The SOFA Week is designed to gather the entire SOFA community, to present technological and scientific advances, while fostering the networking within the community. Already two successful editions in 2018, 2019, 2020 and 2021, get ready for 2022!
Save the date: 14-18th November — a 2022 edition 100% online!
Open Registration
14th Nov 2022: Training session
To start the SOFA week, a training session will take place to provide new users (and any interested participant) an efficient introduction to SOFA. The training focuses on the SOFA main principles, the community, theoretical backgrounds on physics simulation, hands-on user and developer tutorials.
15th Nov 2022: International SOFA Symposium (free)
The symposium focuses on research and scientific achievements based on SOFA. This symposium allows international researchers from the SOFA community to present their scientific work, their plugins and propose live demonstrations. It is also the annual meeting where companies using SOFA can demonstrate their latest products. Finally, it is the opportunity to meet the community and create strong collaborations.
16-18th Nov 2022: Technical committee (free)
This committee focuses on technical discussions on current and future developments in SOFA. With developers of the community and SOFA Technical Members, the technical roadmap for the next release is jointly designed. It is also a unique opportunity to meet the developer community and code all together.
Day: 14th November 2022
Location: Online
Level: Beginner – Medium (max 8 participants)
Registration costs
- early bird: 500€ (before the 14th October 2022)
- regular fare: 650€ excl. tax.
This training session aims at providing a wide introduction to SOFA and its community while ensuring the mathematical, physical and computer science backgrounds in order to start in the best conditions with SOFA.
Time (CET) | Training steps |
9:00 am – 10:00 am | Overview of SOFA and its community |
10:00 am -10:30 am | Coffee – for a good start! |
10:30 am – 11 am | Examples of applications with SOFA |
11:00 am – noon | User Tutorial (part 1) |
noon – 1:30 pm | Lunch |
1:30 pm – 3 pm | User Tutorial (part 2) – involving SofaPython3 |
3 pm – 4 pm | Understand physics with SOFA: from the math to the code |
4 pm – 4:15 pm | Coffee break |
4:15 pm – 5:00 pm | Developer Tutorial: start your own plugin |
Location: Online
Researchers and companies from the SOFA community join the Symposium in order to share ideas, experiences and to present their on-going research or products based on SOFA. Several sessions of presentations will be organized regarding various simulation topics and application fields. Booths will also be made available for technology demonstrations.
This international event is an exciting opportunity, fostering discussions and new collaborations!
Program (following the Central European Time)
9:00 am | Online welcoming | ||
9:15 am | Introduction: SOFA Week 2022 | ||
medical simulation (1/2) |
9:30 am | Interactive cutting in SOFA | Poliakov, Vladimir |
9:45 am | Vascular intervention assist robot systems and simulation | Choi, Jaesoon | |
10:00 am | Visual haptic feedback and knot identification for training of robotic suturing | Jourdes, François | |
10:15 am | SOniCS: Develop intuition on biomechanical systems through interactive error controlled simulations | Mazier, Arnaud | |
10:30 am | |||
10:50 am | Simulator for magnetic continuum robots for medical applications | Dreyfus, Roland | |
11:05 am | High-fidelity model of a tendon-driven eversion growing (vine) robot using SOFA | De Iturrate Reyzabal, Mikel | |
11:20 am | FE dynamics of a concentric tube robot motion and interaction with environment using SOFA | Sadati, Hadi | |
11:35 am | Reduced finite element modelling and closed-loop control of pneumatic-driven soft continuum robots | Chaillou, Paul | |
11:50 am | |||
12:10 am | |||
1:15 pm | SOFA international community & presentation of the SOFA Awards | ||
1:30 pm | InfinyTech3D: 2022 activity highlights on the development with SOFA | Pernod, Erik | |
1:45 pm | Soft tissue simulation for AI driven colonoscopy navigation | Finocchiaro, Martina | |
2:00 pm | Surgical robot reinforcement learning in simulated soft-body environments | Scheikl, Paul | |
2:15 pm | DeepPhysX: Interfacing AI with numerical simulation | Enjalbert, Robin | |
2:30 pm | |||
2:50 pm | Direct and inverse modeling of soft-robots by learning a condensed FEM model | Navez, Tanguy | |
3:05 pm | Model-based disturbance estimation for a fiber-reinforced soft manipulator using orientation sensing | Escaida N., Stefan | |
3:20 pm | Soft Robots learn to crawl: jointly optimizing design and control with sim-to-real transfer | Sedal, Audrey | |
3:35 pm | Using SOFA framework for multi-robot shape control of deformable objects | Koessler, Adrien | |
3:50 pm | |||
medical simulation (2/2) |
4:10 pm | Twinical : unleashing the power of digital twins for soft-tissue surgical navigation | Aricò, Mario |
4:25 pm | Simulating a flexible bevel-tipped needle insertion into multi-layer tissue in SOFA | Al-Zogbi, Lydia | |
4:40 pm | Integration of real-time simulations and augmented reality for the catheter monitoring during percutaneous procedures | Ruozzi, Veronica | |
4:55 pm | |||
5:15 pm | Award Ceremony 2022 | ||
5:30 pm | Futures developments in SOFA: introduction of the STC#14 | ||
Closing of the Symposium |

2019 edition
Day: 16-18th, November 2022
Location: Online
Level: Medium – Advanced
The week will close with the 14th SOFA Technical Committee. This technical committee governs and takes all technical decisions for the roadmap towards upcoming releases.
