Forum Replies Created
11 October 2019 at 19:26 in reply to: scene slowing down on interaction with two forcefeedback devices #14393
BlockedWe are using the sofa version 19.06.
BlockedThanks Hugo,
Yes it is the entire error log.
the create() function of the Sensable plugin refers to ObjectFactory.h with the following lines:objectmodel::BaseObject::SPtr createInstance(objectmodel::BaseContext* context, objectmodel::BaseObjectDescription* arg) { RealObject* instance = NULL; return RealObject::create(instance, context, arg); }
These are the original source code from sofa1806 that i didn’t make any changes to it.
It’s a pity that i can’t join you at SOFA week. Hoping someone can help fix the Sensable plugin remotely.
5 September 2017 at 21:41 in reply to: [SOLVED] How should i use damping in HexahedronFEMForceField #9959ruiliang
BlockedThanks Hugo,
I have found out that DiagonalVelocityDampingForceField is exactly what i need. By adding this component to my hex-curve, the issue has been fixed and the model behavior is quite realistic!
The issue i had is that after the curve being cut, one end is attached to another object and the other end drops down by gravity. Then it keeps swinging up and down since it is pure elastic behavior without damping.(Rayleigh damping works but it affects the stretchability behavior too much so i don’t want to increase it).
BlockedI’m using SOFA_1612. There was a typo in the tags.
12 June 2017 at 22:10 in reply to: auto-resetting problem when doing grasp using BilateralInteractionConstraint #9321ruiliang
It seems the rayleighStiffness of the EulerImplicitSolver has some effects on this problem. If i set the rayleighStiffness of the EulerImplicitSolver to zero, this problem disappears. But no rayleigh damping made the models deform too vividly(reactions too much), which makes me in a dillema.
7 June 2017 at 22:40 in reply to: auto-resetting problem when doing grasp using BilateralInteractionConstraint #9293ruiliang
BlockedHi Hugo,
It is not displayed in the xml. We use it in our plugin to implement the grasping function of haptic device.
We have the following c++ code that relates to BilateralInteractionConstraint in our plugin://Initiate the m_constraints toolState.m_constraints = sofa::core::objectmodel::New<sofa::component::constraintset::BilateralInteractionConstraint<DataTypes> >(mstateCollision1, mstateCollision2); toolState.m_constraints->clear(1); ... //add contact in m_constraints toolState.m_constraints->addContact(c.normal, c.point[0], c.point[1], distance, index1, index2, c.point[0], c.point[1]);
6 June 2017 at 22:45 in reply to: auto-resetting problem when doing grasp using BilateralInteractionConstraint #9284ruiliang
BlockedThank you Hugo,
Can you tell me where exactly on GitHub I can ask questions?
Also I wonder if someone can confirm that the way i am using bilateral constraint is correct or not?28 March 2017 at 21:06 in reply to: [SOLVED] Object disappearing in the frustum when I zoom in using Sofa v12.16 #8844ruiliang
BlockedHi Hugo,
Thanks a lot!
I have noticed that there are some invisible objects flying in the scene that influences the BBox and zNear.
I have attached the screenshot below: In this scene, i am dragging an invisible point using the mouse. If i release the mouse, the invisible object will fly away and the minBBox, Znear starts changing. No matter which display flag i check(visual/collision/mechanical/mapping), the invisible object can not be visualized. happens after i cut the hex mesh. It seems the hex mesh has some points remains after been cut. I wonder if there is something wrong with our hex mesh. I post one of the xml for the hexmesh below. We have “TriangleModel/LineModel/PointModel” for the collision model. What i found is even if i have just “TriangleModel” for the collision, it still has some points remain after cut.
<Node name=”Fatty tissue covering veins”> <HexahedronSetTopologyContainer hexahedra=”0 33 … <MechanicalObject name=”MO” rotation=”3.527953863143921 -2… <HexahedronSetTopologyModifier removeIsolated=”false” /> <HexahedronSetTopologyAlgorithms template=”Vec3d” /> <HexahedronSetGeometryAlgorithms template=”Vec3d” /> <DiagonalMass /> <HexahedronFEMForceField damping=”0.10000000149011612″ method=”large” poissonRatio=”0.4000000059604645″ rayleighStiffness=”0.10000000149011612″ youngModulus=”3000.0″ /> <UncoupledConstraintCorrection /> <Node name=”quad-surface”> <QuadSetTopologyContainer name=”Fatty tissue covering veins-quadSurf” /> <QuadSetGeometryAlgorithms template=”Vec3d” /> <QuadSetTopologyModifier /> <QuadSetTopologyAlgorithms template=”Vec3d” /> <Hexa2QuadTopologicalMapping input=”@../Fatty tissue covering veins-topology” output=”@Fatty tissue covering veins-quadSurf” /> <OglShader fileFragmentShaders=”… <OglFloatVariable name=”TessellationLevel” value=”8″ /> <OglModel genTex3d=”1″ material=”Default Diffuse 1 0.12459243 <IdentityMapping input=”@../MO” output=”@Fatty tissue covering veins-visual” /> <Node name=”triangle-surface”> <TriangleSetTopologyContainer name=”Fatty tissue covering veins-triSurf” /> <TriangleSetTopologyModifier /> <TriangleSetTopologyAlgorithms template=”Vec3d” /> <TriangleSetGeometryAlgorithms template=”Vec3d” /> <Quad2TriangleTopologicalMapping input=”@../Fatty tissue covering veins-quadSurf” output=”@Fatty tissue covering veins-triSurf” /> <!– <PointModel bothSide=”0″ contactFriction=”500.0″ contactStiffness=”50000000.0″ group=”1″ moving=”1″ selfCollision=”0″ simulated=”1″ /> –> <LineModel bothSide=”0″ active=”0″ contactFriction=”500.0″ contactStiffness=”50000000.0″ group=”1″ moving=”1″ selfCollision=”0″ simulated=”1″ /> <TriangleModel bothSide=”0″ contactFriction=”500.0″ contactStiffness=”500.0″ group=”1″ moving=”1″ selfCollision=”0″ simulated=”1″ tags=”HapticSurface” /> </Node> </Node> </Node>
Can you help me look at this?
23 March 2017 at 22:24 in reply to: [SOLVED] Object disappearing in the frustum when I zoom in using Sofa v12.16 #8819ruiliang
BlockedHi Hugo,
Thank you very much for the feedback!
Unfortunately, this bug still exists even when i add the fixed bbox for every MechanicalObject in my scene.
I also tried printing out the znear and zfar values of the InteractiveCamera(p_zNear in the InteractiveCamera.cpp). The result is attached below: seems like the znear and zfar value keep increasing from the start of the animation. The above video shows that value increasing when i just moves the mouse.
28 February 2017 at 20:35 in reply to: [SOLVED] Sofa v12.16 crashes with Error: GL_ARB_multitexture not supported #8738ruiliang
BlockedI have resolved this by modifying the GPU setting on sofa.(Nvidia control panel -> Manage 3d settings -> program settings -> High-performance Nvidia processor)
BlockedHi Lujain,
I am not sure about your errors.
For the LNK error, I can only suggest checking if you have all the dependencies on your machine correctly linked.–Ruiliang
I have resolved this myself. It is because my VS2013 Express doesn’t have MFC(where cstringt.h is defined). I have installed a new VS and now it works. -