▼Ncustomns | |
CCustomBaseObject | |
CCustomBaseObjectT | |
▼NEigen | |
►Ninternal | |
Ctraits< SparseTimeDenseProduct_MT< Lhs, Rhs > > | |
Csparse_time_dense_product_impl_MT | |
Csparse_time_dense_product_impl_MT< SparseLhsType, DenseRhsType, DenseResType, RowMajor, true > | |
Csparse_time_dense_product_impl_MT< SparseLhsType, DenseRhsType, DenseResType, ColMajor, true > | |
Csparse_time_dense_product_impl_MT< SparseLhsType, DenseRhsType, DenseResType, RowMajor, false > | |
Csparse_time_dense_product_impl_MT< SparseLhsType, DenseRhsType, DenseResType, ColMajor, false > | |
CSparseTimeDenseProduct_MT | |
CSparseDenseProductReturnType_MT | |
CSparseDenseProductReturnType_MT< Lhs, Rhs, 1 > | |
▼Nsofa | |
►Ncomponent | |
►Nanimationloop | |
CConstraintProblem | |
CConstraintAnimationLoop | |
CFreeMotionAnimationLoop | |
CMultiStepAnimationLoop | |
CMultiTagAnimationLoop | |
►Ncollision | |
►Ndetection | |
►Nalgorithm | |
►CBruteForceBroadPhase | Perform an extensive pair-wise collision test based on the bounding volume of collision models |
CFirstLastCollisionModel | |
CBruteForceDetection | |
►CBVHNarrowPhase | Narrow phase collision detection based on bounding volume hierarchy |
CFinestCollision | Store data related to two finest CollisionModel's |
CCollisionPipeline | |
CCollidingPair | |
CCollisionPairID | |
►CCollidingPM | |
CCollModID | |
CDirectSAP | |
►CDirectSAPNarrowPhase | |
CBoxData | |
CDSAPBox | |
CEndPoint | |
CEndPointID | |
CCompPEndPoint | |
CISAPBox | |
CIncrSAP | |
CMirrorIntersector | |
CRayTraceDetection | It is a Ray Trace based collision detection algorithm |
CRayTraceNarrowPhase | It is a Ray Trace based collision detection algorithm |
►Nintersection | |
CBaseProximityIntersection | |
CDiscreteIntersection | |
CLocalMinDistance | |
CMeshDiscreteIntersection | |
CMeshMinProximityIntersection | |
CMeshNewProximityIntersection | |
CMinProximityIntersection | |
CNewProximityIntersection | |
CRayDiscreteIntersection | |
CRayNewProximityIntersection | |
CTetrahedronDiscreteIntersection | |
►Ngeometry | |
CCube | |
►CCubeCollisionModel | |
CCubeData | |
CCubeSortPredicate | |
CCylinderCollisionModel | |
CTCylinder | |
CSphereCollisionModel | |
CTSphere | |
CTriangleCollisionModel | |
CTTriangle | |
CPointCollisionModel | |
►CLineCollisionModel | |
CLineData | |
CTLine | |
CTPoint | |
CRay | |
CRayCollisionModel | |
CTetrahedron | |
►CTetrahedronCollisionModel | |
CTetrahedronInfo | |
CTriangleModelInRegularGrid | |
CTriangleOctreeModel | |
►Nresponse | |
►Ncontact | |
CAugmentedLagrangianResponse | |
CBarycentricPenalityContact | |
CBarycentricStickContact | |
CBaseUnilateralContactResponse | |
CCollisionResponse | |
CContactIdentifier | |
CContactListener | |
CFrictionContact | |
CPenalityContact | |
CPenalityContactForceField | |
CBaseRayContact | |
CRayContact | |
►CRuleBasedContactManager | |
CRule | |
CStickContactConstraint | |
►Nmapper | |
CBarycentricContactMapper | Base class for all mappers using BarycentricMapping |
CContactMapper< collision::geometry::LineCollisionModel< sofa::defaulttype::Vec3Types >, DataTypes > | Mapper for LineModel |
CContactMapper< collision::geometry::TriangleCollisionModel< sofa::defaulttype::Vec3Types >, DataTypes > | Mapper for TriangleModel |
CGenerateStringID | |
CContactMapper | This class will be specialized to whatever mapper is required |
CBaseContactMapper | Base class common to all mappers able to provide a MechanicalState of a given type |
CContactMapperCreator | |
CIdentityContactMapper | Base class for IdentityMapping based mappers |
CIdentityContactMapper< TCollisionModel, typename TCollisionModel::InDataTypes > | Specialization of IdentityContactMapper when mapping to the same DataTypes, as no mapping is required in this case |
CContactMapper< collision::geometry::PointCollisionModel< sofa::defaulttype::Vec3Types >, DataTypes > | Mapper for PointModel |
CContactMapper< collision::geometry::SphereCollisionModel< sofa::defaulttype::Vec3Types >, DataTypes > | Mapper for SphereModel |
CRigidContactMapper | Base class for all mappers using RigidMapping |
CContactMapper< collision::geometry::RigidSphereModel, TVec3Types > | |
CContactMapper< collision::geometry::CylinderCollisionModel< sofa::defaulttype::Rigid3Types >, TVec3Types > | |
CSubsetContactMapper | Base class for all mappers using SubsetMapping |
CContactMapper< collision::geometry::TetrahedronCollisionModel, DataTypes > | Mapper for TetrahedronCollisionModel |
►Nconstraint | |
►Nlagrangian | |
►Ncorrection | |
CGenericConstraintCorrection | |
CLinearSolverConstraintCorrection | Component computing constrained forces within a simulated body using the compliance method |
►CPrecomputedConstraintCorrection | Component computing constraint forces within a simulated body using the compliance method |
CInverseStorage | |
CConstraintActivation | |
CUncoupledConstraintCorrection | Component computing constraint forces within a simulated body using the compliance method |
►Nmodel | |
►Nbilateralconstraintresolution | |
CBilateralConstraintResolution | |
CBilateralConstraintResolution3Dof | |
CBilateralConstraintResolutionNDof | |
CAugmentedLagrangianContactParameters | |
CAugmentedLagrangianConstraint | |
CAugmentedLagrangianResolution | |
CAugmentedLagrangianResolutionWithFriction | |
CBaseContactParams | |
►CBaseContactLagrangianConstraint | |
CContact | |
CRigidImpl | |
CBilateralLagrangianConstraintSpecialization< RigidImpl > | |
CBilateralLagrangianConstraintSpecialization | |
CBilateralLagrangianConstraint | |
CFixedLagrangianConstraint | |
CSlidingLagrangianConstraint | |
CStopperLagrangianConstraintResolution1Dof | |
CStopperLagrangianConstraint | |
CUniformLagrangianConstraint | |
CUnilateralConstraintResolution | |
CPreviousForcesContainer | |
CUnilateralConstraintResolutionWithFriction | |
CUnilateralLagrangianContactParameters | |
CUnilateralLagrangianConstraint | |
►Nsolver | |
CConstraintProblem | |
CConstraintSolverImpl | |
CGenericConstraintProblem | |
CGenericConstraintSolver | |
CLCPConstraintProblem | |
CLCPConstraintSolver | |
CConstraintStoreLambdaVisitor | |
CMechanicalGetConstraintResolutionVisitor | |
CMechanicalGetConstraintViolationVisitor | Gets the vector of constraint violation values |
►Nprojective | |
CAffineMovementProjectiveConstraintInternalData | |
CAffineMovementProjectiveConstraint | |
CAttachProjectiveConstraint | |
CDirectionProjectiveConstraintInternalData | This class can be overridden if needed for additional storage within template specializations |
CDirectionProjectiveConstraint | |
CFixedPlaneProjectiveConstraintInternalData | This class can be overridden if needed for additional storage within template specializations |
CFixedPlaneProjectiveConstraint | |
CFixedProjectiveConstraintInternalData | This class can be overridden if needed for additional storage within template specializations |
CFixedProjectiveConstraint | |
CFixedRotationProjectiveConstraint | |
CFixedTranslationProjectiveConstraintInternalData | This class can be overridden if needed for additional storage within template specializations |
CFixedTranslationProjectiveConstraint | |
CHermiteSplineProjectiveConstraint | |
CLinearMovementProjectiveConstraintInternalData | |
CLinearMovementProjectiveConstraint | |
CLinearVelocityProjectiveConstraint | |
CLineProjectiveConstraintInternalData | This class can be overridden if needed for additional storage within template specializations |
CLineProjectiveConstraint | |
►COscillatorProjectiveConstraint | |
COscillator | |
CParabolicProjectiveConstraint | |
CPartialFixedProjectiveConstraint | |
CPartialLinearMovementProjectiveConstraintInternalData | |
CPartialLinearMovementProjectiveConstraint | |
CPatchTestMovementProjectiveConstraintInternalData | |
CPatchTestMovementProjectiveConstraint | |
CPlaneProjectiveConstraintInternalData | This class can be overridden if needed for additional storage within template specializations |
CPlaneProjectiveConstraint | |
CPointProjectiveConstraintInternalData | This class can be overridden if needed for additional storage within template specializations |
CPointProjectiveConstraint | |
CPositionBasedDynamicsProjectiveConstraintInternalData | This class can be overridden if needed for additional storage within template specializations |
CPositionBasedDynamicsProjectiveConstraint | |
CSkeletonJoint | |
CSkeletalMotionProjectiveConstraint | |
►Ncontroller | |
CController | Controller Class. Interface of user interaction on SOFA Components. Provides also an interface for BeginAnimation and EndAnimation events launched at the beginning and the end of a time step |
CMechanicalStateController | MechanicalStateController Class |
►Ndiffusion | |
CTetrahedronDiffusionFEMForceField | |
►Nengine | |
►Nanalyze | |
CAverageCoord | |
CClusteringEngine | |
CDistancesInternalData | This class can be overridden if needed for additional storage within template specializations |
CDistances | |
CHausdorffDistance | |
CShapeMatching | |
CSumEngine | |
►Ngenerate | |
CExtrudeEdgesAndGenerateQuads | |
CExtrudeQuadsAndGenerateHexas | |
CExtrudeSurface | |
CGenerateCylinder | |
CGenerateGrid | |
CGenerateRigidMass | |
CGenerateSphere | |
CGroupFilterYoungModulus | |
CJoinPoints | |
CMergeMeshes | |
CMergePoints | |
CMergeSets | |
CMergeVectors | |
CMeshBarycentricMapperEngine | |
CMeshClosingEngine | |
CMeshTetraStuffing | Create a tetrahedral volume mesh from a surface, using the algorithm from F. Labelle and J.R. Shewchuk, "Isosurface Stuffing: Fast Tetrahedral Meshes with Good Dihedral Angles", SIGGRAPH 2007 |
CNormalsFromPoints | |
CNormEngine | Convert a vector of Vecs in a vector of their l-norms |
