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24 June 2020 at 15:57 in reply to: SOFA scene with imposed displacements and Von Mises stress computation in 2D #16715
Sorry for the wait 🙂
Here is the component:
#ifndef SOFA_COMPONENT_FORCEFIELD_CURRENTSTRAIN_INL #define SOFA_COMPONENT_FORCEFIELD_CURRENTSTRAIN_INL #include "CurrentStrain.h" #include <sofa/core/behavior/ForceField.inl> #include <SofaBaseTopology/TopologyData.inl> #include <sofa/defaulttype/VecTypes.h> #include <SofaBaseMechanics/MechanicalObject.h> #include <sofa/core/ObjectFactory.h> #include <fstream> // for reading the file #include <iostream> //for debugging #include <Eigen/Eigenvalues> #include <unsupported/Eigen/MatrixFunctions> namespace sofa { namespace component { namespace forcefield { using namespace sofa::defaulttype; using namespace sofa::component::topology; using namespace core::topology; template<class DataTypes> CurrentStrain<DataTypes>::CurrentStrain(sofa::core::behavior::MechanicalState<DataTypes> *ff) : core::objectmodel::BaseObject() , d_currentStrain(initData(&d_currentStrain,"CurrentStrain","Current strain per Element")) , l_mstate(initLink("mstate", "input MechanicalState"), ff) , m_topology(nullptr) , l_topology(initLink("topology", "link to the topology container")) { } template<class DataTypes> void CurrentStrain<DataTypes>::init() { std::cout<<"I'm in init()" <<std::endl; if (!l_mstate) { msg_error(this) << "currentStrain not linked to any mechanical state" ; return; } if (l_topology.empty()) { msg_info() << "link to Topology container should be set to ensure right behavior. First Topology found in current context will be used."; l_topology.set(this->getContext()->getMeshTopologyLink()); } m_topology = l_topology.get(); msg_info() << "Topology path used: '" << l_topology.getLinkedPath() << "'"; if (m_topology == nullptr) { msg_error() << "No topology component found at path: " << l_topology.getLinkedPath() << ", nor in current context: " << this->getContext()->name; sofa::core::objectmodel::BaseObject::d_componentstate.setValue(sofa::core::objectmodel::ComponentState::Invalid); return; } unsigned int i,j; unsigned int nbTetrahedra=m_topology->getNbTetrahedra(); typename DataTypes::Real volume; typename DataTypes::Coord point[4]; const typename DataTypes::VecCoord restPosition = l_mstate->read(sofa::core::ConstVecCoordId::restPosition())->getValue(); for(i=0; i<nbTetrahedra; i++ ) { m_shapeVector.resize(nbTetrahedra); const vector< Tetrahedron > &tetrahedronArray= m_topology->getTetrahedra(); ///describe the indices of the 4 tetrahedron vertices const Tetrahedron &t= tetrahedronArray[i]; for(j=0;j<4;++j) { point[j]=(restPosition)[t[j]]; } /// compute 6 times the rest volume volume=dot(cross(point[2]-point[0],point[3]-point[0]),point[1]-point[0]); for(j=0;j<4;++j) { if (!(j%2)) m_shapeVector[i].push_back(-cross(point[(j+2)%4] - point[(j+1)%4],point[(j+3)%4] - point[(j+1)%4])/ volume); else m_shapeVector[i].push_back(cross(point[(j+2)%4] - point[(j+1)%4],point[(j+3)%4] - point[(j+1)%4])/ volume); } } BaseData* pos_init = l_mstate->read(sofa::core::ConstVecCoordId::position())->getData(); c_callback.addInput(pos_init); c_callback.addCallback(std::bind(&CurrentStrain::strainplaceholder,this)); } template<class DataTypes> void CurrentStrain<DataTypes>::reinit() { this->init(); } template <class DataTypes> void CurrentStrain<DataTypes>::update() { } template <class DataTypes> void CurrentStrain<DataTypes>::strain(const core::MechanicalParams*, const DataVecCoord& d_x) { //std::cout<<"I'm in strain" <<std::endl; const VecCoord& x = d_x.getValue(); unsigned int i=0,j=0,k=0,l=0; unsigned int nbTetrahedra=m_topology->getNbTetrahedra(); assert(this->mstate); // ask why Coord dp[3],x0,sv; helper::vector<double>* currentStrain = d_currentStrain.beginEdit(); currentStrain->resize(nbTetrahedra); for(i=0; i<nbTetrahedra; i++ ) { Matrix3 deformationGradient; const Tetrahedron &ta= m_topology->getTetrahedron(i); x0=x[ta[0]]; dp[0]=x[ta[1]]-x0; sv=m_shapeVector[i][1]; //std::cout<<"m_shapeVector vaut : "<< m_shapeVector <<std::endl; for (k=0;k<3;++k) { for (l=0;l<3;++l) { deformationGradient[k][l]=dp[0][k]*sv[l]; } } for (j=1;j<3;++j) { dp[j]=x[ta[j+1]]-x0; sv=m_shapeVector[i][j+1]; for (k=0;k<3;++k) { for (l=0;l<3;++l) { deformationGradient[k][l]+=dp[j][k]*sv[l]; } } } Matrix3 Id,C; for (k=0;k<3;++k) { for (l=k;l<3;++l) { C(k,l) = (deformationGradient(0,k)*deformationGradient(0,l)+ deformationGradient(1,k)*deformationGradient(1,l)+ deformationGradient(2,k)*deformationGradient(2,l)); C(l,k) = C(k,l); } } //Create identity Id = Id*0; Id(0,0) = 1; Id(1,1) = 1; Id(2,2) = 1; Matrix3 E = 1/2.0*(C-Id); currentStrain->operator[](i) = sqrt(pow(E(0,0),2) + pow(E(1,1),2) + pow(E(2,2),2) + pow(E(1,2),2) + pow(E(0,1),2) + pow(E(0,2),2)); // std::cout<<"la force courante est: " << d_currentStrain<<std::endl; } d_currentStrain.endEdit(); } template<class DataTypes> void CurrentStrain<DataTypes>::strainplaceholder() { DataVecCoord d_pos; VecCoord &pos = *d_pos.beginEdit(); pos = this->l_mstate->read(core::ConstVecCoordId::position())->getValue(); d_pos.setValue(pos); strain(core::MechanicalParams::defaultInstance(), d_pos); d_pos.endEdit(); } } //namespace forcefield } //namespace component } //namespace sofa #endif
It’s quiet raw but don’t hesitate if you have questions 🙂
19 June 2020 at 16:10 in reply to: SOFA scene with imposed displacements and Von Mises stress computation in 2D #16676Rayan
BlockedHi Pierre,
I don’t know if it could help you, but I’ve wrote a component, linked to a mechanical object and which returns the current strain applied on this mechanical state. I am using deformation gradient. If you want to get the stress, maybe you can easily link it to the strain, depending on the model used.
Hope it will help you,
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