It is open and free to all! All you need is to specify your attendance in your registration.
Day 1 (CET) | Wednesday 16th November |
9:00 am | Online welcoming |
9:10 am – 9:30 am | STC#14 opening & Consortium news |
9:30 am – 11:30 am |
Roundtable Share your latest activity around SOFA (past and future) |
11:30 am – 12:30 pm |
v22.12 roadmap contributions Review together v22.12 progress. |
12:30 pm – 1:30 pm | Lunch |
1:30 pm – 2:30 pm |
Select potential projects for v23.06 roadmap Select projects that satisfy the roadmap entry criterias |
2:30 pm – 4:30 pm |
Define 6-month objectives for each potential project List ~5 objectives per project for the next in 6 months |
4:45 pm – 5:30 pm |
Review objectives to finalize v23.06 roadmap For each project, are we satisfied with the objectives? If yes, the project is added to v23.06 roadmap |
Day 2 (CET) | Thursday 17th November |
9:00 am – 5:00 pm |
Technical discussions and coding sprint See discussion agenda and sprint tasks. |
Day 3 (CET) | Friday 18th November |
9:00 am – 12:00 pm |
Technical discussions and coding sprint See discussion agenda and sprint tasks. |
This year again, the SOFA consortium has the pleasure to organize the Open-Source SOFA Awards!
All contributions are eligible for application: it can be an open-source plugin, a pull-request on GitHub, a video, a tutorial or documentation pages! Two award categories are open for competition:
Organizers’ Prize Prize: 600€ |
Public Prize Prize: 400€ |
The call for the SOFA awards is open until the 11th of November 2022. Any contribution – as long it is open – will be rewarded at the SOFA Week 2022. Winners will be announced during the Symposium on 15th November.
Memento Memory | Scheikl, Paul | Trying to use sofa as a simulation environment for Reinforcement Learning, I discovered a few bugs and memory leaks that would not occur for “normal” usage of SOFA. I would like to present my workflow of finding and fixing them. |
SofaCutting plugin | Poliakov, Vladimir | For the past six months, I have been working on the SofaCutting plugin. This plugin allows quasi-online simulation of cutting in SOFA with a following offline optimization of the mesh. The current state is about 40-50% ready.
Cutting is implemented using the default collision pipeline. To do so, an additional attribute named domain has been added to the collision model class, which works exactly opposite to the group attribute (collision is tested if domain == domain and group != group). At the moment, offline optimization is not implemented. Once done, quasi-online cutting can be updated to be performed online. To match the cut with the visual model, the surface mesh is derived from the volumetric topology and refined online using OpenSubdiv. |
Linear Solver on GPU | Despierre, Stéphane | Among the SOFA community, some use this framework for high fidelity simulation. There is a need to have an efficient linear solver to compute simulations with a large number of degrees of freedom (ex:Model Order Reduction).
To that end, I used the Nvidia toolkit to allow the usage of a GPU on the resolution of linear systems. This new solver keeps the optimizations already available in the previous sparse solvers (precomputed symbolic decomposition, fill-in reducing permutations). This plugin is ready and released. |
JSON Reader | Bilger, Alexandre | JsonReader is a SOFA plugin adding the ability to read SOFA scenes written in the json format.
The plugin is open-source and hosted on GitHub. It has a GitHub action to check its compatibility against the master branch of SOFA. A release is also deployed. Scene examples are provided. |
Tearing plugin | Pernod, Erik | The Tearing plugin allows to simulate the tearing phenomena on triangular and tetrahedral meshes using Stress values analysis on Finite Element Method.
