This is the complete list of members for sofa::gl::DrawToolGL, including all inherited members.
clear() override | sofa::gl::DrawToolGL | virtual |
disableBlending() override | sofa::gl::DrawToolGL | virtual |
disableDepthTest() override | sofa::gl::DrawToolGL | virtual |
disableLighting() override | sofa::gl::DrawToolGL | virtual |
disablePolygonOffset() override | sofa::gl::DrawToolGL | virtual |
draw3DText(const type::Vec3 &p, float scale, const type::RGBAColor &color, const char *text) override | sofa::gl::DrawToolGL | virtual |
draw3DText_Indices(const std::vector< type::Vec3 > &positions, float scale, const type::RGBAColor &color) override | sofa::gl::DrawToolGL | virtual |
drawArrow(const type::Vec3 &p1, const type::Vec3 &p2, float radius, const type::RGBAColor &color, int subd=16) override | sofa::gl::DrawToolGL | virtual |
drawArrow(const type::Vec3 &p1, const type::Vec3 &p2, float radius, float coneLength, const type::RGBAColor &color, int subd=16) override | sofa::gl::DrawToolGL | virtual |
drawArrow(const type::Vec3 &p1, const type::Vec3 &p2, float radius, float coneLength, float coneRadius, const type::RGBAColor &color, int subd=16) override | sofa::gl::DrawToolGL | virtual |
drawBoundingBox(const type::Vec3 &min, const type::Vec3 &max, float size=1.0) override | sofa::gl::DrawToolGL | virtual |
drawCapsule(const type::Vec3 &p1, const type::Vec3 &p2, float radius, const type::RGBAColor &color, int subd=16) override | sofa::gl::DrawToolGL | virtual |
drawCircle(float radius, float lineThickness, int resolution, const type::RGBAColor &color) override | sofa::gl::DrawToolGL | virtual |
drawCone(const type::Vec3 &p1, const type::Vec3 &p2, float radius1, float radius2, const type::RGBAColor &color, int subd=16) override | sofa::gl::DrawToolGL | virtual |
drawCross(const type::Vec3 &p, float length, const type::RGBAColor &color) override | sofa::gl::DrawToolGL | virtual |
drawCube(const float &radius, const type::RGBAColor &color, const int &subd=16) override | sofa::gl::DrawToolGL | virtual |
drawCylinder(const type::Vec3 &p1, const type::Vec3 &p2, float radius, const type::RGBAColor &color, int subd=16) override | sofa::gl::DrawToolGL | virtual |
drawDisk(float radius, double from, double to, int resolution, const type::RGBAColor &color) override | sofa::gl::DrawToolGL | virtual |
drawEllipsoid(const type::Vec3 &p, const type::Vec3 &radii) override | sofa::gl::DrawToolGL | virtual |
drawFakeSpheres(const std::vector< type::Vec3 > &points, const std::vector< float > &radius, const type::RGBAColor &color) override | sofa::gl::DrawToolGL | virtual |
drawFakeSpheres(const std::vector< type::Vec3 > &points, float radius, const type::RGBAColor &color) override | sofa::gl::DrawToolGL | virtual |
drawFrame(const type::Vec3 &position, const Quaternion &orientation, const type::Vec3f &size) override | sofa::gl::DrawToolGL | virtual |
drawFrame(const type::Vec3 &position, const Quaternion &orientation, const type::Vec3f &size, const type::RGBAColor &color) override | sofa::gl::DrawToolGL | virtual |
drawHexahedra(const std::vector< type::Vec3 > &points, const type::RGBAColor &color) override | sofa::gl::DrawToolGL | virtual |