CRandomPointDistributionInSurface | |
CSpiral | |
►Nselect | |
►Nboxroi | |
►CBoxROI | |
COrientedBox | |
CBaseROI | |
CComplementaryROI | |
CIndicesFromValues | |
CMergeROIs | |
CMeshBoundaryROI | |
CMeshROI | |
CMeshSampler | |
CMeshSplittingEngine | |
CMeshSubsetEngine | |
CNearestPointROI | |
CPairBoxROI | |
CPlaneROI | |
CPointsFromIndices | |
CProximityROI | |
CSortingPair | |
CSelectConnectedLabelsROI | |
CSelectLabelROI | |
CSphereROI | |
CSubsetTopology | |
CValuesFromIndices | |
►CValuesFromPositions | |
CTempData | |
►Ntransform | |
CDifferenceEngine | |
CDilateEngine | |
CDisplacementTransformEngine | |
CDisplacementMatrixEngine | |
CIndexValueMapper | |
CIndices2ValuesMapper | |
CMapIndices | |
CMathOp | |
CMathOpAdd | |
CMathOpSub | |
CMathOpMul | |
CMathOpDiv | |
CMathOpMin | |
CMathOpMax | |
CMathOpNot | |
CMathOpAnd | |
CMathOpOr | |
CMathOpXor | |
CMathOpNAnd | |
CMathOpNOr | |
CMathOpXNor | |
CMathOpTraits | |
CMathOpTraitsReal | Real-like ops |
CMathOpTraits< int > | |
CMathOpTraits< float > | |
CMathOpTraits< double > | |
CMathOpTraitsVecReal | Real-like ops |
CMathOpTraits< type::Vec< N, Real > > | |
CMathOpTraitsBool | Bool-like ops |
CMathOpTraits< bool > | |
CMathOpNames | |
CMathOpNames< std::pair< TOps1, TOps2 > > | |
CMathOpApply | |
CMathOpApply< std::pair< TOps1, TOps2 > > | |
CProjectiveTransformEngine | |
CQuatToRigidEngine | |
CRigidToQuatEngine | |
CROIValueMapper | |
CSmoothMeshEngine | |
CTransformEngine | |
CTransformOperation | |
CScale | |
CRotationSpecialized | |
CRotationSpecialized< DataTypes, 2, false > | |
CRotationSpecialized< DataTypes, 3, false > | |
CRotation | |
CTranslation | |
CTransform | |
CAbstractTransformMatrixEngine | |
CInvertTransformMatrixEngine | |
CTranslateTransformMatrixEngine | |
CRotateTransformMatrixEngine | |
CScaleTransformMatrixEngine | |
CTransformPosition | |
CVertex2Frame | |
►Nhaptics | |
CForceFeedback | Base class implementing forcefeedback as a force field |
CLCPForceFeedback | |
CMechanicalStateForceFeedback | |
CNullForceFeedback | Null force feedback for haptic feedback device |
CNullForceFeedbackT | Null force feedback for haptic feedback device |
►Nio | |
►Nmesh | |
►Nbasevtkreader | |
►CBaseVTKReader | |
CBaseVTKDataIO | |
CVTKDataIO | |
CGIDMeshLoader | |
CGridMeshCreator | |
CMeshGmshLoader | |
CMeshOBJLoader | |
CMeshOffLoader | |
CMeshSTLLoader | |
CMeshTrianLoader | |
CLegacyVTKReader | |
CXMLVTKReader | |
CMeshVTKLoader | |
CMeshXspLoadDataHook | |
CMeshXspLoader | |
COffSequenceLoader | |
CSphereLoader | |
CStringMeshCreator | |
CVoxelGridLoader | |
►Nlinearsolver | |
►Ndirect | |
CAsyncSparseLDLSolver | |
CBTDLinearSolver | |
CCholeskySolver | Direct linear solver based on Cholesky factorization, for dense matrices |
CEigenDirectSparseSolver | |
CEigenSimplicialLDLT | |
CEigenSimplicialLLT | |
CBaseEigenSolverProxy | |
CEigenSolverWrapper | |
►CEigenSolverFactory | |
COrderingMethodName | |
CBaseMainEigenSolverFactory | |
CMainSimplicialLDLTFactory | |
CMainSimplicialLLTFactory | |
CMainQRFactory | |
CMainLUFactory | |
CEigenSparseLU | |
CEigenSparseQR | |
CPrecomputedLinearSolverInternalData | |
CPrecomputedLinearSolver | Linear system solver based on a precomputed inverse matrix |
CSparseLDLSolver | |
CSparseLDLImplInvertData | |
CSparseLDLSolverImpl | |
CSVDLinearSolver | |
►Niterative | |
CCGLinearSolver | Linear system solver using the conjugate gradient iterative algorithm |
CMinResLinearSolver | |
CPCGLinearSolver | Linear system solver using the conjugate gradient iterative algorithm |
►Nordering | |
CAMDOrderingMethod | |
CBaseEigenOrderingMethod | Ordering method implemented in the library Eigen |
CCOLAMDOrderingMethod | |
CNaturalOrderingMethod | |
COrderingMethodAccessor | |
►Npreconditioner | |
CBlockJacobiPreconditionerInternalData | |
CBlockJacobiPreconditioner | Linear solver based on a NxN block diagonal matrix (i.e. block Jacobi preconditioner) |
CJacobiPreconditioner | Linear solver based on a diagonal matrix (i.e. Jacobi preconditioner) |
CPrecomputedMatrixSystem | |
CPrecomputedWarpPreconditionerInternalData | |
CPrecomputedWarpPreconditioner | Linear system solver based on a precomputed inverse matrix, wrapped by a per-node rotation matrix |
CRotationMatrixSystem | |
►CSSORPreconditioner | |
CSSORPreconditionerInvertData | |
CWarpPreconditioner | Linear system solver wrapping another (precomputed) linear solver by a per-node rotation matrix |
CMultExpr | |
CGraphScatteredMatrix | |
CGraphScatteredVector | |
CMatrixInvertData | |
CBaseMatrixLinearSolver | |
CNoThreadManager | Empty class used for default solver implementation without multi-threading support |
CMatrixLinearSolverInternalData | |
►CMatrixLinearSolver | |
CTempVectorContainer | |
►CMatrixLinearSolver< Matrix, Vector, NoThreadManager > | |
CLinearSystemData | |
CTempVectorContainer | |
►Nlinearsystem | |
CBaseMatrixProjectionMethod | |
CCompositeLinearSystem | |
CSparsityPatternLocalMatrix | |
CSparsityPatternLocalMappedMatrix | |
CConstantSparsityPatternSystem | |
CCheckNoChangeInInsertionOrder | Check that the incoming rows and columns are expected by the constant sparsity pattern |
CConstantSparsityProjectionMethod | |
CCreateMatrixDispatcher | |
CLinearSystemData | |
CMappedMassMatrixObserver | |
CComponentGroupsVisitor | |
►CMappingGraph | |
CSameGroupComponents | |
CMappingJacobians | |
CAssemblingMappedMatrixAccumulator | |
CAssemblingMatrixAccumulator | |
CBaseAssemblingMatrixAccumulator | |
CConstantLocalMappedMatrix | |
CConstantLocalMatrix | |
CMatrixFreeSystem | |
CLocalMatrixMaps | |
►CMatrixLinearSystem | |
CDirichlet | |
CIndependentContributors | |
CGroupOfComponentsAssociatedToAPairOfMechanicalStates | |
CMatrixProjectionMethod | |
CTypedMatrixLinearSystem | |
CAssembleGlobalVectorFromLocalVectorVisitor | |
CDispatchFromGlobalVectorToLocalVectorVisitor | |
►Nmapping | |
►Nlinear | |
►Ncrtp | |
CCRTPLinearMapping | |
CBarycentricMapperEdgeSetTopology | |
CBarycentricMapperHexahedronSetTopology | Class allowing barycentric mapping computation on a HexahedronSetTopology |
CBarycentricMapperMeshTopology | Class allowing barycentric mapping computation on a MeshTopology |
CBarycentricMapperQuadSetTopology | Class allowing barycentric mapping computation on a QuadSetTopology |
CBarycentricMapperRegularGridTopology | Class allowing barycentric mapping computation on a RegularGridTopology |
CBarycentricMapperSparseGridTopology | Class allowing barycentric mapping computation on a SparseGridTopology |
CBarycentricMapperTetrahedronSetTopology | Class allowing barycentric mapping computation on a TetrahedronSetTopology |
CBarycentricMapperTriangleSetTopology | Class allowing barycentric mapping computation on a TriangleSetTopology |
CBarycentricMapping | |
CBarycentricMapperTetrahedronSetTopologyRigid | Class allowing barycentric mapping computation on a TetrahedronSetTopology in Vec3 -> Rigid case |
CBarycentricMapperTetrahedronSetTopology< sofa::defaulttype::StdVectorTypes< sofa::type::Vec< 3, TInReal >, sofa::type::Vec< 3, TInReal >, TInReal >, sofa::defaulttype::StdRigidTypes< 3, TOutReal > > | |
CBeamLinearMapping | |
CRigidMappingMatrixHelper | |
CRigidMappingMatrixHelper< 2, Real > | |
CRigidMappingMatrixHelper< 3, Real > | |
CCenterOfMassMapping | |
CCenterOfMassMappingOperation | |
CCenterOfMassMulti2Mapping | |
CCenterOfMassMultiMapping | |
CDeformableOnRigidFrameMappingInternalData | Maps a deformable mechanical state to another deformable mechanical state mapped onto a rigid frame. Inputs: One Vec3 and One Rigid mechanical objects Output: One Vec3 mechanical object |
CDeformableOnRigidFrameMapping | |
CDistanceToPlaneMapping | |
CIdentityMapping | |
CIdentityMultiMapping | Concatenate several mechanical states together |
CLineSetSkinningMapping | |
CMesh2PointMechanicalMapping | |
CMesh2PointTopologicalMapping | |
CSimpleTesselatedHexaTopologicalMapping | |
CSimpleTesselatedTetraMechanicalMapping | |
CSimpleTesselatedTetraTopologicalMapping | |
CSkinningMapping | |
CSubsetMappingInternalData | This class can be overridden if needed for additional storage within template specializations |
CSubsetMapping | Compute a subset of input points |
CSubsetMultiMapping | |
CTubularMapping | |
CVoidMapping | |
►Nnonlinear | |
CAreaMapping | |
►CBaseNonLinearMapping | |
CJacobianEntry | Represents an entry in the Jacobian matrix |
CDistanceFromTargetMappingInternalData | This class can be overridden if needed for additional storage within template specializations |
CBaseDistanceFromTargetMapping | |
CDistanceFromTargetMapping | |
CDistanceMapping | |
CDistanceMultiMapping | |
CNonLinearMappingData | |
CRigidMappingInternalData | This class can be overridden if needed for additional storage within template specializations |
►CRigidMapping | |
CLoader | |
CRigidMappingMatrixHelper | |
CRigidMappingMatrixHelper< 2, Real > | |
CRigidMappingMatrixHelper< 3, Real > | |
CSquareDistanceMapping | |
CSquareMapping | |
CVolumeMapping | |
►Nmass | |
CAddMToMatrixFunctor | |
CAddMToMatrixFunctor< defaulttype::RigidDeriv< N, Real >, defaulttype::RigidMass< N, Real >, MatrixType > | |
CDiagonalMassInternalData | |
►CDiagonalMass | This component computes the integral of this mass density over the volume of the object geometry but it supposes that the Mass matrix is diagonal |
CLoader | |
CMassType | |
CMeshMatrixMassInternalData | |
CMeshMatrixMass | This component computes the integral of this mass density over the volume of the object geometry |
CMassType< sofa::defaulttype::StdRigidTypes< N, real > > | |
CUniformMass | |
CMassType< defaulttype::StdVectorTypes< TCoord, TDeriv, TReal > > | |