The plugin provides SOFA engines to be used directly inside simulation scenes but also API classes to be used directly inside other algorithms or user interactions (mouse, haptic, direct control). The Triangular version is totally open-source and use algorithms available inside SOFA master. The tetrahedral version use the private MeshRefinement plugin, available on demand on the marketplace. Plugin is hosted on GitHub under GPL license with examples, tests and GitHub Actions using SOFA master and last release. |
Reusable Open-Source Virtual Twin of the 4-wheel SumitXL robotics platform | Dedo, Fabrice | Our contribution for the SofaAward is an open source virtual twin for the SummitXL, a 4 wheels robotics platform made by The virtual twin is implemented following the “Prefab” principles to allow re-usability in third party projects.
Our virtual twin implementation key features:
Awards committee
- Paul Baksic – University Strasbourg
- Camille Krewcun – Inria Lille
- Damien Marchal – CNRS
- Eleonora Tagliabue – ZEISS Innovation Hub
Previous winners
Organizers’ Prize | Public Prize |
Aricò, Mario | Engineer, Twinical, France | Medical simulation |
Benoit, David | Engineer – Numalogics, Canada | Biomechanical simulation |
Bessard, Rémi | Engineer – Freelance, France | Biomechanical simulation |
Bounik, Zahra | Self-entrepeneur, Iran | Machine-learning, AR/VR |
Choi, Jaesoon | CEO – LN Robotics, South Korea | Medical robotics |
Fougères, Daniel | Engineer – Association MICADO, France | Mechanical simulation |
Fukushima, William | XR Developer – VirtualiSurg, France | VR/AR |
Geiger, Stephan | Research Engineer – Advanced Bionics, Germany | Biomechanical simulation |
Hajdinjak, Mladen | Engineer – HAJ-KOM d.o.o., Croatia | Radio technology |
Jo, Yeonghun | Engineer – LN Robotics, South Korea | AI |
Jourdes, François | Research lead – InSimo, France | Medical simulation |
Le Crom, Lil | Engineer – InSimo, France | Biomedical simulation |
Lee, Fengying | Engineer – none | Biomechanical simulation |
Lété, Edouard | Engineer – Freelance, France | Biomechanical simulation |
Meyer, Florent | Engineer – Open to opportunities, France | AI & simulation |
Novaes, Luis | Engineer – CIMATEC, Brazil | Soft-robotics |
Park, Sangeun | Researcher – LN Robotics, South Korea | Medical robotics |
Pernod, Erik | CEO – InfinyTech3D, France | VR, Physics simulation |
Peter, Rebekka C. | PhD Student – Carl Zeiss AG, Germany | Biomechanical simulation |
Roy, Frederick | Engineer – LN Robotics, South Korea | Biomechanical simulation |
Shige, Fumimasa | Engineer, Canon medical systems, Japan | Soft-robotics |
Ticona L., Jose Abel | Engineer – Sidia, Brazil | Physics simulation |
Tournier, Maxime | Dev leader – Anatoscope, France | Patient-specific anatomy |
Xiaofei, Chen | Engineer – none | Biomechanical simulation |
Zari, Davide | VP – EBITmax GmbH, Germany | Biomechanical simulation |
Abazari, Amirali | Researcher – Bilkent University, Turkey | Soft-robotics |
Adibnazari, Iman | PhD Student – UCSD, USA | Soft-robotics |
Agabiti, Camilla | PhD Student – Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna, Italy | Soft-robotics |
Aguilar, Antonio | Engineer – Instituto Politécnico Nacional, Mexico | VR, biomechanics |
Al-Zogbi, Lidia | PhD Student – Johns Hopkins University, USA | Medical robotics |
Asgari, Motahareh | PhD Student – University of Dundee, UK | Soft-robotics |
Baksic, Paul | Engineer – University of Strasbourg, France | Medical robotics |
Bamdad, Mahdi | Researcher – DHST AAU, Danemark | Soft-robotics |
Batista, Lucas | Researcher – SENAI CIMATEC, Brazil | Soft-robotics |
Bellegarde, Alexandre | Engineer – Université Paris Cité, France | VR/AR |
Bernardes, Mariana C. | Researcher – BWH, USA | Needle-tissue simulation |
Bjelland, Øystein | PhD Student – NUST, Norway | Biomechanical simulation |
