not load your plugin (either with the GUI or with thein the scene;
– there is a mistake with templates (if applicable)
– mistake on the spelling of your component in the scene file
– canCreate() static function in the MyBehaviorModel code is returning falseAnd about your COM error, I don’t really have any clue but the “ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND” may indicate that there is just a problem of path somewhere.
Indeed you cannot put constraints on objects with different types directly.
But you can achieve that anyway by using the RigidMapping on a intermediate object templated on Vec3d. And then you can attach the two vec3d model using AttachConstraint for example ; or setting a stiff spring between.
In summary: [Plate: Rigid] <- RigidMapping -> [Intermediate Vec3d] <- AttachConstraint -> [SpringObject: Vec3d]Froy
Unfortunately, TetrahedronDiscreteIntersection (or more generally collision with volumetric primitives such has TetrahedronModel) is not really supported.
I just looked at the code of the TopologicalChangeManager class and it seems the code handling TetrahedronModel has been disabled.
That’s why I would advise you to use just surface element such as TriangleModel and try to use the Tetra2TriangleTopologicalMapping. This element will automatically update the (triangular) collision model from the (tetrahedral) mechanical model.Froy
When you add a new tetrahedron, do you add the new points in the related mechanical object ?
Furthermore, how do you find/manage/create triangles on which you want to apply the collision model ? Because TriangleModel is just searching triangles from the attached topology (i.e in the same node) so if you have only tetrahedra in your topology, TriangleModel won’t find any triangles to perform the collision detection.
You should take a look at the Tetra2TriangleTopologicalMapping, which is filling a triangular topology from the surface of the volumetric mesh.Froy
KeymasterFor the mouse position, I don’t really know for now but for the camera settings, just get the InteractiveCamera from the scene and link (with”@”) the position and orientation to your customized component, e.g
<InteractiveCamera name=”camera” />
<CustomComponent position=”@camera.position” orientation=”@camera.orientation” />Froy
* InteractiveCamera : (bug) the position and orientation are read from the .view file (when you save view, this file is created), so edit this file if you want to edit the starting position and orientation.
* RecordedCamera : there is a example file in examples/Components/visualmodel/RecordedCamera.scn, in which you can learn how to define moves.I hope this is helpful for you !
The LCPConstrainstSolver is flawed and FixedConstraint is not working well with it.
Replace this LCPConstraintSolver component with a GenericConstraintSolver.
The point(s) should not move anymore. -