►Nmechanicalload | |
CConicalForceFieldInternalData | This class can be overridden if needed for additional storage within template specializations |
►CConicalForceField | |
CContact | |
CConstantForceField | Apply constant forces to given degrees of freedom |
CDiagonalVelocityDampingForceField | Apply damping forces to given degrees of freedom |
►CEdgePressureForceField | |
CEdgePressureInformation | |
CEllipsoidForceFieldInternalData | This class can be overridden if needed for additional storage within template specializations |
►CEllipsoidForceField | |
CContact | |
CGravity | |
CInteractionEllipsoidForceFieldInternalData | This class can be overridden if needed for additional storage within template specializations |
►CInteractionEllipsoidForceField | |
CContact | |
CTempVars | |
CLinearForceFieldInternalData | |
CLinearForceField | |
►COscillatingTorsionPressureForceField | |
CTrianglePressureInformation | |
CPlaneForceFieldInternalData | |
CPlaneForceField | |
►CQuadPressureForceField | QuadPressureForceField Class |
CQuadPressureInformation | |
CSphereForceFieldInternalData | This class can be overridden if needed for additional storage within template specializations |
►CSphereForceField | |
CContact | |
CSurfacePressureForceField | SurfacePressureForceField Class |
CTaitSurfacePressureForceField | |
CTorsionForceField | TorsionForceField |
►CTrianglePressureForceField | |
CTrianglePressureInformation | |
CUniformVelocityDampingForceField | Apply damping forces to given degrees of freedom |
►Nodesolver | |
►Nbackward | |
CEulerImplicitSolver | |
CNewmarkImplicitSolver | |
CStaticSolver | |
CVariationalSymplecticSolver | |
►Nforward | |
CCentralDifferenceSolver | |
CDampVelocitySolver | |
CEulerExplicitSolver | |
CRungeKutta2Solver | |
CRungeKutta4Solver | |
►Ntesting | |
CGetVectorVisitor | |
CGetAssembledSizeVisitor | |
CODESolverSpringTest | |
►Nplayback | |
CCompareState | |
CCompareStateCreator | Create CompareState component in the graph each time needed |
CCompareStateResult | |
CCompareTopology | |
CCompareTopologyCreator | Create CompareTopology component in the graph each time needed |
CCompareTopologyResult | |
Cinput_event | |
CInputEventReader | InputEventReader Class |
CReadState | |
CReadStateCreator | Create ReadState component in the graph each time needed |
CReadStateActivator | |
CReadStateModifier | |
CReadTopology | |
CReadTopologyCreator | Create ReadTopology component in the graph each time needed |
CReadTopologyActivator | |
CReadTopologyModifier | |
CWriteState | |
CWriteStateCreator | Create WriteState component in the graph each time needed |
CWriteStateActivator | |
CWriteTopology | |
CWriteTopologyCreator | Create WriteTopology component in the graph each time needed |
CWriteTopologyActivator | |
►Nsceneutility | |
►Ninfocomponent | |
CInfoComponent | |
CBaseAddResourceRepository | |
CAddDataRepository | Add a new path to DataRepository |
CAddPluginRepository | Add a new path to PluginRepository |
CMessageHandlerComponent | A sofa component to add a MessageHandler to the main logger |
CFileMessageHandlerComponent | A sofa component to add a FileMessageHandlerComponent to the main logger |
CPauseAnimation | |
CPauseAnimationOnEvent | |
►Nsetting | |
CBackgroundSetting | Class for the configuration of background settings |
CMouseButtonSetting | |
CSofaDefaultPathSetting | Class for the configuration of default path for sofa application |
CStatsSetting | Class for the configuration of stats settings |
CViewerSetting | Class for the configuration of viewer settings |
►Nsolidmechanics | |
►Nfem | |
►Nelastic | |
C_2DMaterials | |
C_3DMaterials | |
CBaseLinearElasticityFEMForceField | |
►CFastTetrahedralCorotationalForceField | |
CTetrahedronRestInformation | Data structure stored for each tetrahedron |
CFastTetrahedralCorotationalForceFieldData | This class can be overridden if needed for additional storage within template specializations |
►CHexahedralFEMForceField | |
CHexahedronInformation | Information stored for each hexahedron |
CHexahedralFEMForceFieldAndMass | |
CHexahedronFEMForceField | |
CHexahedronFEMForceFieldInternalData | |
CHexahedronFEMForceFieldAndMass | |
►CQuadBendingFEMForceField | |
CEdgeInformation | Class to store FEM information on each edge, for topology modification handling |
CQuadInformation | Class to store FEM information on each quad, for topology modification handling |
CVertexInformation | Class to store FEM information on each vertex, for topology modification handling |
►CTetrahedralCorotationalFEMForceField | |
CTetrahedronInformation | Information stored for each tetrahedron |
CTetrahedronFEMForceField | |
CTetrahedronFEMForceFieldInternalData | This class can be overridden if needed for additional storage within template specializations |
CTriangleFEMForceField | |
CTriangleFEMUtils | |
CTriangularAnisotropicFEMForceField | |
►CTriangularFEMForceField | |
CTriangleInformation | Class to store FEM information on each triangle, for topology modification handling |
CVertexInformation | Class to store FEM information on each vertex, for topology modification handling |
►CTriangularFEMForceFieldOptim | |
CTriangleInfo | Class to store FEM information on each triangle, for topology modification handling |
CTriangleState | |
CTriangularFEMForceFieldOptimInternalData | This class can be overridden if needed for additional storage within template specializations |
►Nhyperelastic | |
►Nmaterial | |
CBaseMaterial | |
CBoyceAndArruda | |
CCosta | |
CStrainInformation | |
CMaterialParameters | |
CHyperelasticMaterial | |
CMooneyRivlin | |
CNeoHookean | |
COgden | |
CPlasticMaterial | |
CStableNeoHookean | |
CSTVenantKirchhoff | |
CVerondaWestman | |
►CStandardTetrahedralFEMForceField | |
CEdgeInformation | Data structure stored for each edge |
CTetrahedronRestInformation | Data structure stored for each tetrahedron |
►CTetrahedronHyperelasticityFEMForceField | |
CEdgeInformation | Data structure stored for each edge |
CTetrahedronRestInformation | Data structure stored for each tetrahedron |
►Nnonuniform | |
CHexahedronCompositeFEMForceFieldAndMass | |
CHexahedronCompositeFEMMapping | |
CNonUniformHexahedralFEMForceFieldAndMass | |
CNonUniformHexahedronFEMForceFieldAndMass | |
►Nspring | |
CAngularSpringForceField | This class describes a simple elastic springs ForceField between DOFs positions and rest positions |
►CFastTriangularBendingSprings | |
CEdgeSpring | |
CFrameSpringForceFieldInternalData | |
►CFrameSpringForceField | |
CSpring | |
CGearSpring | |
CGearSpringForceFieldInternalData | |
CGearSpringForceField | |
CJointSpring | JOINTSPRING |
CJointSpringForceFieldInternalData | |
CJointSpringForceField | |
CLinearSpring | This class contains the description of one linear spring |
CMeshSpringForceField | |
CPolynomialRestShapeSpringsForceField | This class describes a polynomial elastic springs ForceField between DOFs positions and rest positions |
CPolynomialSpringsForceField | This class describes a polynomial elastic springs ForceField |
CQuadBendingSprings | |
►CQuadularBendingSprings | |
►CEdgeInformation | |
CSpring | |
CForceOutput | |
CRegularGridSpringForceField | |
CRepulsiveSpringForceField | |
CRestShapeSpringsForceField | This class describes a simple elastic springs ForceField between DOFs positions and rest positions |
CSpringForceFieldInternalData | This class can be overridden if needed for additional storage within template specializations |
►CSpringForceField | Set of simple springs between particles |
CLoader | |
CSpringForce | |
CTriangleBendingSprings | |
►CTriangularBendingSprings | |
CEdgeInformation | |
►CTriangularBiquadraticSpringsForceField | |
CEdgeRestInformation | |
CMat3 | |
CTriangleRestInformation | |
►CTriangularQuadraticSpringsForceField | |
CEdgeRestInformation | |
CMat3 | |
CTriangleRestInformation | |
►CVectorSpringForceField | |
CLoader | |
CSpring | |
►Ntensormass | |
►CTetrahedralTensorMassForceField | |
CEdgeRestInformation | |
►CTriangularTensorMassForceField | |
CEdgeRestInformation | |
CMat3 | |
►Nstatecontainer | |
CMappedObjectInternalData | This class can be overridden if needed for additional storage within template specializations |
CMappedObject | |
CMechanicalObject | This class can be overridden if needed for additional storage within template specializations |
CMechanicalObjectInternalData | |
►Ntopology | |
►Ncontainer | |
►Nconstant | |
CCubeTopology | |
►CMeshTopology | |
CPrimitiveUpdate | |
CSphereQuadTopology | |
►Ndynamic | |
CDynamicSparseGridGeometryAlgorithms | |
CDynamicSparseGridTopologyContainer | |
CDynamicSparseGridTopologyModifier | |
CBasicArrayInterface | A class used as an interface with an array : Useful to compute geometric information on each edge in an efficient way |
CEdgeSetGeometryAlgorithms | |
CEdgeSetTopologyContainer | |
CEdgeSetTopologyModifier | |
CHexahedronSetGeometryAlgorithms | |
CHexahedronSetTopologyContainer | |
CHexahedronSetTopologyModifier | |
CMultilevelHexahedronSetTopologyContainer | |
CMultilevelModification | |
CNumericalIntegrationDescriptor | Cross product for 3-elements vectors |
CPointToAdd | |
CPointSetGeometryAlgorithms | |
CPointSetTopologyContainer | |
CPointSetTopologyModifier | |
CQuadSetGeometryAlgorithms | |
CQuadSetTopologyContainer | |
CQuadSetTopologyModifier | |
CTetrahedronSetGeometryAlgorithms | |
CTetrahedronSetTopologyContainer | |
CTetrahedronSetTopologyModifier | |
CTriangleSetGeometryAlgorithms | |
CTriangleSetTopologyContainer | : Object that stores a set of triangles and provides access to each triangle and its edges and vertices |