drawHexahedron(const type::Vec3 &p0, const type::Vec3 &p1, const type::Vec3 &p2, const type::Vec3 &p3, const type::Vec3 &p4, const type::Vec3 &p5, const type::Vec3 &p6, const type::Vec3 &p7, const type::RGBAColor &color) override | sofa::gl::DrawToolGL | virtual |
drawInfiniteLine(const type::Vec3 &point, const type::Vec3 &direction, const type::RGBAColor &color, const bool &vanishing=false) override | sofa::gl::DrawToolGL | virtual |
drawInfiniteLine(const Vec3 &point, const Vec3 &direction, const float &size, const type::RGBAColor &color, const bool &vanishing=false) override | sofa::gl::DrawToolGL | virtual |
drawLine(const type::Vec3 &p1, const type::Vec3 &p2, const type::RGBAColor &color) override | sofa::gl::DrawToolGL | virtual |
drawLineLoop(const std::vector< type::Vec3 > &points, float size, const type::RGBAColor &color) override | sofa::gl::DrawToolGL | virtual |
drawLines(const std::vector< type::Vec3 > &points, float size, const type::RGBAColor &color) override | sofa::gl::DrawToolGL | virtual |
drawLines(const std::vector< type::Vec3 > &points, float size, const std::vector< type::RGBAColor > &colors) override | sofa::gl::DrawToolGL | virtual |
drawLines(const std::vector< type::Vec3 > &points, const std::vector< type::Vec2i > &index, float size, const type::RGBAColor &color) override | sofa::gl::DrawToolGL | virtual |
drawLineStrip(const std::vector< type::Vec3 > &points, float size, const type::RGBAColor &color) override | sofa::gl::DrawToolGL | virtual |
drawPlus(const float &radius, const type::RGBAColor &color, const int &subd=16) override | sofa::gl::DrawToolGL | virtual |
drawPoint(const type::Vec3 &p, const type::RGBAColor &c) override | sofa::gl::DrawToolGL | virtual |
drawPoint(const type::Vec3 &p, const type::Vec3 &n, const type::RGBAColor &c) override | sofa::gl::DrawToolGL | virtual |
drawPoints(const std::vector< type::Vec3 > &points, float size, const type::RGBAColor &color) override | sofa::gl::DrawToolGL | virtual |
drawPoints(const std::vector< type::Vec3 > &points, float size, const std::vector< type::RGBAColor > &color) override | sofa::gl::DrawToolGL | virtual |
drawQuad(const type::Vec3 &p1, const type::Vec3 &p2, const type::Vec3 &p3, const type::Vec3 &p4, const type::Vec3 &normal) override | sofa::gl::DrawToolGL | virtual |
drawQuad(const type::Vec3 &p1, const type::Vec3 &p2, const type::Vec3 &p3, const type::Vec3 &p4, const type::Vec3 &normal, const type::RGBAColor &c) override | sofa::gl::DrawToolGL | virtual |
drawQuad(const type::Vec3 &p1, const type::Vec3 &p2, const type::Vec3 &p3, const type::Vec3 &p4, const type::Vec3 &normal, const type::RGBAColor &c1, const type::RGBAColor &c2, const type::RGBAColor &c3, const type::RGBAColor &c4) override | sofa::gl::DrawToolGL | virtual |
drawQuad(const type::Vec3 &p1, const type::Vec3 &p2, const type::Vec3 &p3, const type::Vec3 &p4, const type::Vec3 &normal1, const type::Vec3 &normal2, const type::Vec3 &normal3, const type::Vec3 &normal4, const type::RGBAColor &c1, const type::RGBAColor &c2, const type::RGBAColor &c3, const type::RGBAColor &c4) override | sofa::gl::DrawToolGL | virtual |