Bo, Tao | PhD student – Beijing Institute of Technology, China | Soft-robotics |
Boehler, Quentin | Researcher – ETH Zurich, Switzerland | Medical robotics |
Bos, Jochem | MSc Student – University of Twente, Netherlands | Medical robotics |
Brake, Elena | PhD Student – Reutlingen Res. Institute, Germany | Soft-robotics |
Caeiro R., Manuel | Engineer – Universidade de Vigo, Spain | VR/AR |
Castillo, Arturo | PhD Student – Singapore University TD, Singapore | Soft-robotics |
Chaillou, Paul | PhD Student – Inria Lille, France | Soft-robotics |
Chandima, Sachin | MSc Student – University of Moratuwa, India | Soft-robotics |
Chettaoui, Tahar | MSc Student – KIT, Germany | Computer sciences |
Chikere, Nnamdi | PhD Student – University of Notre Dame, USA | Soft-robotics |
Cignolini, Chiara | MSc Student – University of Strasbourg, France | Soft-robotics |
Civilla, Lorenzo | Researcher – Medical University of Vienna, Austria | 3D printing, haptics |
Coevoet, Eulalie | Engineer – Inria Lille, France | Soft-robotics |
Corbin, Nicholas | PhD Student – UCSD, USA | Soft-robotics |
Cotin, Stéphane | Researcher – Inria Strasbourg, France | Biomechanics, deep learning |
Courtecuisse, Hadrien | Researcher – ICube CNRS, France | Simulation, robotics |
Czopek, Paweł | Researcher – Poznan UT, Poland | Soft-robotics |
D’Andrea Luca | PhD Student – Politecnico di Milano, Italy | Biomedical simulation |
Dahmani, Jawad | PhD Student – ETS Montreal, Canada | Biomechanical simulation |
De Cet, Anna | PhD Student – Politecnico di Milano, Italy | Biomedical simulation |
Dehaybe, Louis | PhD Student – University of Liège, Belgium | Robotics |
De I. Reyzabal, Mikel | PhD Student – King’s College London, UK | Soft-robotics |
De La Cruz, Berith | PhD Student – ETS Montreal, Canada | Soft-robotics |
DeLorey, Charlie | PhD Student – Boston University, USA | Soft-robotics |
De Luca, Giovanna | PhD Student – Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna, Italy | Soft-robotics |
Delrieu, Thibauld | PostDoc – Poitier University, France | Robotics, grasping |
Deshmukh, Krishna | PhD Student – UCEOU, USA | Soft-robotics |
Desrues, Gaetan | PhD Student – Inria Sophia-Antipolis, France | Cardiac simulation |
Dinary, Mohamed | PhD Student – University of Nottingham, UK | Soft-robotics |
Dreyfus, Roland | PhD Student – ETH Zurich, Switzerland | Medical robotics |
DSouza, Jeane Marina | Researcher – Manipal Institute of Technology, India | Soft-robotics |
Du, Shilun | PhD Student – Zhejiang University, China | Biomechanical simulation |
Duanmu, Sam | PhD student – University of Auckland, Australia | Mechatronics |
Ducrocq, Julien | PhD Student – UPJV, France | Soft-robotics |
Duriez, Christian | Research Director – Inria Lille, France | Soft-robotics |
El Hadramy, Sidaty | PhD Student – Inria Strasbourg, France | Biomechanical simulation |
Emendi, Monica | PhD Student – University of Rome T.V., Italy | Biomechanical simulation |
Enjalbert, Robin | Engineer – Inria Strasbourg, France | Python, IA |
Escaida N., Stefan | PostDoc – Universidad de O’Higgins, Chile | Model-based sensing |
Eyberg, Christoph | PhD Student – Fraunhofer IPA, Germany | Soft-robotics, biomechanics |
Facca, Sybille | PU-PH – Strasbourg University, France | Microsurgery, biomechanics |
Ferrentino, Pasquale | PhD Student – Vrije Universiteit of Brussels, Belgium | Soft-robotics |
Finocchiaro, Martina | PhD Student – UPC, Spain | Biomechanics |
Gaidamour, Jérémie | Engineer – IEC CNRS, France | Quantum mechanics, solvers |
Gallegos, Gabriela | Researcher – LSBU, UK | Medical robotics |
Gavin C., Barnabas | PhD Student – Virginia Tech, USA | Soft-robotics |
Gazeau, Jean-Pierre | Engineer – PPrime Institute, France | Robotics, grasping |
Gerrlich, Victoria | Researcher – MARUM, Germany | Soft-robotics |