CTriangleSetTopologyModifier | |
CTriangleToAdd | |
CTriangleSubdivider | |
►Ngrid | |
CCylinderGridTopology | Define a cylinder grid topology Parameters are its |
CGridTopology | Define a regular grid topology, with no spatial information |
CRegularGridTopology | |
CSparseGridMultipleTopology | |
►CSparseGridRamificationTopology | SparseGridTopology where each resulting cube contains only one independent connexe component (nodes can be multiplied by using virtual nodes) |
CConnexion | Connection corresponds to a connexe component in each regular hexa (each non-void hexa has at less one connection) |
CSparseGridTopology | |
CSphereGridTopology | Define a sphere grid topology Parameters are its |
►Nmapping | |
CCenterPointTopologicalMapping | |
CEdge2QuadTopologicalMapping | |
CHexa2QuadTopologicalMapping | |
CHexa2TetraTopologicalMapping | |
CIdentityTopologicalMapping | |
CQuad2TriangleTopologicalMapping | |
CSubsetTopologicalMapping | |
CTetra2TriangleTopologicalMapping | |
CTriangle2EdgeTopologicalMapping | |
►Nutility | |
CTopologicalChangeProcessor | |
CTriangleIncisionInformation | |
CTopologyBoundingTrasher | |
CTopologyChecker | |
►Nvisual | |
CBaseCamera | |
CCamera | |
CCylinderVisualModel | |
CInteractiveCamera | |
CLineAxis | |
CRecordedCamera | |
CTrailRenderer | |
CVisual3DText | Draw camera-oriented (billboard) 3D text |
CVisualGrid | |
►CVisualModelImpl | Abstract class which implements partially VisualModel |
CFaceGroup | |
CVisualStyle | VisualStyle component controls the DisplayFlags state embedded in the VisualParams for the current subgraph. It merges the DisplayFlags conveyed by the VisualParams with its own DisplayFlags |
CVisualTransform | |
►Ncore | |
►Nbehavior | For BaseMatrix |
CMechanicalState | Component storing all state vectors of a simulated body (position, velocity, etc), using the datatype specified in the templace |
CBaseAnimationLoop | Component responsible for main animation algorithms, managing how and when mechanical computation happens in one animation step |
►CBaseConstraint | Component computing constraints within a simulated body |
CConstraintBlockInfo | |
CBaseConstraintCorrection | Component computing constraint forces within a simulated body using the compliance method |
CBaseConstraintSet | |
CBaseController | BaseController Class. Interface of user interaction on SOFA Components. Empty class to provide an interface for the Factory |
CBaseForceField | Component computing forces within simulated bodies |
CBaseInteractionConstraint | BaseInteractionConstraint is a constraint linking several bodies (MechanicalState) together |
CBaseInteractionForceField | BaseInteractionForceField is a force field linking several bodies (MechanicalState) together |
CBaseInteractionProjectiveConstraintSet | BaseInteractionProjectiveConstraintSet is a constraint linking several bodies (MechanicalState) together |
CBaseLinearSolver | Abstract base class (as type identifier) for linear system solvers without any API |
CStiffnessMatrixAccumulator | |
CListStiffnessMatrixAccumulator | |
CDampingMatrixAccumulator | |
CListDampingMatrixAccumulator | |
►CStiffnessMatrix | |
CDF | |
►CDampingMatrix | |
CDF | |
CMassMatrixAccumulator | |
CListMassMatrixAccumulator | |
CMassMatrix | |
CBaseMass | Component responsible for mass-related computations (gravity, acceleration) |
CBaseMatrixLinearSystem | |
►CBaseMechanicalState | Component storing all state vectors of a simulated body (position, velocity, etc) |
CConstraintBlock | |
CVMultiOpEntry | |
►CBaseOrderingMethod | Abstract base class for ordering methods in sparse linear solvers |
CSparseMatrixPattern | |
CZeroDirichletCondition | |
CBaseProjectiveConstraintSet | Component computing projective constraints within a simulated body |
CBaseRotationFinder | |
CBaseVectorOperations | |
CBlockType | |
►CBlocMatrixWriter | |
CBaseMatrixWriter | |
CBlocBaseMatrixWriter | |
CBlocCRSMatrixWriter | |
CCRSMatrixWriter | |
CDispatcherForceField_addKToMatrix | |
CConstraint | Component computing constraints within a simulated body |
CConstraintCorrection | |
CConstraintResolution | Object computing a constraint resolution within a Gauss-Seidel algorithm |
CConstraintSolver | Component responsible for the expression and solution of system of equations related to constraints. The main method is solveConstraint(const ConstraintParams *, MultiVecId , MultiVecId ); The default implementation successively calls: prepareStates, buildSystem, solveSystem, applyCorrection. The parameters are defined in class ConstraintParams |
CCRSMultiMatrixAccessor | |
CDefaultMultiMatrixAccessor | |
CForceField | Component computing forces within a simulated body |
CLinearSolver | Abstract interface for linear system solvers |
CLinearSolverAccessor | |
CMass | Component responsible for mass-related computations (gravity, acceleration) |
CMatrixAccessorCompat | |
CAddToMatrixCompatMatrix | |
CApplyConstraintCompat | |
CMechanicalMatrix | |
CMixedInteractionConstraint | Component computing constraints between a pair of simulated body |
CMixedInteractionForceField | Component computing forces between a pair of simulated body |
CMultiMatrix | |
►CMultiMatrixAccessor | |
CInteractionMatrixRef | Simple structure holding a reference to the submatrix related to the interactions between two MechanicalStates |
CMatrixRef | Simple structure holding a reference to the submatrix related to one MechanicalState |
CTMultiVec | |
COdeSolver | Component responsible for timestep integration, i.e. advancing the state from time t to t+dt |
CPairInteractionConstraint | Component computing constraints between a pair of simulated body |
CPairInteractionForceField | Component computing forces between a pair of simulated body |
CPairInteractionProjectiveConstraintSet | Component computing constraints between a pair of simulated body |
CPairStateAccessor | |
CProjectiveConstraintSet | Component computing constraints within a simulated body |
CRotationFinder | |
CSingleMatrixAccessor | |
CSingleStateAccessor | |
CStateAccessor | |
►Ncollision | |
CBroadPhaseDetection | Given a set of root collision models, computes potentially colliding pairs |
CCollisionAlgorithm | |
CCollisionGroupManager | Given a set of contacts, create integration groups |
►CContact | Contact response component handling the response between a pair of models |
CFactory | |
CContactManager | Given a set of detected contact points, create contact response components |
CDetection | |
CDetectionOutput | Generic description of a contact point, used for most collision models except special cases such as GPU-based collisions |
CDetectionOutputVector | Abstract description of a set of contact point |
CTDetectionOutputVector | Generic description of a set of contact point between two specific collision models |
CBaseIntersector | |
CElementIntersector | |
CIntersectorMap | |
CIntersection | Given 2 collision elements, test if an intersection is possible (for bounding volumes), or compute intersection points if any |
CMemberElementIntersector | |
CBaseIntersectorCreator | |
CIntersectorFactory | |
CIntersectorCreator | |
CNarrowPhaseDetection | Given a set of potentially colliding pairs of models, compute set of contact points |
CPipeline | Pipeline component gather list of collision models and control the sequence of computations |
►Nloader | |
CBaseLoader | |
CImageLoader | |
CMeshLoader | |
CSceneLoader | |
CVoxelLoader | |
►Nmatrixaccumulator | |
Cget_abstract_strong< Contribution::GEOMETRIC_STIFFNESS > | |
Cget_list_abstract_strong< Contribution::GEOMETRIC_STIFFNESS > | |
Cget_abstract_strong< Contribution::STIFFNESS > | |
Cget_abstract_strong< Contribution::DAMPING > | |
Cget_list_abstract_strong< Contribution::STIFFNESS > | |
Cget_list_abstract_strong< Contribution::DAMPING > | |
Cget_abstract_strong< Contribution::MASS > | |
Cget_list_abstract_strong< Contribution::MASS > | |
Cno_check_policy | |
CIndexVerificationStrategy | |
CIndividualIndexVerificationStrategy | |
CCompositeIndexVerificationStrategy | The concatenation of multiple index verification strategies |
CNoIndexVerification | |
CRangeVerification | |
CContributionName | |
CContributionName< Contribution::STIFFNESS > | |
CContributionName< Contribution::MASS > | |
CContributionName< Contribution::DAMPING > | |
CContributionName< Contribution::GEOMETRIC_STIFFNESS > | |
Cget_abstract_strong | |
Cget_list_abstract_strong | |
►Nobjectmodel | |
►Nlifecycle | |
CDeprecatedData | |
CRemovedData | |
CRenamedData | |
CSingleLink | Container of single links in the scenegraph, from a given type of object (Owner) to another (Dest) |
CAbstractDataLink | AbstractDataLink is the base class for every link between two data fields The targeted BaseData is called the "target", The base object owning the current "child" object is the "owner" it is possible to store a path in a DataLink, in that case, at each DataLink access the path is resolved to search for a corresponding Data until one is found. Once a Data is set, the path is discarded |
CAspect | |
CAspectPool | |
CAspectBuffer | |
CBase | Base class for everything |
CBaseClass | Class hierarchy reflection base class |
CDeprecatedBaseClass | |
CParents | |
CTClassParents | |
CTClassParents< void > | |
CTClassParents< Parents< Types... > > | |
CTClass | |
CHasGetCustomTemplateName | |
CHasGetCustomClassName | |
CHasName | |
CHasDataTypeInfo | |
CHasGetDefaultTemplateName | |
CHasDeprecatedTemplateName | |
CHasDeprecatedShortName | |
CHasDeprecatedClassName | |
►CBaseClassNameHelper | |
CDefaultTypeTemplateName | |
CDefaultTypeTemplateName< C< T1, Ts... > > | |