drawQuads(const std::vector< type::Vec3 > &points, const type::RGBAColor &color) override | sofa::gl::DrawToolGL | virtual |
drawQuads(const std::vector< type::Vec3 > &points, const std::vector< type::RGBAColor > &colors) override | sofa::gl::DrawToolGL | virtual |
drawScaledHexahedra(const std::vector< type::Vec3 > &points, const type::RGBAColor &color, const float scale) override | sofa::gl::DrawToolGL | virtual |
drawScaledTetrahedra(const std::vector< type::Vec3 > &points, const type::RGBAColor &color, const float scale) override | sofa::gl::DrawToolGL | virtual |
drawScaledTetrahedron(const type::Vec3 &p0, const type::Vec3 &p1, const type::Vec3 &p2, const type::Vec3 &p3, const type::RGBAColor &color, const float scale) override | sofa::gl::DrawToolGL | virtual |
drawSphere(const type::Vec3 &p, float radius) override | sofa::gl::DrawToolGL | virtual |
drawSphere(const type::Vec3 &p, float radius, const type::RGBAColor &color) override | sofa::gl::DrawToolGL | virtual |
drawSpheres(const std::vector< type::Vec3 > &points, const std::vector< float > &radius, const type::RGBAColor &color) override | sofa::gl::DrawToolGL | virtual |
drawSpheres(const std::vector< type::Vec3 > &points, float radius, const type::RGBAColor &color) override | sofa::gl::DrawToolGL | virtual |
drawTetrahedra(const std::vector< type::Vec3 > &points, const type::RGBAColor &color) override | sofa::gl::DrawToolGL | virtual |
drawTetrahedron(const type::Vec3 &p0, const type::Vec3 &p1, const type::Vec3 &p2, const type::Vec3 &p3, const type::RGBAColor &color) override | sofa::gl::DrawToolGL | virtual |
DrawTool() | sofa::helper::visual::DrawTool | inline |
DrawToolGL() | sofa::gl::DrawToolGL | |
drawTriangle(const type::Vec3 &p1, const type::Vec3 &p2, const type::Vec3 &p3, const type::Vec3 &normal) override | sofa::gl::DrawToolGL | virtual |
drawTriangle(const type::Vec3 &p1, const type::Vec3 &p2, const type::Vec3 &p3, const type::Vec3 &normal, const type::RGBAColor &c) override | sofa::gl::DrawToolGL | virtual |
drawTriangle(const type::Vec3 &p1, const type::Vec3 &p2, const type::Vec3 &p3, const type::Vec3 &normal, const type::RGBAColor &c1, const type::RGBAColor &c2, const type::RGBAColor &c3) override | sofa::gl::DrawToolGL | virtual |
drawTriangle(const type::Vec3 &p1, const type::Vec3 &p2, const type::Vec3 &p3, const type::Vec3 &normal1, const type::Vec3 &normal2, const type::Vec3 &normal3, const type::RGBAColor &c1, const type::RGBAColor &c2, const type::RGBAColor &c3) override | sofa::gl::DrawToolGL | virtual |
drawTriangleFan(const std::vector< type::Vec3 > &points, const std::vector< type::Vec3 > &normal, const type::RGBAColor &color) override | sofa::gl::DrawToolGL | virtual |
drawTriangles(const std::vector< type::Vec3 > &points, const type::RGBAColor &color) override | sofa::gl::DrawToolGL | virtual |
drawTriangles(const std::vector< type::Vec3 > &points, const std::vector< type::RGBAColor > &color) override | sofa::gl::DrawToolGL | virtual |
drawTriangles(const std::vector< type::Vec3 > &points, const type::Vec3 &normal, const type::RGBAColor &color) override | sofa::gl::DrawToolGL | virtual |
drawTriangles(const std::vector< type::Vec3 > &points, const std::vector< type::Vec3i > &index, const std::vector< type::Vec3 > &normal, const type::RGBAColor &color) override | sofa::gl::DrawToolGL | virtual |