Goia, Leandro | MSc Student – University of São Paulo, Brazil | Soft-robotics |
Goury, Olivier | Researcher – Inria Grenoble, France | Soft-robotics |
HA, Thuc Long | PhD Student – Inria Strasbourg, France | Medical robotics |
Haouas, Wissem | Researcher – FEMTO-ST institute, France | Soft-robotics |
Haouchine, Nazim | Researcher – Harvard Medical School, USA | VR/AR, Computer Vision |
Hashanjana, Lakeesha | Undergrad – University of Moratuwa, India | Soft-robotics |
Hecquard, Jeanne | PhD Student – Inria Rennes, France | VR |
Hockings, Nick | Researcher – Veterinary Med. Uni. Vienna, Austria | Biomechanical simulation |
Hunout, Léo | Engineer – Inria/IDRIS, France | AI |
Jiayina | MSc Student – Tianjin University, China | Soft-robotics, biomechanics |
Jilani, Radhouane | PhD Student – Inria Nancy, France | Rod simulation |
Jiralerspong, Trivor | PhD Student – Tsinghua University, China | Soft-robotics |
Jisen, Li | Researcher – CUHK, Hong Kong | Soft-robotics |
Kaan, Arikan | PhD Student – University of Calgary, Canada | Biomechanics |
Kang, Wonkyeong | MSc Student – SNU, South Korea | Soft-robotics |
Kienzlen, Annika | Researcher – University of Stuttgart, Germany | Biomechanics, AI |
Koessler, Adrien | Researcher – Université de Lorraine, France | Robotics |
Kommuri, Krishna D. | PhD Student – TIE, Netherlands | Haptics |
Kortman, Vera | PhD Student – TU Delft, Netherlands | Soft-robotics |
Krewcun, Camille | PhD Student – Inria Lille, France | Biomechanical simulation |
Krieger, Axel | Researcher – Johns Hopkins University, USA | Soft-tissue deformation |
Kumar, Naveen | Researcher – UIUC, USA | Soft-robotics |
Kundrat, Dennis | Researcher – University of Twente, Netherlands | Soft-robotics |
Li, Li | PhD Student – CUHK, Hong Kong | Soft-robotics |
Liu, Changjing | MSc Student – Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China | Soft-robotics, biomechanics |
Liu, Guanyun | MSc Student – Johns Hopkins University, USA | Biomechanical simulation |
Liu, Jun | Researcher – IHPC, A*STAR, Singapore | Soft-robotics |
Liu, Ning | Researcher – Femto-ST, France | Automatic control |
Lorenzon, Lucrezia | PhD Student – Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna, Italy | Soft-robotics |
Lou, Ruding | Researcher – Arts et Métiers, France | Geometry processing, VR |
Lugilde, Adrian | PhD Student – University of Vigo, Spain | Medical simulation |
Madhuranga, Sadeep | UnderGrad – University of Moratuwa, India | Soft-robotics |
Madhushan, Ishara | UnderGrad – University of Moratuwa, India | Soft-robotics |
Marchal, Damien | Lead Engineer – Cristal CNRS, France | UI, Python, Robotics |
Martin, Claire | PhD Student – Inria Strasbourg, France | Biomechanical simulation |
Mauze, Benjamin | Researcher – ENIT, France | Biomechanical simulation |
Mazellier, Jean-Paul | Engineer – IHU Strasbourg, France | AR, IA |
Mazier, Arnaud | PhD Student – University Luxemburg, Luxemburg | Biomechanics |
Mehmood, Usman | Engineer – Asan Medical Center, South Korea | Medical robotics |
Ménager, Etienne | PhD Student – Inria Lille, France | Soft-robotics |
Menna | PhD Student – Sheffield University, UK | Soft-robotics |
Min, Hu | PhD Student – Aier Eye Hospital, China | Soft-robotics |
Moreira, Pedro | Instructor of Radiology – BWH, USA | Soft-tissue deformation |
Moussa, Karim | PhD Student – IMT Atlantique, France | Robotics |
Navez, Tanguy | PhD Student – Inria Lille, France | Soft-robotics |
Nguyen Huu, Nhan | PhD Student – JAIST, Japan | Soft-robotics |
Ni, Shiyao | Undergrad – McGill University, Canada | Soft-robotics |
Nikolaev, Sergei | Postdoc – University Montpellier, France | Computational biology |
Odot, Alban | PhD Student – Inria Strasbourg, France | AI, FEM |
Oguntosin, Victoria | Engineer – Covenant University, Nigeria | Soft-robotics |