►CBaseContext | Base class for Context classes, storing shared variables and parameters |
CGetObjectsCallBack | |
CGetObjectsCallBackT | Helper functor allowing to insert an object into a container |
►CBaseData | Abstract base class for Data |
CBaseInitData | This internal class is used by the initData() methods to store initialization parameters of a Data |
CWriteAccessWithRawPtr | |
►CBaseLink | Abstract base class for all links in the scene grapn, independently of their type |
CBaseInitLink | This internal class is used by the initLink() methods to store initialization parameters of a Data |
CInitLink | This internal class is used by the initLink() methods to store initialization parameters of a Data |
CBaseNode | Base class for simulation nodes |
CBaseObject | Base class for simulation components |
►CBaseObjectDescription | Base Interface for classes containing the description of an object, used to construct it |
CAttribute | |
CClassInfo | Meta information class |
CTClassInfo | |
CConfigurationSetting | Base class for all the configuration settings of SOFA |
CContext | Implementation of BaseContext, storing all shared parameters in Datas |
CContextObject | Base class for simulation objects that modify the shared context (such as gravity, local coordinate system, ...) |
►CData | Container that holds a variable for a component |
CInitData | This internal class is used by the initData() methods to store initialization parameters of a Data |
CEmptyData | |
CDataContentValue | |
CDataContentValue< T, false > | |
CDataContentValue< T, true > | |
CDataFileName | Data specialized to store filenames, potentially relative to the current directory at the time it was specified |
CDataFileNameVector | |
CDataLink | DataLink stores a connection between two object of type Data<XXX> The class is templated by the Data type to connect. The class implements the AbstractDataLink interface |
CDDGNode | A DDGNode is a vertex in the data dependencies graph. The data dependency graph is used to update the data when some of other changes and it is at the root of the implementation of the data update mecanisme as well as DataEngines |
CDetachNodeEvent | |
CEvent | Base class for all events received by the objects |
CGUIEvent | This event notifies about GUI interaction |
CHapticDeviceEvent | This event notifies about haptic device interaction |
CIdleEvent | This event is propagated along the objects hierarchy at regular interval |
►CJoystickEvent | JoystickEvent Class |
CAxisEvent | Implements an event that notifies about axis positions (like analog controls of a joystick). The axis position is normalized so values are always in the range [-1, 1] |
CButtonEvent | Implements the button event for joysticks |
CHatEvent | Implements an event notifying changes about a directionnal hat on a device (like a joystick) |
CKeypressedEvent | This event is propagated along the objects when a key on the keyboard is pressed |
CKeyreleasedEvent | This event is propagated along the objects when a key on the keyboard is released |
CLinkTraitsDestPtr | |
CLinkTraitsDestPtr< TDestType, false > | |
CLinkTraitsDestPtr< TDestType, true > | |
CLinkTraitsValueType | |
CLinkTraitsValueType< TDestType, TDestPtr, strongLink, false > | |
►CLinkTraitsValueType< TDestType, TDestPtr, strongLink, true > | |
CT | |
CLinkTraitsContainer | |
CSinglePtr | Class to hold 0-or-1 pointer. The interface is similar to std::vector (size/[]/begin/end), plus an automatic conversion to one pointer |
CLinkTraitsContainer< TDestType, TDestPtr, TValueType, false > | |
CLinkTraitsContainer< TDestType, TDestPtr, TValueType, true > | |
CTLink | Container of all links in the scenegraph, from a given type of object (Owner) to another (Dest) |
CMultiLink | Container of vectors of links in the scenegraph, from a given type of object (Owner) to another (Dest) |
CMouseEvent | MouseEvent Class |
CScriptEvent | Generic Event class to send a message through the simulation graph |
CNew | New operator for classes with smart pointers (such as all components deriving from Base) |
CSPtr_dynamic_cast | Dynamic_cast operator for SPtr |
CSPtr_static_cast | Static_cast operator for SPtr |
CSPtr_const_cast | Const_cast operator for SPtr |
CTag | A Tag is a string (internally converted to an integer), attached to objects in order to define subsets to process by specific visitors |
CTagSet | |
CvectorData | |
CVectorLinks | |
►Ntopology | |
CDefaultMeshTopologyLoader | |
CBaseMeshTopology | |
CGeometryAlgorithms | |
CTopologyModifier | |
CTopologyContainer | |
CBaseTopologyData | |
CBaseTopologyObject | |
CTopologicalMapping | This Interface is a new kind of Mapping, called TopologicalMapping, which converts an INPUT TOPOLOGY to an OUTPUT TOPOLOGY (both topologies are of type BaseTopology) |
CTopology | |
CTopologyElemID | Topology identification of a primitive element |
CPointAncestorElem | Topology change information related to the ancestor topology element of a point |
CElemAncestorElem | Topology change information related to the ancestor topology element of an edge |
CTopologyChangeElementInfo | |
►CTopologyChangeElementInfo< Topology::Point > | |
CEMoved_Adding | This event is not used for this type of element |
CEMoved_Removing | This event is not used for this type of element |
CTopologyChangeElementInfo< Topology::Edge > | |
►CTopologyChangeElementInfo< Topology::Triangle > | |
CEMoved | This event is not used for this type of element |
►CTopologyChangeElementInfo< Topology::Quad > | |
CEMoved | This event is not used for this type of element |
►CTopologyChangeElementInfo< Topology::Tetrahedron > | |
CEMoved | This event is not used for this type of element |
►CTopologyChangeElementInfo< Topology::Hexahedron > | |
CEMoved | This event is not used for this type of element |
CTopologyChange | Base class to indicate a topology change occurred |
CEndingEvent | |
CPointsIndicesSwap | |
CPointsAdded | |
CPointsRemoved | |
CPointsRenumbering | |
CPointsMoved | |
CEdgesIndicesSwap | |
CEdgesAdded | |
CEdgesRemoved | |
CEdgesMoved_Removing | |
CEdgesMoved_Adding | |
CEdgesRenumbering | |
CTrianglesIndicesSwap | |
CTrianglesAdded | |
CTrianglesRemoved | |
CTrianglesMoved_Removing | |
CTrianglesMoved_Adding | |
CTrianglesRenumbering | |
CQuadsIndicesSwap | |
CQuadsAdded | |
CQuadsRemoved | |
CQuadsMoved_Removing | |
CQuadsMoved_Adding | |
CQuadsRenumbering | |
CTetrahedraIndicesSwap | |
CTetrahedraAdded | |
CTetrahedraRemoved | |
CTetrahedraMoved_Removing | |
CTetrahedraMoved_Adding | |
CTetrahedraRenumbering | |
CHexahedraIndicesSwap | |
CHexahedraAdded | |
CHexahedraRemoved | |
CHexahedraMoved_Removing | |
CHexahedraMoved_Adding | |
CHexahedraRenumbering | |
CTopologyData | A class for storing topology related data. Automatically manages topology changes |
CTopologyDataHandler | |
CTopologyHandler | |
CTopologySubsetData | A class for storing element related data. Automatically manages topology changes |
CTopologySubsetIndices | A class for storing point indices. Automatically manages topological changes on Point |
►Nvisual | |
CBaseVisualStyle | |
CDisplayFlags | Class which describes the display of components in a hierarchical fashion DisplayFlags are conveyed by the VisualParams, and therefore are accessible in a read only fashion inside a Component draw method. A component can tell if it should draw something on the display by looking at the current state of the displayFlags through the VisualParams parameter. DisplayFlags are embeddable inside a Data and can therefore read/write their state from a stream |
►CFlagTreeItem | |
►Cci_comparison | |
Cnocase_compare | |
CShader | A basic interface to define a Shader for different system (OpenGL, DirectX, ...) |
CShaderElement | A basic interface to define an element to be used with a Shader |
Ctristate | |
CVisualLoop | |
CVisualManager | |
CVisualModel | An interface which all VisualModel inherit |
CVisualParams | Class gathering parameters used by visual components and by the draw method of each component. Transmitted by visitors |
CVisualState | |
CState | Component storing position and velocity vectors |
CAccumulationVecId | Proxy class for accessing elements within an imaginary container that represents the cumulative sum of multiple other containers. Each individual container is represented by a VecId. The class maintains a list of VecIdDeriv objects, which defines the containers contributing to the final cumulative sum. This class provides a simplified interface for accessing elements within the cumulative container. It allows retrieving specific elements using the overloaded subscript operator (operator[]). When accessing an element at a particular index, the class delegates the retrieval to the appropriate container represented by the associated VecIdDeriv. In addition to element retrieval, the class supports dynamic management of the contributing containers. It offers functions to add and remove VecId objects from the list of containers that contribute to the cumulative sum |
CMappingMatrixAccumulator | |
CListMappingMatrixAccumulator | |
►CGeometricStiffnessMatrix | |
CDJ | |
CBaseMapping | |
CBaseMatrixAccumulatorComponent | |
Cget_base_object_strong | |
CBaseState | Component storing position and velocity vectors |
CBehaviorModel | Abstract Interface of components defining the behavior of a simulated object |
CCategoryLibrary | An Generic Category of the Sofa Library |
CBaseCollisionElementIterator | Base class for reference to an collision element defined by its index |
CTCollisionElementIterator | Reference to an collision element defined by its index inside a given collision model |