drawTriangles(const std::vector< type::Vec3 > &points, const std::vector< type::Vec3i > &index, const std::vector< type::Vec3 > &normal, const std::vector< type::RGBAColor > &color) override | sofa::gl::DrawToolGL | virtual |
drawTriangles(const std::vector< type::Vec3 > &points, const std::vector< type::Vec3 > &normal, const std::vector< type::RGBAColor > &color) override | sofa::gl::DrawToolGL | virtual |
drawTriangleStrip(const std::vector< type::Vec3 > &points, const std::vector< type::Vec3 > &normal, const type::RGBAColor &color) override | sofa::gl::DrawToolGL | virtual |
enableBlending() override | sofa::gl::DrawToolGL | virtual |
enableDepthTest() override | sofa::gl::DrawToolGL | virtual |
enableLighting() override | sofa::gl::DrawToolGL | virtual |
enablePolygonOffset(float factor, float units) override | sofa::gl::DrawToolGL | virtual |
getLightEnabled() | sofa::gl::DrawToolGL | inline |
getPolygonMode() | sofa::gl::DrawToolGL | inline |
getWireFrameEnabled() | sofa::gl::DrawToolGL | inline |
init() override | sofa::gl::DrawToolGL | virtual |
internalDrawLine(const type::Vec3 &p1, const type::Vec3 &p2, const type::RGBAColor &color) | sofa::gl::DrawToolGL | protectedvirtual |
internalDrawPoint(const type::Vec3 &p, const type::RGBAColor &c) | sofa::gl::DrawToolGL | protectedvirtual |
internalDrawPoint(const type::Vec3 &p, const type::Vec3 &n, const type::RGBAColor &c) | sofa::gl::DrawToolGL | protectedvirtual |
internalDrawQuad(const type::Vec3 &p1, const type::Vec3 &p2, const type::Vec3 &p3, const type::Vec3 &p4, const type::Vec3 &normal) | sofa::gl::DrawToolGL | protectedvirtual |
internalDrawQuad(const type::Vec3 &p1, const type::Vec3 &p2, const type::Vec3 &p3, const type::Vec3 &p4, const type::Vec3 &normal, const type::RGBAColor &c) | sofa::gl::DrawToolGL | protectedvirtual |
internalDrawQuad(const type::Vec3 &p1, const type::Vec3 &p2, const type::Vec3 &p3, const type::Vec3 &p4, const type::Vec3 &normal, const type::RGBAColor &c1, const type::RGBAColor &c2, const type::RGBAColor &c3, const type::RGBAColor &c4) | sofa::gl::DrawToolGL | protectedvirtual |
internalDrawQuad(const type::Vec3 &p1, const type::Vec3 &p2, const type::Vec3 &p3, const type::Vec3 &p4, const type::Vec3 &normal1, const type::Vec3 &normal2, const type::Vec3 &normal3, const type::Vec3 &normal4, const type::RGBAColor &c1, const type::RGBAColor &c2, const type::RGBAColor &c3, const type::RGBAColor &c4) | sofa::gl::DrawToolGL | protectedvirtual |
internalDrawSphere(const type::Vec3 ¢er, const float &radius, const unsigned int rings, const unsigned int sectors) | sofa::gl::DrawToolGL | |
internalDrawSpheres(const type::vector< type::Vec3 > ¢ers, const float &radius, const unsigned int rings, const unsigned int sectors) | sofa::gl::DrawToolGL | |
internalDrawTriangle(const type::Vec3 &p1, const type::Vec3 &p2, const type::Vec3 &p3, const type::Vec3 &normal) | sofa::gl::DrawToolGL | protectedvirtual |
internalDrawTriangle(const type::Vec3 &p1, const type::Vec3 &p2, const type::Vec3 &p3, const type::Vec3 &normal, const type::RGBAColor &c) | sofa::gl::DrawToolGL | protectedvirtual |