Pagliarani, Niccolò | PhD Student – Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna, Italy | Soft-robotics |
Palumbo, Maria Chiara | PhD Student – Politecnico di Milano, Italy | VR/AR, biomechanics |
Pescio, Matteo | MSc Student – University of Twente, Netherlands | Biomedical simulation |
Peters, Jorg | Researcher – University Florida, USA | Biomechanics |
Poliakov, Vladimir | PhD Student – KU Leuven, Belgium | Surgical simulation |
Pozzi, Maria | PostDoc – University of Siena, Italy | Soft-robotics |
Pramith, Senanayaka | Undergrad – University of Moratuwa, India | Soft-robotics |
Protopapa, Andrea | PhD Student – Politecnico di Torino, Italy | Soft-robotics |
Queiroz, Ícaro | Engineer – SENAI CIMATEC, Brazil | Soft-robotics |
Rehbinder, Jean | Engineer – ICube CNRS, France | Medical IoT |
Ricca, Aylen | Lecturer – IMT Atlantique, France | VR/AR |
Rogatinsky, Jacob | PhD Student – Boston University, USA | Soft-robotics |
Ringel, Morgan | Postdoc – Vanderbilt University, USA | Biomechanics |
Ruozzi, Veronica | PhD Student – Politecnico di Milano, Italy | Biomechanical simulation |
Sadati, S.M.Hadi | Researcher – King’s College London, UK | Soft-robotics |
Scarponi, Valentina | PhD Student – Inria Strasbourg, France | Biomechanical simulation |
Scheikl, Paul | PhD Student – KIT, Germany | Medical robotics |
Sedal, Audrey | Researcher – McGill University, Canada | Soft-robotics |
Seelinger, Barbara | Surgeon Scientist – IHU Strasbourg, France | Robotic surgery |
Seguin, Pascal | Researcher – PPrime Institute, France | Robotics, grasping |
Serkan, Ergun | PhD Student – University of Klagenfurt, Austria | Human-robot interaction |
Shi, Jialei | PhD Student – University College London, UK | Soft-robotics |
Shih, Benjamin | Postdoc – Harvard Medical School, USA | Soft-robotics, VR/AR |
Sieffert, Cléa | PhD Student – ICube CNRS, France | Biomechanics |
Singh D., Adamya | Researcher – NUS, Singapore | Soft-robotics |
Sizhe, Tian | PhD Student – ETH Zurich, Switzerland | Soft-robotics |
Smith, Lawrence | PhD Student – University of Colorado Boulder, USA | Soft-robotics |
Stalin, Thileepan | PhD Student – SUTD, Singapore | Biomechanical engineering |
Sun, Danying | Master Student – Zhejiang University, China | Soft-robotics |
Tagliabue, Eleonora | PhD Student – University of Verona, Italy | Medical robotics |
Thuillier, Alexandre | PhD Student – LIRMM, France | Soft-robotics |
Tymkovych, Maksym | Researcher – Kharkiv National University, Ukraine | Robotics |
Wang, Qianqian | PhD Student – Hunan University, China | Soft-robotics |
Wang, Yanzhou | PhD Student – Johns Hopkins University, USA | Soft-tissue deformation |
Weerakoon, Lasitha | PhD Student – University of Maryland, USA | Soft-robotics |
Wells, Sandra | PhD Student – ETH Zurich, Switzerland | Medical robotics |
Xi, Lin | MSc Student – Chengdu University IT, China | Surgical VR |
Xia, Jiutian | PhD student – South China UoT, China | Soft-robotics |
Xu, Xin | PhD Student – Polytechnic University, HongKong | Soft-robotics |
Yan, Yongjun | PhD Student – MSM Robotics Center, China | Medical robotics |
Yang, Gu | Researcher – ICT, China | Haptics |
Youssef, Samuel M. | Researcher – Nile University, Nigeria | Soft-robotics |
Yu, Wang | Grad Student – CUIT, China | Surgical VR |
Zhang, Zhongkai | Researcher – INRAE, France | Soft-robotics |
Zheng, Tongjia | PhD Student – University of Notre Dame, USA | Soft-robotics |
Zhongming, Lv | PhD Student – Hefei UoT, China | Soft-robotics |
Zi, PengChang | PhD Student – South China UoT, China | Soft-robotics |
Zotto, Nicola | PhD Student – Inria Strasbourg, France | Biomechanics, IA |
Zuo, Katie | Medical Student – King’s College London, UK | Medical simulation |
Consortium staff
Talbot, Hugo | Engineer – SOFA Consortium, France | Community, Biomechanics |