Forum Replies Created
12 June 2020 at 13:58 in reply to: [SOLVED] Compilation error when SOFA_DUMP_VISITOR_INFO is toggled #16614
BlockedHi Hugo,
The modifications of the PR solve the problem.
Thank you!
20 May 2020 at 09:53 in reply to: [SOLVED] “Could not read value for data field position” and segfault #16327MarcoMag
BlockedHi Hugo,
Thanks for your help.
I removed the stringsstr(Coord.flatten()).replace('\n', '').replace('[', '').replace(']','')
andstr(lines.flatten()).replace('[', '').replace(']','')
with lists, i.e.Coord.flatten().tolist()
and it solved the problems, even the one related to the index.Best,
BlockedApparently the problem was caused by the solver that was unfitted.
I replaced:
beamI.createObject('BTDLinearSolver', printLog='false', template='BTDMatrix6d', verbose='false')
withbeamI.createObject('CGLinearSolver', threshold='1.0e-9', tolerance='1.0e-9', name='linear solver', iterations='25')
4 May 2020 at 17:28 in reply to: [SOLVED] How can I construct a stable beam force field while the beams are not straight? #16012MarcoMag
BlockedHello everyone,
I know this is an old post but I came across similar problems recently.
Below is an example of how I orient my nodes.
Note that I make use of the python packagesnumpy
that can be installed viapip
.import sys import Sofa import numpy as np from pyquaternion import Quaternion def getCoordPointsAlongHellix(r, h, npt, tmax): # position vectors along the curve x = np.zeros((npt,3), dtype = float) # tangent vectors xp = np.zeros((npt,3), dtype = float) t = np.linspace(0,tmax, npt) x[:,0] = r * np.cos(t) x[:,1] = r * np.sin(t) x[:,2] = h * t xp[:,0] = -r * np.sin(t) xp[:,1] = r * np.cos(t) xp[:,2] = h # quaternions q = np.zeros((npt,4), dtype = float) a = np.array([1,0,0]) # trick: find the rotation matrix rotating global basis vector a into tangent vector b # extract the associated quaternion for i in range(npt): #tangent to the curve at the node b = xp[i]/np.linalg.norm(xp[i]) assert np.allclose(np.linalg.norm(b), 1.) v = np.cross(a,b) s = np.linalg.norm(v) if not np.allclose(s, 0): c =,b) vskew = np.array([[0, -v[2], v[1]], [v[2], 0 , -v[0]], [-v[1], v[0], 0] ]) # rotation matrix rotating a into b R = np.eye(3) + vskew +, vskew) * ((1-c)/(s**2)) else: R = np.eye(3) assert np.allclose(, b) # extract the quaternion qi = Quaternion(matrix=R).elements # components provided by pyquaternion are not in the same order # as the one expected by the constructor of Quater in SOFA # we must reorder them q[i]= [qi[1], qi[2], qi[3], qi[0]] return x, q class BeamFEMForceField (Sofa.PythonScriptController): def __init__(self, node, commandLineArguments) : self.commandLineArguments = commandLineArguments print "Command line arguments for python : "+str(commandLineArguments) self.createGraph(node) return None; def createGraph(self,rootNode): # rootNode rootNode.createObject('RequiredPlugin', name='SofaOpenglVisual') rootNode.createObject('RequiredPlugin', name='SofaPython') showCollisionModels = 0 if showCollisionModels: rootNode.createObject('VisualStyle', displayFlags='showBehaviorModels showForceFields showCollisionModels') else: rootNode.createObject('VisualStyle', displayFlags='showBehaviorModels showForceFields') rootNode.createObject('DefaultPipeline', draw='0', depth='6', verbose='0') rootNode.createObject('BruteForceDetection', name='N2') rootNode.createObject('MinProximityIntersection', contactDistance='0.02', alarmDistance='0.03', name='Proximity') rootNode.createObject('DefaultContactManager', name='Response', response='default') # radius of the beam radius = 0.1 radiusSphereCollisionModel = str(1. * radius) # heigth of the strand h = 2 # rootNode/beamI --> straight beam nn = 5 nbeam = nn - 1 Coord = np.zeros((nn, 7),dtype=float) Coord[:,0] = 0 Coord[:,1] = 0 Coord[:,2] = np.linspace(0,h,nn) lines = np.zeros((nbeam, 2), dtype=int) lines[:,0] = np.arange(0, nn -1) lines[:,1] = np.arange(1, nn) # topology lines = str(lines.flatten()).replace('[', '').replace(']','') x, q = getCoordPointsAlongHellix(0, h, nn, tmax = 0.5 * np.pi) Coord[:, 3:] = q # import pdb; pdb.set_trace() strCoord = str(Coord.flatten()).replace('\n', '').replace('[', '').replace(']','') beamI = rootNode.createChild('beamI') self.beamI = beamI beamI.createObject('EulerImplicitSolver', rayleighStiffness='0', printLog='false', rayleighMass='0.1') beamI.createObject('BTDLinearSolver', printLog='false', template='BTDMatrix6d', verbose='false') beamI.createObject('MechanicalObject', position=strCoord, name='DOFs', template='Rigid3d') beamI.createObject('MeshTopology', lines=lines, name='lines') beamI.createObject('FixedConstraint', indices='0', name='FixedConstraint') beamI.createObject('UniformMass', vertexMass='1 1 0.01 0 0 0 0.1 0 0 0 0.1', printLog='false') beamI.createObject('BeamFEMForceField', radius=str(radius), name='FEM', poissonRatio='0.49', youngModulus='20000000') Collision = beamI.createChild('Collision') self.Collision = Collision beamI.createObject('SphereModel', radius=radiusSphereCollisionModel, name='SphereCollision') # rootNode/beam2 --> helicoidal beam nn = 10 nbeam = nn - 1 lines = np.zeros((nbeam, 2), dtype=int) lines[:,0] = np.arange(0, nn -1) lines[:,1] = np.arange(1, nn) # topology lines = str(lines.flatten()).replace('[', '').replace(']','') Coord = np.zeros((nn, 7),dtype=float) x, q = getCoordPointsAlongHellix(2 * radius, h, nn, tmax = 0.5 * np.pi) Coord[:,:3] = x Coord[:, 3:] = q strCoord = str(Coord.flatten()).replace('\n', '').replace('[', '').replace(']','') beam2 = rootNode.createChild('beam2') self.beam2 = beam2 beam2.createObject('EulerImplicitSolver', rayleighStiffness='0', printLog='false', rayleighMass='0.1') beam2.createObject('BTDLinearSolver', printLog='false', template='BTDMatrix6d', verbose='false') # beam2.createObject('MechanicalObject', position='0 -2 0.25 0 0 0 1 0 -1 0.25 0 0 0 1 0 0 0.25 0 0 0 1 0 1 0.25 0 0 0 1 0 2 0.25 0 0 0 1', name='DOFs', template='Rigid') beam2.createObject('MechanicalObject', position=strCoord, name='DOFs', template='Rigid3d') beam2.createObject('MeshTopology', lines=lines, name='lines') beam2.createObject('FixedConstraint', indices='0', name='FixedConstraint') beam2.createObject('UniformMass', vertexMass='1 1 0.01 0 0 0 0.1 0 0 0 0.1', printLog='false') beam2.createObject('BeamFEMForceField', radius=str(radius), name='FEM', poissonRatio='0.49', youngModulus='20000000') beam2.createObject('SphereModel', radius=radiusSphereCollisionModel, name='SphereCollision') return 0; def onMouseButtonLeft(self, mouseX,mouseY,isPressed): ## usage e.g. #if isPressed : # print "Control+Left mouse button pressed at position "+str(mouseX)+", "+str(mouseY) return 0; def onKeyReleased(self, c): ## usage e.g. #if c=="A" : # print "You released a" return 0; def initGraph(self, node): ## Please feel free to add an example for a simple usage in /Users/marco.magliulo/mySofaCodes/myScriptsToGetStarted//Users/marco.magliulo/Software/sofa/src/applications/plugins/SofaPython/ return 0; def onKeyPressed(self, c): ## usage e.g. #if c=="A" : # print "You pressed control+a" return 0; def onMouseWheel(self, mouseX,mouseY,wheelDelta): ## usage e.g. #if isPressed : # print "Control button pressed+mouse wheel turned at position "+str(mouseX)+", "+str(mouseY)+", wheel delta"+str(wheelDelta) return 0; def storeResetState(self): ## Please feel free to add an example for a simple usage in /Users/marco.magliulo/mySofaCodes/myScriptsToGetStarted//Users/marco.magliulo/Software/sofa/src/applications/plugins/SofaPython/ return 0; def cleanup(self): ## Please feel free to add an example for a simple usage in /Users/marco.magliulo/mySofaCodes/myScriptsToGetStarted//Users/marco.magliulo/Software/sofa/src/applications/plugins/SofaPython/ return 0; def onGUIEvent(self, strControlID,valueName,strValue): ## Please feel free to add an example for a simple usage in /Users/marco.magliulo/mySofaCodes/myScriptsToGetStarted//Users/marco.magliulo/Software/sofa/src/applications/plugins/SofaPython/ return 0; def onEndAnimationStep(self, deltaTime): ## Please feel free to add an example for a simple usage in /Users/marco.magliulo/mySofaCodes/myScriptsToGetStarted//Users/marco.magliulo/Software/sofa/src/applications/plugins/SofaPython/ return 0; def onLoaded(self, node): ## Please feel free to add an example for a simple usage in /Users/marco.magliulo/mySofaCodes/myScriptsToGetStarted//Users/marco.magliulo/Software/sofa/src/applications/plugins/SofaPython/ return 0; def reset(self): ## Please feel free to add an example for a simple usage in /Users/marco.magliulo/mySofaCodes/myScriptsToGetStarted//Users/marco.magliulo/Software/sofa/src/applications/plugins/SofaPython/ return 0; def onMouseButtonMiddle(self, mouseX,mouseY,isPressed): ## usage e.g. #if isPressed : # print "Control+Middle mouse button pressed at position "+str(mouseX)+", "+str(mouseY) return 0; def bwdInitGraph(self, node): ## Please feel free to add an example for a simple usage in /Users/marco.magliulo/mySofaCodes/myScriptsToGetStarted//Users/marco.magliulo/Software/sofa/src/applications/plugins/SofaPython/ return 0; def onScriptEvent(self, senderNode, eventName,data): ## Please feel free to add an example for a simple usage in /Users/marco.magliulo/mySofaCodes/myScriptsToGetStarted//Users/marco.magliulo/Software/sofa/src/applications/plugins/SofaPython/ return 0; def onMouseButtonRight(self, mouseX,mouseY,isPressed): ## usage e.g. #if isPressed : # print "Control+Right mouse button pressed at position "+str(mouseX)+", "+str(mouseY) return 0; def onBeginAnimationStep(self, deltaTime): ## Please feel free to add an example for a simple usage in /Users/marco.magliulo/mySofaCodes/myScriptsToGetStarted//Users/marco.magliulo/Software/sofa/src/applications/plugins/SofaPython/ return 0; def createScene(rootNode): rootNode.findData('dt').value = '0.01' rootNode.findData('gravity').value = '0 0 -9.81' try : sys.argv[0] except : commandLineArguments = [] else : commandLineArguments = sys.argv myBeamFEMForceField = BeamFEMForceField(rootNode,commandLineArguments) return 0;
Hope this helps.
17 April 2020 at 10:01 in reply to: [SOLVED] Using beams when modeling the vessels as a mechanical structure #15803MarcoMag
BlockedDear Hugo,
If you don’t mind, can you also get back to me when the researcher will be done with the package?
Thanks Vincent. Works like a charm!