Forum Replies Created
BlockedI had the same problem you have to add zlib.lib in the linker for debug version. For some reason its looking for zlib.lib instead of zlibd.lib. This worked for me.
BlockedI was looking for a simple representation. I have used a simulated chain of spheres connected via JointSpringForceField to produce a representation of a segment or an artery or vein. I used SkinningMapping for the visual node. This seems to work in general however i do have stability issues at times when the end point of the segment are constrained.
So in summary this is my layout of the segment.
<MechanicalObject template=”Rigid” name=”DOFs” restScale=”1″ position=”Insert here positions”> <UniformMass template=”Rigid” name=”mass” mass=”1 1 [1 0 0,0 1 0,0 0 1]” /> <FixedConstraint template=”Rigid” name=”fixOrigin” indices=”0 10″ /> <UncoupledConstraintCorrection compliance=”0.01″/> <Node name=”Seg_Test_Vinay.subnode”> <MechanicalObject template=”Rigid” name=”attaches” restScale=”1″ position=”Insert here positions”> <RigidRigidMapping template=”MechanicalMapping<Rigid,Rigid>” name=”default6″ repartition=”1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1″ input=”@../DOFs” output=”@attaches”/> <JointSpringForceField template=”Rigid” name=”joints” spring=”Define spring between nodes”> <Node name=”Visu” tags=”Visual”> <OgreVisualModel name=”VisualModel” fileMesh=”mesh/Seg_Cut_Test.obj” /> <SkinningMapping name=”visual mapping” input=”@../../DOFs” output=”@VisualModel” /> </Node> <Node name=”Surf”> <SphereLoader filename=”mesh/Seg_Cut_Test.sph”/> <MechanicalObject name=”spheres” translation=”0.0 0.0 0.0″ rotation=”0.0 0.0 0.0″ position=”@[-1].position” /> <TSphereModel name=”CollisionModel” listRadius=”@[-2].listRadius” collisionBodyId=”96″/> <SkinningMapping name=”sphere mapping” input=”@../../DOFs” output=”@spheres” /> </Node>
Something like this would work for my use. I need it to be simple, computationally friendly and contactable (collision possible). Do you ahve something that is more efficient or better in SOFA currently that i could use?
BlockedTetgen is a good application. I have used in a lot in the past.
Check out this link. usually pass it a STL file and it generates all the data for you to create a msh file. You need to combine the output from tetgen which are elem and node data.
BlockedHi fspadoni and Guillaume,
Thanks for your replies.
Fspadoni, Do you use the multthread plugin in SOFA to accomplish this? I would like to paralllelise some of the tasks also in my scene to get better performance.
Any help would be great.
Garibalde -