CCollisionElementIterator | Reference to an abstract collision element |
CCollisionElementActiver | |
CCollisionModel | Abstract CollisionModel interface |
CComponentLibrary | An Generic Component of the Sofa Library |
CComponentNameHelper | |
CConstraintParams | |
CDataEngine | From a set of Data inputs computes a set of Data outputs |
CDataTracker | |
CDataTrackerDDGNode | A DDGNode with trackable input Data (containing a DataTracker) |
CDataTrackerCallback | |
CDataTrackerFunctor | |
►CDerivativeMatrix | |
CDerivative | |
CDerivativeElement | |
CExecParams | Class gathering parameters use by most components methods, and transmitted by all visitors |
CIntrusiveObject | |
CMapping | Specialized interface to convert a model state of type TIn to a model state of type TOut. This is basically a sofa::core::BaseMapping with given input and output types |
CMatricesFactors | |
CMatrixAccumulatorInterface | |
CMatrixAccumulatorIndexChecker | |
CListMatrixAccumulator | |
CMechanicalParams | Class gathering parameters use by mechanical components methods, and transmitted by mechanical visitors |
CMechanicalStatesMatrixAccumulators | |
CMulti2Mapping | Specialized interface to describe many to many mapping. The inputs can be of two different types, while all the outputs must be of the same type |
CMultiMapping | Specialized interface to describe many to many mapping. All the input must have the same type, and all the output must have the same type. See also class Multi2Mapping |
CTMultiVecId | |
CStateVecAccessor | Helper class to access vectors of a given type in a given State |
CStateVecAccessor< DataTypes, V_COORD, V_READ > | |
CStateVecAccessor< DataTypes, V_COORD, V_WRITE > | |
CStateVecAccessor< DataTypes, V_DERIV, V_READ > | |
CStateVecAccessor< DataTypes, V_DERIV, V_WRITE > | |
CStateVecAccessor< DataTypes, V_MATDERIV, V_READ > | |
CStateVecAccessor< DataTypes, V_MATDERIV, V_WRITE > | |
CStateVecAccessor< DataTypes, V_ALL, V_READ > | |
CStateVecAccessor< DataTypes, V_ALL, V_WRITE > | |
CTMultiVecId< V_ALL, vaccess > | |
CObjectRegistrationEntry | |
►CObjectFactory | |
CClassEntry | Record storing information about a class |
CCreator | Abstract interface of objects used to create instances of a given type |
CObjectCreator | Typed Creator class used to create instances of object type RealObject |
CObjectRegistrationData | Helper class used to register a class in the ObjectFactory |
CObjectFactoryJson | |
CPathResolver | This class exposes an API to query a context to find Base* or a BaseData* |
CSofaLibrary | An Generic Library |
CTVecId | |
CTStandardVec | |
CTStandardVec< V_COORD, vaccess > | |
CTStandardVec< V_DERIV, vaccess > | |
CTStandardVec< V_MATDERIV, vaccess > | |
CTStandardVec< V_ALL, vaccess > | |
CBaseVecId | |
CVecIdAlignFix | |
CVecIdProperties | |
CTVecId< V_ALL, vaccess > | Identify any vector stored in State |
CStateType | |
CStateType< DataTypes, core::V_COORD > | |
CStateType< DataTypes, core::V_DERIV > | |
CStateType< DataTypes, core::V_MATDERIV > | |
CStateTypeSize | |
CStateTypeSize< DataTypes, core::V_COORD > | |
CStateTypeSize< DataTypes, core::V_DERIV > | |
CStateVecType | |
CStateVecType< DataTypes, core::V_COORD > | |
CStateVecType< DataTypes, core::V_DERIV > | |
►Ndefaulttype | |
CDataTypeInfo | |
CDataTypeInfo< sofa::core::objectmodel::Tag > | |
CDataTypeInfo< sofa::core::objectmodel::TagSet > | |
CAbstractTypeInfo | |
CRigidDeriv | |
CRigidCoord | |
CRigidMass | |
CStdRigidTypes | |
►CStdVectorTypes | |
CImpl | |
►CMapMapSparseMatrix | |
CColConstIterator | Sparse Matrix columns constant Iterator |
CColIterator | |
CRowConstIterator | |
CRowIterator | |
CMapMapSparseMatrixToEigenSparse | |
CMapMapSparseMatrixToEigenSparseVec | |
CMapMapSparseMatrixToEigenSparse< sofa::type::Vec< N, Real > > | |
CMapMapSparseMatrixToEigenSparse< sofa::defaulttype::RigidDeriv< N, Real > > | |
CEigenSparseToMapMapSparseMatrix | |
CEigenSparseToMapMapSparseMatrixVec | |
CEigenSparseToMapMapSparseMatrix< sofa::type::Vec< N, Real > > | |
CEigenSparseToMapMapSparseMatrix< sofa::defaulttype::RigidDeriv< N, Real > > | |
CRigidCoord< 3, real > | |
CRigidCoord< 2, real > | |
CRigidDeriv< 3, real > | |
CRigidDeriv< 2, real > | |
CRigidMass< 3, real > | |
CRigidMass< 2, real > | |
CStdRigidTypes< 3, real > | |
CStdRigidTypes< 2, real > | |
►CSolidTypes | |
CArticulatedInertia | |
CRigidInertia | |
CTwist | A twist aka a SpatialVector representing a velocity This is practically a SpatialVector (screw) with the additional semantics that this screw represents a twist (velocity) and not a wrench (force and torque) |
CWrench | A wrench aka a SpatialVector representing a force and a torque This is practically a SpatialVector (screw) with the additional semantics that this screw represents a wrench (force and torque) and not a twist (velocity) |
CTemplateAliases | Class used to store and resolve template aliases |
CRegisterTemplateAlias | Helper class used to register a template alias in the TemplateAliases class |
CDefaultDataTypeInfo | |
CDataTypeName | |
CHasGetTypeName | Add a compatibility layer to supper the new existing GetTypeName |
CDataTypeInfoDynamicWrapper | Wrap a DataTypeInfo type_traits in an AbstractTypeInfo |
CBoolTypeInfo | |
CFixedArrayTypeInfo | |
CIncompleteTypeInfo | |
CIntegerTypeInfo | |
CScalarTypeInfo | |
CSetTypeInfo | |
CTextTypeInfo | |
CVectorTypeInfo | |
CNameOnlyTypeInfo | |
CNoTypeInfo | |
CDataTypeInfo< bool > | |
CBoundingBoxTypeInfo | |
CDataTypeInfo< type::BoundingBox > | |
CDataTypeInfo< sofa::type::fixed_array< T, N > > | |
CDataTypeInfo< char > | |
CDataTypeInfo< unsigned char > | |
CDataTypeInfo< short > | |
CDataTypeInfo< unsigned short > | |
CDataTypeInfo< int > | |
CDataTypeInfo< unsigned int > | |
CDataTypeInfo< long > | |
CDataTypeInfo< unsigned long > | |
CDataTypeInfo< long long > | |
CDataTypeInfo< unsigned long long > | |
CDataTypeInfo< sofa::type::Mat< L, C, real > > | |
CDataTypeInfo< sofa::type::Quat< T > > | |
CDataTypeInfo< sofa::type::RGBAColor > | |
CDataTypeInfo< sofa::defaulttype::StdRigidTypes< N, real > > | |
CDataTypeInfo< sofa::defaulttype::RigidCoord< N, real > > | |
CDataTypeInfo< sofa::defaulttype::RigidDeriv< N, real > > | |
CDataTypeInfo< sofa::defaulttype::RigidMass< N, real > > | |
CDataTypeInfo< float > | |
CDataTypeInfo< double > | |
CSelectableItemDataTypeInfo | |
CDataTypeInfo< T, std::enable_if_t< std::is_base_of_v< helper::BaseSelectableItem, T > > > | |
CDataTypeInfo< std::set< T, Compare, Alloc > > | |
CDataTypeInfo< std::string > | |
CDataTypeInfo< sofa::topology::Edge > | |
CDataTypeInfo< sofa::topology::Triangle > | |
CDataTypeInfo< sofa::topology::Quad > | |
CDataTypeInfo< sofa::topology::Tetrahedron > | |
CDataTypeInfo< sofa::topology::Pyramid > | |
CDataTypeInfo< sofa::topology::Pentahedron > | |
CDataTypeInfo< sofa::topology::Hexahedron > | |
CDataTypeInfo< sofa::type::Vec< N, real > > | |
CDataTypeInfo< sofa::type::VecNoInit< N, real > > | |
CDataTypeInfo< sofa::type::vector< T, Alloc > > | |
CDataTypeInfo< sofa::type::vector< bool, Alloc > > | |
CDataTypeInfo< sofa::type::vector< std::string, Alloc > > | |
CTypeInfoId | Generates unique id for types |
CTypeInfoRegistry | An unique singleton to register all the type info defined in Sofa |
CTypeInfoRegistryTools | A dedicated class to hold helper functions for TypeInfoRegistryTools |
►Ngeometry | |
CElementInfo< sofa::core::topology::Topology::Point > | |
CEdge | |
CElementInfo | |
CHexahedron | |
CPentahedron | |
CPoint | |
CPyramid | |
CQuad | |
CTetrahedron | |
CTriangle | |
►Ngl | Forward declaration |
►Ncomponent | |
►Nengine | |
CTextureInterpolation | |
►Nrendering2d | |
COglColorMap | |
COglLabel | |
COglViewport | |
►Nrendering3d | |
CClipPlane | |
CDataDisplay | |
CMergeVisualModels | |
COglModel | Main class for rendering 3D model in SOFA |
COglSceneFrame | |
CPointSplatModel | |
CSlicedVolumetricModel | |
►Nshader | |
CCompositingVisualLoop | |
CLight | Utility to cast Light into a Opengl scene |
CDirectionalLight | |
CPositionalLight | |
CSpotLight | |
CLightManager | Utility to manage lights into an Opengl scene |
COglAttribute | |
COglFloatAttribute | |
COglFloat2Attribute | |
COglFloat3Attribute | |
COglFloat4Attribute | |
COglIntAttribute | |
COglInt2Attribute | |
COglInt3Attribute | |
COglInt4Attribute | |
COglUIntAttribute | |
COglUInt2Attribute | |
COglUInt3Attribute | |
COglUInt4Attribute | |
COglOITShader | |
COglRenderingSRGB | The utility to enable/disable sRGB rendering |
COglShader | Utility to use shader for a visual model in OpenGL |
COglShaderElement | Abstract class which defines a element to be used with a OglShader |
COglShaderMacro | Small class to define macro into an OglShader |
COglShaderDefineMacro | |
COglShaderVisualModel | |
COglShadowShader | |
COglTexture | Defines an uniform sampler (texture) for a OglShader |
COglTexture2D | |
COglTexturePointer | Defines an uniform sampler (texture) for a OglShader |
COglVariable | Defines an uniform variable for a OglShader |
COglIntVariable | |
COglInt2Variable | |
COglInt3Variable | |
COglInt4Variable | |
COglFloatVariable | |
COglFloat2Variable | |
COglFloat3Variable | |
COglFloat4Variable | |
COglIntVectorVariable | |
COglIntVector2Variable | |
COglIntVector3Variable | |
COglIntVector4Variable | |
COglFloatVectorVariable | |
COglFloatVector2Variable | |
COglFloatVector3Variable | |
COglFloatVector4Variable | |
COglMatrix2Variable | |
COglMatrix3Variable | |
COglMatrix4Variable | |
COglMatrix2x3Variable | |
COglMatrix3x2Variable | |
COglMatrix2x4Variable | |
COglMatrix4x2Variable | |
COglMatrix3x4Variable | |
COglMatrix4x3Variable | |
COglMatrix4VectorVariable | |