internalDrawTriangle(const type::Vec3 &p1, const type::Vec3 &p2, const type::Vec3 &p3, const type::Vec3 &normal, const type::RGBAColor &c1, const type::RGBAColor &c2, const type::RGBAColor &c3) | sofa::gl::DrawToolGL | protectedvirtual |
internalDrawTriangle(const type::Vec3 &p1, const type::Vec3 &p2, const type::Vec3 &p3, const type::Vec3 &normal1, const type::Vec3 &normal2, const type::Vec3 &normal3, const type::RGBAColor &c1, const type::RGBAColor &c2, const type::RGBAColor &c3) | sofa::gl::DrawToolGL | protectedvirtual |
m_fakeSphereUtil | sofa::gl::DrawToolGL | protected |
m_sphereUtil | sofa::gl::DrawToolGL | protected |
makeStateLifeCycle() | sofa::helper::visual::DrawTool | |
mLightEnabled | sofa::gl::DrawToolGL | protected |
mPolygonMode | sofa::gl::DrawToolGL | protected |
multMatrix(float *glTransform) override | sofa::gl::DrawToolGL | virtual |
mWireFrameEnabled | sofa::gl::DrawToolGL | protected |
popMatrix() override | sofa::gl::DrawToolGL | virtual |
pushMatrix() override | sofa::gl::DrawToolGL | virtual |
Quaternion typedef | sofa::gl::DrawToolGL | |
readPixels(int x, int y, int w, int h, float *rgb, float *z=nullptr) override | sofa::gl::DrawToolGL | virtual |
resetMaterial(const type::RGBAColor &color) override | sofa::gl::DrawToolGL | virtual |
resetMaterial() override | sofa::gl::DrawToolGL | virtual |
restoreLastState() override | sofa::gl::DrawToolGL | virtual |
RGBAColor typedef | sofa::helper::visual::DrawTool | |
saveLastState() override | sofa::gl::DrawToolGL | virtual |
scale(float s) override | sofa::gl::DrawToolGL | virtual |
setLightingEnabled(bool _isAnabled) override | sofa::gl::DrawToolGL | virtual |
setMaterial(const type::RGBAColor &color) override | sofa::gl::DrawToolGL | virtual |
setPolygonMode(int _mode, bool _wireframe) override | sofa::gl::DrawToolGL | virtual |
SOFA_ATTRIBUTE_REPLACED__TYPEMEMBER(RGBAColor, sofa::type::RGBAColor) | sofa::gl::DrawToolGL | |
SOFA_ATTRIBUTE_REPLACED__TYPEMEMBER(Vector3, sofa::type::Vec3) | sofa::gl::DrawToolGL | |
SOFA_ATTRIBUTE_REPLACED__TYPEMEMBER(Vec3f, sofa::type::Vec3f) | sofa::gl::DrawToolGL | |
SOFA_ATTRIBUTE_REPLACED__TYPEMEMBER(Vec3i, sofa::type::Vec3i) | sofa::gl::DrawToolGL | |
SOFA_ATTRIBUTE_REPLACED__TYPEMEMBER(Vec2i, sofa::type::Vec2i) | sofa::gl::DrawToolGL | |
StateLifeCycle()=delete | sofa::helper::visual::DrawTool | |
StateLifeCycle(const StateLifeCycle &)=delete | sofa::helper::visual::DrawTool | |
StateLifeCycle(DrawTool *drawTool) | sofa::helper::visual::DrawTool | |
translate(float x, float y, float z) override | sofa::gl::DrawToolGL | virtual |
Vec2i typedef | sofa::helper::visual::DrawTool | |
Vec3 typedef | sofa::helper::visual::DrawTool | |
Vec3f typedef | sofa::helper::visual::DrawTool | |
Vec3i typedef | sofa::helper::visual::DrawTool | |
Vec4f typedef | sofa::helper::visual::DrawTool | |
writeOverlayText(int x, int y, unsigned fontSize, const type::RGBAColor &color, const char *text) override | sofa::gl::DrawToolGL | virtual |
~DrawTool() | sofa::helper::visual::DrawTool | inlinevirtual |
~DrawToolGL() override | sofa::gl::DrawToolGL | virtual |
~StateLifeCycle() | sofa::helper::visual::DrawTool |