Forum Replies Created
KeymasterDear SOFA users,
Let us remind you this SOFA (half-)day taking place in Lyon on November 3 afternoon. Find all the information here !
Hope to see you there.Best regards,
KeymasterDear Restrepo,
I you don’t have any further remarks or question, I will close this topics.
KeymasterDear Sen,
If you have no additional questions, or answers, I will close this thread.
PS: do no forget in your scenes to define the tolerance, iterations and threshold parameters of the conjugate gradient ! it is key for the convergence of your simulation.
KeymasterDear Bushra,
This is another question.
I reposted it here:
Best regards,Hugo
KeymasterHi Bushra,
I am sorry but SOFA does not support VS 2008 anymore.
We are now using VS 2012 (and soon VS2013 and VS2015).Best regards,
KeymasterDear Saleem,
There have been many changes in SOFA since your last message.
You might have to update SOFA. However, few of the developers are using/developing the Modeler. We will try to reproduce the crash.Best,
21 October 2015 at 08:25 in reply to: [SOLVED] Performance issues with haptics and deformable objects #3784Hugo
KeymasterDear Benoit,
It seems that your issue has been solved. Would you need further help before I set the topic as “solved” ?
21 October 2015 at 08:18 in reply to: [SOLVED] How to develop collision model that support different proximity? #3782Hugo
KeymasterThank you for your summary.
Enjoy SOFA and do not hesitate to ask any other question.Best,
KeymasterDear Jason,
The examples are currently available on the git master branch.
It seems strange that you do not have them.Best,
KeymasterThank you very much Raphael for your post ! This information will be forwarded to the developers.
By the way, concerning the forum, it is now possible to:
insert code using the
instruction before your code
but we acknowledge it is not perfect yet !
The format of the users' profile has been corrected : the nickname will really be used in the forum. You just need to re-edit the profile once and fill in the nickname.
KeymasterDear Zsolt,
That’s good to make comparison of SOFA with other simulation softwares: we are currently starting new work in that direction to validate our codes.
In your SOFA simulation, you defined a LinearMMovementConstraint: so you are constraining the motion in displacement. Since no fixed constraint is defined, your object is following this motion constraint.
I am not sure to understand the mechanical test you want to compute: could you explain me the boundary conditions of your simulation ?I will try to get more information for you.
KeymasterHi Hafid,
Indeed, the problem was solved.
Enjoy SOFA and its image plugin 😉Cheers,
Are you really compiling on debug ?
Do you find any release version of the library image: ‘..\..\..\..\lib\image_1_0.lib’ (without d) ?In the console, can you find any other error message ?
KeymasterHi Hafid,
No need to excuse yourself.
If the library is not here, the compilation (here in debug) might indeed have failed because of the dependencies. If I remember correctly the plugin might have a dependency to CImg.What version of Sofa are you using ?
KeymasterHi Luo,
I set to solved this topic and created a new thread for your question:
We’ll investigate on it and contact the person in charge.Best,
KeymasterDear Luo,
For the moment, on Windows we only have VS2012 setups.
We will look at the newest versions of VS.Best,
KeymasterHi Weng and Thien,
In the newer versions of SOFA, the scene works fine as explained by Weng.
28 September 2015 at 20:07 in reply to: [SOLVED] Elastic behaviour and TetrahedronFEMForceField #3682Hugo
KeymasterDear Zsolt,
From the simulation it is hard to see if the deformation is plastic or elastic. The only way to assess the nature of the deformation is to track the stress/strain evolution. Then, you could know the type of deformation.
Are you tracking those values ?Hugo
28 September 2015 at 11:14 in reply to: [SOLVED] Elastic behaviour and TetrahedronFEMForceField #3680Hugo
KeymasterDear Vizvary,
First, you should write your scene with the components in the right order:
-Mesh (topology)
and the visual is usually defined in a subnode (with the identity mapping).If it is still not working, could you send us a link to the scene + mesh so that we can reproduce your issue ?
KeymasterYou are welcome Hafid.
Please, if you have any further question do not hesitate to ask them.
We’ll do our best to support you in starting with SOFA.Cheers,
KeymasterDear Andrey,
The previous website of SOFA had no forum. Maybe you meant the archives of the deprecated “Sofa-user” mailing-list. I had a reference to it in the Forum page. About the old-wiki of SOFA, all valuable informations have been transferred to this website. If any information is missing on the website (I am sure there is), please let us know by posting a question on the forum. It is far from being perfect and we know it, we are working on it as much as we can.
No PM are enabled for the moment. I just checked: when using the @name the message is well sent to the user’s hidden email.
Would this option be crucial for you ?Thank you for your feedback.
KeymasterDear Hafid,
It is quite challenging to learn SOFA from the source code. I would rather advise you to make an hybrid learning ! Try to start with the examples given in the Modeler and the Tutorials. In the same time, you can look at the c++ classes used in these examples/simulations.
Then, you can refer to the following article: the SOFA team is still here to help you.
KeymasterDear Sharif,
No according to what I wrote, you should compute
df(t)/dx * dx(t+dt)
. It means you need to derive the expression f(dp,v) regarding the position of the particles dp.kFactor is set by the time integration scheme, e.g. the EulerImplicit solver. this kFactor corresponds to dt the time step.
About the forum, I know it is complicated to write math equations but unfortunately we did not find a better solution for the moment. We will try to improve this.
Best regards,
KeymasterHi Sarrami,
The BoxROI is working fine, but your scene is not written correctly: the BoxROI must have a link with the MechanicalObject (and not the loader)
< boxroi template="Vec3d" name="subsetROI" box="-55 -55 25 55 55 55" position="@../dofs.position" triangles="@../Container1.triangles" computeEdges="0" computeTetrahedra="0" indices="0" drawBoxes="1" doUpdate="1" drawPoints="1" >
< trianglesettopologycontainer name="Container2" triangles="@subsetROI.trianglesInROI" >
< trianglesetgeometryalgorithms template="Vec3d" name="GeomAlgo" >Since the data of the loader are defined only ONCE while loading the mesh at the initialization.
Moreover, the scene is crashing. This is also due to the fact that the FEM Forcefield needs to be implemented to support dynamic topology. Apparently, this is not the case for both TriangularFEMForceFieldOptim and FastTriangularBendingSprings.
See the scene:
I sent you the some files in a private email.
I closed the thread, but new mouse interactions have to be further implemented in SOFA.
This is therefore a subject to be continued !Hugo