CVisualOITDrawVisitor | |
COrderIndependentTransparencyManager | Utility to manage transparency (translucency) into an Opengl scene |
CPostProcessManager | |
CVisualManagerPass | Render pass element: render the relevant tagged objects in a FBO |
CVisualManagerSecondaryPass | Render pass element: render the relevant tagged objects in a FBO |
CAxis | |
►CBasicShapesGL | |
CCustomGLBuffer | |
CGLBuffers | |
►CBasicShapesGL_Sphere | |
CSphereDescription | |
CBasicShapesGL_FakeSphere | |
CCapture | |
CCylinder | |
CDrawToolGL | |
CfboParameters | |
CFrameBufferObject | |
CGLSLFileListener | |
►CGLSLShader | |
CShaderContents | A shader is a source code, as such it can be loaded either directly by its source or a filename (containing the source) |
CGlText | |
CEnable | |
CDisable | |
CTexture | |
CTransformationGL | |
CVideoRecorderFFMPEG | |
►Ngui | |
►Nbatch | |
CBatchGUI | |
CProgressBar | |
►Ncommon | |
CArgumentParser | |
CBaseGUI | |
CBaseViewer | |
CColourPickingVisitor | |
CFilesRecentlyOpenedManager | |
►CGUIManager | |
CGUICreator | |
CMousePosition | |
COperation | |
CAttachOperation | |
CConstraintAttachOperation | |
CFixOperation | |
CAddFrameOperation | |
CAddRecordedCameraOperation | |
CStartNavigationOperation | |
CInciseOperation | |
CTopologyOperation | |
CAddSutureOperation | |
COperationCreator | |
CTOperationCreator | |
COperationFactory | |
CRegisterOperation | |
CCallBackPicker | |
CCallBackRender | |
CPickHandler | |
CBaseViewerArgument | |
CViewerQtArgument | |
►Ncomponent | |
►Nperformer | |
CAddRecordedCameraPerformer | |
CAttachBodyPerformer | |
CBaseAttachBodyPerformer | |
CComponentMouseInteraction | |
CTComponentMouseInteraction | |
CConstraintAttachBodyPerformer | |
CFixParticlePerformerConfiguration | |
CFixParticlePerformer | |
CInciseAlongPathPerformerConfiguration | |
CInciseAlongPathPerformer | |
CMouseInteractor | Class to execute specific tasks of the Mouse |
CInteractionPerformer | |
CTInteractionPerformer | |
CBodyPicked | Represents a point on an object |
CBaseMouseInteractor | |
CRemovePrimitivePerformerConfiguration | |
CRemovePrimitivePerformer | |
CStartNavigationPerformer | |
CSuturePointPerformerConfiguration | |
CSuturePointPerformer | |
CTopologicalChangeManager | Class to manage the handling of topological changes which have been requested from the Collision Model |
CAddFrameButtonSetting | |
CAddRecordedCameraButtonSetting | |
CStartNavigationButtonSetting | |
CAttachBodyButtonSetting | |
CConstraintAttachButtonSetting | |
CFixPickedParticleButtonSetting | |
►Nhelper | |
►Nconsole | |
CForeground | |
CBackground | |
►Nio | This allow MeshTrian to interact with the messaging system |
CBaseFileAccessCreator | |
CFileAccessCreator | |
CBaseFileAccess | |
CFile | |
CFileAccess | |
CImage | |
►CDDSHeader | |
CDDSCaps | |
CDDSPixelFormat | |
CImageDDS | |
CImageRAW | |
CMesh | |
CMeshGmsh | |
CMeshOBJ | |
CMeshTopologyLoader | |
CSphereLoaderDataHook | Inherit this class to load data from sphere description |
CSphereLoader | |
CSTBImageCreators | |
CSTBImage | |
CTriangleLoader | |
CXspLoaderDataHook | Inherit this class to load data from a Xsp file |
CXspLoader | |
►Nlifecycle | |
CComponentChange | |
CDeprecated | |
CPluginized | |
CRemovedIn | |
CMoved | |
CRenamed | |
CDealiased | |
►Nlogging | This allow Base object to interact with the messaging system |
►Ncountingmessagehandler | |
CCountingMessageHandler | Count the messages by types |
CMainCountingMessageHandler | Singleton to CountingMessageHandler and offer static version of CountingMessageHandler API |
►Nloggingmessagehandler | |
CLoggingMessageHandler | Saves a copy of the messages in a buffer |
CMainLoggingMessageHandler | Singleton to CountingMessageHandler and offer static version of CountingMessageHandler API |
CLogMessage | |
►Npercomponentloggingmessagehandler | |
CPerComponentLoggingMessageHandler | The RoutingMessageHandler class saves a copy of the messages in a buffer |
CMainPerComponentLoggingMessageHandler | Singleton to PerComponentLoggingMessageHandler and offer static version of PerComponentLoggingMessageHandler API |
►Nroutingmessagehandler | |
CRoutingMessageHandler | Saves a copy of the messages in a buffer |
CMainRoutingMessageHandler | Singleton to RoutingMessageHandler and offer static version of RoutingMessageHandler API |
CRichConsoleStyleMessageFormatter | The RichConsoleStyleMessageFormatter class |
CSofaComponentInfo | |
CClangMessageHandler | |
CClangStyleMessageFormatter | |
CComponentInfo | |
CConsoleMessageHandler | |
CMainConsoleMessageHandler | Singleton to ConsoleMessageHandler and offer static version of ConsoleMessageHandler API |
CDefaultStyleMessageFormatter | |
►CExceptionMessageHandler | |
CErrorMessageException | Exception raised by an error Message |
CFileInfo | |
CFileInfoOwningFilename | To keep a trace (file,line) from where the message have been created |
CFileMessageHandler | |
CMessage | |
CMessageDispatcherImpl | |
►CMessageDispatcher | |
CLoggerStream | |
CNullLoggerStream | |
CMessageFormatter | |
CMessageHandler | |
CSilentMessageHandler | This class is a MessageHandler that simply do nothing with the message |
CTracyMessageHandler | Send the message to the Tracy profiler |
CMainTracyMessageHandler | Singleton to TracyMessageHandler and offer static version of TracyMessageHandler API |
►Nmessaging | |
CFileMessage | |
►Nsystem | |
►Nthread | |
CCircularQueue | |
CAlignPow2 | |
CAlignPow2< 1 > | |
CAlignPow2< 0 > | |
►CFixedSize | |
Ctype | |
►CFixedPower2Size | |
Ctype | |
COneThreadPerEnd | |
CManyThreadsPerEnd | |
CCTime | |
CTrace | |
CTraceProfile | |
Cthread_specific_ptr | |
►CDynamicLibrary | Wrapper around the dynamic library facilities of the operating system |
CHandle | A handle to a dynamic library |
CFileEventListener | Contains an event-based API to monitor file changes |
CFileMonitor | |
CMonitoredFile | |
CFileRepository | |
CFileSystem | Contains functions to interact with the file system |
CLocale | |
CTemporaryLocale | RAII class to modify the locale temporarily |
CPipeProcess | |
►CPlugin | |
CGetModuleComponentList | |
CGetModuleDescription | |
CGetModuleLicense | |
CGetModuleName | |
CGetModuleVersion | |
CInitExternalModule | |
CModuleIsInitialized | |
CPluginManager | |
CSetDirectory | |
►Nvisual | |
CDrawTool | Utility class to perform debug drawing |
CTrackball | |
CTransformation | |
CReadAccessor< core::objectmodel::Data< T > > | |
CWriteAccessor< core::objectmodel::Data< T > > | |
CWriteOnlyAccessor< core::objectmodel::Data< T > > | The WriteOnlyAccessor provides an access to the Data without triggering an engine update. This should be the preferred writeAccessor for most of the cases as it avoids unnecessary Data updates |
CReadAccessor | |
CReadAccessor< FixedArrayLikeType > | |
CReadAccessor< VectorLikeType > | |
CReadAccessorFixedArray | |
CReadAccessorVector | |
CWriteAccessor | |
CWriteAccessor< FixedArrayLikeType > | |
CWriteAccessor< VectorLikeType > | |
CWriteAccessorFixedArray | WriteAccessor implementation class for fixed array types |
CWriteAccessorVector | WriteAccessor implementation class for vector types |
CWriteOnlyAccessor | |
CWriteOnlyAccessor< VectorLikeType > | |
►CTimerData | |
CValData | |
CRecord | |
CStepData | |
►CAdvancedTimer | |
►CId | |
CIdFactory | |
CObj | |
CStep | |
CStepVar | |
CTimer | |
CTimerVar | |
CVal | |
CBackTrace | |
►CColorMap | |
Cevaluator | |
CDecompose | |
CNoArgument | Allow us to use BaseCreator and Factory without using any Arguments |
CBaseCreator | |
CFactory | |
CCreator | |
CCreatorFn | |
CBasicDispatcher | |
CFnDispatcher | |
CSingletonFnDispatcher | |
CGenerateRigidInfo | Storing rigid infos needed for RigidMass |
CIndexOpenMP | |
Cinteger_id | |
Cvector_id | |
CReadAccessorVectorId | ReadAccessor implementation class for vector_id types |
CWriteAccessorVectorId | WriteAccessor implementation class for vector_id types |
CReadAccessor< vector_id< T, TIndex, CheckIndices, MemoryManager > > | |
CWriteAccessor< vector_id< T, TIndex, CheckIndices, MemoryManager > > | |
►CkdTree | |
CLCP | |
CLocalBlock33 | |
Cptr_stable_id | |
Cptr_stable_compare | A comparison object that order pointers in a stable way, i.e. in the order pointers are presented |
Cptr_stable_compare< T * > | |
Cptr_stable_compare< std::pair< T *, T * > > | |
Cmap_ptr_stable_compare | A map container that order pointers in a stable way, i.e. in the order pointers are presented |
CMarchingCubeUtility | |
CMemoryManager | |
CNameDecoder | |
Cnarrowing_error | |
COptionsGroup | OptionsGroup is a kind of data for a radio button. It has a list of text representing a list of choices, and a integer number indicating the choice selected |
COwnershipSPtr | |
CMonomial_LD | A generic monomial with N variables of type Real. A monomial is one term of a polynomial |
CPolynomial_LD | A generic polynomial with N variables of type Real. A polynomial is a list composed of several monomials |
CRandomGenerator | |
CIsEqual | |
CIsEqual< true > | |
CIsNull | |
CIsNull< true > | |
CScopedAdvancedTimer | |
CItem | |
CDeprecatedItem | |
CBaseSelectableItem | |
CSelectableItem | |
CTSimpleTimer | |
CCompareIndirect | |
CTagList | |
CTagFactory | |
CTriangleOctreeRoot | |
►CTriangleOctree | |
CtraceResult | |
CTypeInfo | |
CUtils | Contains possibly useful functions, that don't fit anywhere else |
CBaseCreator< sofa::gui::common::BaseViewer, sofa::gui::common::BaseViewerArgument & > | |
CSofaViewerFactory | |
CSofaViewerCreator | |
►Nlinearalgebra | |
►Nsparsematrixproduct | |
CIndexedValue | |
CIndexValueProduct | |
►Ntesting | |
CTestBaseMatrixTraits | |
CTestBaseMatrix | Type-parameterized tests for classes derived from BaseMatrix |
CSparseMatrixProductInit | |
CTestSparseMatrixProduct | |
Cmatrix_bloc_traits< defaulttype::RigidDeriv< N, T >, IndexType > | |
CBaseMatrixLinearOpMV_BlockDiagonal | |
CBaseMatrixLinearOpMV_BlockDiagonal< Real, 1, 1, add, transpose, M, V1, V2 > | |
CBaseMatrixLinearOpMV_BlockSparse | |
CBaseMatrixLinearOpMV | |
CBaseMatrixLinearOpMulV | |
CBaseMatrixLinearOpPMulV | |
CBaseMatrixLinearOpMulTV | |
CBaseMatrixLinearOpPMulTV | |
CBaseMatrixLinearOpAM_BlockSparse | |
CBaseMatrixLinearOpAMS_BlockSparse | |
CBaseMatrixLinearOpAM1_BlockSparse | |
CBaseMatrixLinearOpAM | |
CBaseMatrixLinearOpAddM | |
CBaseMatrixLinearOpAddMT | |
►CBaseMatrix | |
CBlockAccessor | |
CBlockConstAccessor | |
CColBlockConstIterator | |
CInternalBlockAccessor | |
CInternalColBlockIterator | |
CInternalRowBlockIterator | |
CRowBlockConstIterator | |
CBaseVector | |
CBlockDiagonalMatrix | Simple full matrix container |
►CBlockFullMatrix | Simple block full matrix container (used for InvMatrixType) |
CBlock | |
CTransposedBlock | |
►CBlockVector | |
CBlock | |
►CBTDMatrix | Simple BTD matrix container |
CBlock | |
CTransposedBlock | |
CCRSConstraintPolicy | |
►CCompressedRowSparseMatrixConstraint | |
CColConstIterator | Row Sparse Matrix columns constant Iterator to match with constraint matrix manipulation |
CRowConstIterator | |
CRowType | |
CRowWriteAccessor | |
CCompressedRowSparseMatrixToEigenSparse | |
CCompressedRowSparseMatrixToEigenSparseVec | |
CCompressedRowSparseMatrixToEigenSparse< sofa::type::Vec< N, Real > > | |
CEigenSparseToCompressedRowSparseMatrix | |
CEigenSparseToCompressedRowSparseMatrixVec | |
CEigenSparseToCompressedRowSparseMatrix< sofa::type::Vec< N, Real > > | |
CEigenSparseToCompressedRowSparseMatrix< sofa::defaulttype::RigidDeriv< N, Real > > | |
CCRSBlockTraits | Traits class which defines the containers to use for a given type of block |
CCRSDefaultPolicy | |
►CCompressedRowSparseMatrixGeneric | |
CIndexedBlock | |
CRange | |
CCRSMechanicalPolicy | |
CCompressedRowSparseMatrixMechanical | |
CDiagonalMatrix | Simple full matrix container |
►CMatrixProductOp< DiagonalMatrix< R1 >, M2 > | |
CMyDest | |
►CMatrixProductOp< M1, DiagonalMatrix< R2 > > | |
CMyDest | |
CMatrixProductOp< DiagonalMatrix< R1 >, DiagonalMatrix< R2 > > | |
CMatrixInvertOp< DiagonalMatrix< R1 > > | |
CEigenBaseSparseMatrix | |
►CEigenSparseMatrix | |
Cmap_traits | |
CEigenVector | |
►CFullMatrix | Simple full matrix container |
CLineConstIterator | |
CLineIterator | |
CLPtrFullMatrix | Simple full matrix container, with an additional pointer per line, to be able do get a T** pointer and use [i][j] directly |
CFullVector | |
Cbloc_index_func | |
Cmatrix_bloc_traits | |
Cmatrix_bloc_traits< type::Mat< L, C, real >, IndexType > | |
Cmatrix_bloc_traits< sofa::type::Vec< N, T >, IndexType > | |
Cmatrix_bloc_traits< float, IndexType > | |
Cmatrix_bloc_traits< double, IndexType > | |
Cmatrix_bloc_traits< int, IndexType > | |
CMatrixProduct | |
CMatrixAddition | |
►CMatrixSubtraction | |
CMyDest | |
►CMatrixTranspose | |
CMyDest | |
►CMatrixNegative | |
CMyDest | |
►CMatrixScale | |
CMyDest | |
CMatrixExpr | |
CDefaultMatrixProductOp | |
CMatrixProductOp | |
CDefaultMatrixProductOp< 0, 0, M1, M2 > | |
CDefaultMatrixProductOp< 1, 0, M1, M2 > | |
CDefaultMatrixProductOp< 0, 1, M1, M2 > | |
CDefaultMatrixInvertOp | |
CMatrixInvertOp | |
CDefaultMatrixInvertOp< 0, M1 > | |
Ctype_selector | |
Ctype_selector< 0, T0, T1 > | |
Ctype_selector< 1, T0, T1 > | |
CMatrixInverse | |
CSparseMatrix | |
CRotationMatrix | 3x3 block-diagonal matrix where each block is considered as a rotation |
CMatrixProductOp< SparseMatrix< R1 >, SparseMatrix< R2 > > | |
►CSparseMatrixProduct | |
CIntersection | |
CEigenOptions | |
CEigenOptions< Eigen::Map< T, Options, StrideType > > | |
CEigenOptions< const Eigen::Map< T, Options, StrideType > > | |
CEigenOptions< Eigen::Transpose< T > > | |
CEigenOptions< const Eigen::Transpose< T > > | |
►CSparseMatrixStorageOrder | |
CInnerIterator | |
►Nmapping_test | |
CMapping_test | Base class for the Mapping tests, with helpers to automatically test applyJ, applyJT, applyDJT and getJs using finite differences |
►Nsimulation | |
►Ncommon | |
CMechanicalOperations | |
CVectorOperations | |
CVisitorExecuteFunc | |
►Ngraph | |
CExportDotVisitor | |
CGetDownObjectsVisitor | Get all down objects respecting specified class_info and tags |
CGetUpObjectsVisitor | Get all up objects respecting specified class_info and tags |
►CDAGNode | |
CStatusStruct | Wrapper to use VisitedStatus in a std::map (to ensure the default map insertion will give NOT_VISITED) |
CDAGSimulation | |
►Nmechanicalvisitor | |
CMechanicalAccFromFVisitor | |
CMechanicalAccumulateJacobian | |
CMechanicalAccumulateMatrixDeriv | Accumulate Jacobian matrices through the mappings up to the independent DOFs |
CMechanicalAddMBK_ToMatrixVisitor | |
CMechanicalAddMBKdxVisitor | |
CMechanicalAddMDxVisitor | |
CMechanicalAddSeparateGravityVisitor | |
CMechanicalApplyConstraintsVisitor | |
CMechanicalApplyProjectiveConstraint_ToMatrixVisitor | |
CMechanicalBeginIntegrationVisitor | |
CMechanicalBuildConstraintMatrix | Call each BaseConstraintSet to build the Jacobian matrices |
CMechanicalComputeContactForceVisitor | |
CMechanicalComputeDfVisitor | |
CMechanicalComputeEnergyVisitor | |
CMechanicalComputeForceVisitor | |
CMechanicalComputeGeometricStiffness | |
CMechanicalEndIntegrationVisitor | |
CMechanicalGetConstraintInfoVisitor | |
CMechanicalGetConstraintJacobianVisitor | |
CMechanicalGetMatrixDimensionVisitor | |
CMechanicalGetMomentumVisitor | |
CMechanicalGetNonDiagonalMassesCountVisitor | |
CMechanicalIdentityBlocksInJacobianVisitor | |
CMechanicalIntegrateConstraintsVisitor | |
CMechanicalIntegrationVisitor | |
CMechanicalMultiVectorFromBaseVectorVisitor | |
CMechanicalMultiVectorPeqBaseVectorVisitor | |
CMechanicalMultiVectorToBaseVectorVisitor | |
CMechanicalPickParticlesVisitor | |
CMechanicalPickParticlesWithTagsVisitor | |
CMechanicalProjectJacobianMatrixVisitor | |
CMechanicalProjectPositionAndVelocityVisitor | |
CMechanicalProjectPositionVisitor | |
CMechanicalProjectVelocityVisitor | |
CMechanicalPropagateDxAndResetForceVisitor | |
CMechanicalPropagateDxVisitor | |
CMechanicalPropagateOnlyPositionAndResetForceVisitor | |
CMechanicalPropagateOnlyPositionAndVelocityVisitor | |
CMechanicalPropagateOnlyPositionVisitor | |
CMechanicalPropagateOnlyVelocityVisitor | |
CMechanicalResetConstraintVisitor | |
CMechanicalResetForceVisitor | |
CMechanicalSetPositionAndVelocityVisitor | Visitor class used to set positions and velocities of the top level MechanicalStates of the hierarchy |
CMechanicalVAllocVisitor | |
CMechanicalVAvailVisitor | |
CMechanicalVDotVisitor | |
CMechanicalVFreeVisitor | |
CMechanicalVInitVisitor | |
CMechanicalVMultiOpVisitor | |
CMechanicalVNormVisitor | |
CMechanicalVOpVisitor | |
CMechanicalVReallocVisitor | |
CMechanicalVSizeVisitor | |
►Nxml | |
CAttributeElement | |
►CBaseElement | |
Cchild_iterator | |
CBaseMultiMappingElement | |
CDataElement | |
CElement | |
CNodeElement | |
CObjectElement | |
CFindByTypeVisitor | |
CSceneLoaderPHP | |
CSceneLoaderXML | |
CTransformationVisitor | |
CAnimateBeginEvent | |
CAnimateEndEvent | |
CAnimateVisitor | |
CBaseMechanicalVisitor | |
CBehaviorUpdatePositionVisitor | |
CCleanupVisitor | |
CCollisionAnimationLoop | Component responsible for main simulation algorithms, managing how and when collisions and integrations computations happen |
CCollisionBeginEvent | |
CCollisionEndEvent | |
CBaseCollisionVisitor | |
CProcessGeometricalDataVisitor | |
CCollisionVisitor | Compute collision reset, detection and response in one step |
CCollisionResetVisitor | Remove collision response from last step |
CCollisionDetectionVisitor | Compute collision detection |
CCollisionResponseVisitor | Compute collision response |
CCpuTask | |
CCpuTaskStatus | |
CDeactivationVisitor | |
CDefaultAnimationLoop | Default Animation Loop to be created when no AnimationLoop found on simulation::node |
CStdTaskAllocator | |
CDefaultTaskScheduler | |
CDefaultVisualManagerLoop | Default VisualManager Loop to be created when no VisualManager found on simulation::node |
CDeleteVisitor | |
CBuildConstraintSystemEndEvent | |
CSimulationInitDoneEvent | |
CSimulationInitStartEvent | |
CSimulationInitTexturesDoneEvent | |
CSimulationStartEvent | |
CSimulationStopEvent | |
CSolveConstraintSystemEndEvent | |
CInitGnuplotVisitor | |
CExportGnuplotVisitor | |
CExportVisualModelOBJVisitor | |
CInitPerThreadDataTask | |
CInitVisitor | |
CIntegrateBeginEvent | |
CIntegrateEndEvent | |
CSpinLock | |
CScopedLock | |
CMainTaskSchedulerFactory | |
CMainTaskSchedulerRegistry | |
CMechanicalVisitor | |
CMechanicalVPrintVisitor | |
CMechanicalVPrintWithElapsedTimeVisitor | |
CDofPrintVisitor | |
CMutationListener | Generic API to handle mutations of the graph |
CNodeSequence | |
CNodeSingle | |
CNode | |
CRange | |
CParallelSparseMatrixProduct | |
CPauseEvent | |
CPipelineImpl | |
CPositionEvent | |
CPrintVisitor | |
CPropagateEventVisitor | |
CRequiredPlugin | |
CResetVisitor | |
CStoreResetStateVisitor | |
CSceneCheck | |
CSceneCheckMainRegistry | |
CSceneCheckRegistry | |
►CSceneLoader | Main class used to register scene file loaders |
CListener | To be able to inform when a scene is loaded |
CSceneLoaderFactory | |
CSimulation | |
CSolveVisitor | |
CSolveVisitorTask | A task to provide to a task scheduler in which a solver solves |
CStateChangeVisitor | |
►CTask | |
CAllocator | Task Allocator class interface used to allocate tasks |
CStatus | