Forum Replies Created
BlockedHello Zahra,
1) This is not an error (notice how it never says “error”), this is just some output from the cmake files for Qt.
3) Sofa does not need Python. However there is a plugin called SofaPython which does, (unsurprisingly). It is not compiled by default, thought.
(As for your second question, I’m not a Windows guy.)
BlockedI stumbled upon the same issue. The crash was caused by the use of unitialized global variables (
) when creating aTTYLogger
at load time (see 589f70b7).Marc
BlockedI suspect that you built in debug mode, since this makes code slower and create additionnal warnings. (Also, I believe this is the default for Visual Studio.)
In the Visual Studio GUI, you have a drop-down list with the type of build: you can try a “Release” build instead of a “Debug” build.
BlockedWhat you describe looks fine to me (I’m not a Windows guy, though).
I don’t understand what the problem is either… What if the you comment out the line on which the compiler says there is a error?
Also, just a couple of things I’d like to say:
- I’m pretty sure you don’t need to install Qt4 in addition to the precompiled binaries distributed for SOFA;
- It’s a good idea to choose a build directory different from the source directory;
- Just for info, GitHub is the name of a hosting serving based on Git; SOFA has little to do with GitHub, it simply uses Git as is SCM.
BlockedHello Sourav,
Few developers work under Windows, and I don’t know if any of them works with
VS2015, so you might be off the beaten track, and it is not surprising that you
have compiler-specific issues.It seems we have to check the version of MSVC before defining the snprintf
macro, I’ll take care of this.As for automatic builds, Sofa is built continuously on Linux, OS X, and
Windows. However, on Windows we only have VS2012 setups.Sorry to hear that you have trouble building Sofa. (Again, few Windows devs
means more compilation issues). Don’t hesitate to report problems, or even
suggest fixes, that would be awesome.Thanks,
BlockedMmmh… I don’t know… To me, this is line 228:
sofa::helper::Logger::getMainLogger().log( sofa::helper::Logger::Warning, std::string( "Invalid argument ‘") + colorsStatus + std::string("‘ for ‘--colors‘" ) );
Do we agree? I don’t see where the error could come from. Can you try commenting the line out?
BlockedNo, that’s perfect. It just happens that when you cloned the repository, the last commit did not build on Windows, I think.
This error has been fixed by now, and you can try to update your Sofa repository with
git pull
, and try to compile again.Marc
BlockedWait, what? What did you download from GitHub?
Anyway, I suspect you checked out a commit that simply doesn’t build on Windows.
Can you try to update to a more recent commit? (git pull
BlockedThe errors say that the file
is not found. This file should be generated during the build; can you tell us if you can find it it the build directory? (On my system, it’s in<build_dir>/applications/sofa/gui/qt/ui_GUI.h
- You don’t need to both install Qt and download the Qt archive from the website.
- The Qt archive we provide should be extracted in the Sofa source tree, not in the Qt installation directory
I don’t know if this is related to your issue, but I can’t exclude it. Personally, I would uninstall Qt if I don’t need it, and manually remove the installation directory to get rid of the files from the archive.
BlockedBesides, I would advise using ASCII-only files paths, I’m not quite sure everything in Sofa can handle other characters.
(Sorry, this has nothing to do with your issue; this is just a remark.)
BlockedOk, so CMake found Qt correctly. (Not surprising, now that I think about it. After all, you built Sofa successfully.)
I see that the CMake scripts try to copy “${SOFA-EXTERNAL_QT_PATH}/bin/*.dll” to the bin directory in the build, so I’d try to set SOFA-EXTERNAL_QT_PATH to ‘C:/…/sofa/tools/qt4win’ rather than ‘C:/…/sofa/tools/qt4win/bin’.
BlockedHello Paul,
A few questions that could provide a hint :
- What is the value of SOFA-EXTERNAL_QT_PATH in the CMake cache of your build ? (Check in cmake-gui.)
- What paths did CMake find for Qt, things like QT_QTCORE_INCLUDE_DIR or QT_QTCORE_LIBRARY in the cache ? (you will need to check “Advanced” in cmake-gui)
BlockedHello Restrepo,
i cannot force certain path for it too look new .so libraries (which i assume sofa is loading when camiTK is calling it REF: img 2)
I don’t know what CamiTK is, so let me take a guess: you have an application that uses Sofa, and it cannot create some components, because it simply doesn’t know about them. Actually, the usual Sofa components live in different libraries, so you need to link against the correct libraries to use those components. Try linking the application against the “SofaComponentMain” library, which itself is linked against all the other component libraries.
Feel free to give more details if I guessed completely wrong.
(Also : are there no error messages? Any output from Sofa on stdout / stderr?)
BlockedHi Sarrami,
I can’t get the mapping to work either, but I know where the “empty scene” issue comes from: there is a bug that causes the camera to go nuts when no components in the scene contribute to the bounding box of the scene that is used by the camera.
You can work around it by adding something like a visual model in the scene (even if you don’t show it), e.g:
<oglmodel src="@loader" translation="0 0 -0.1"/>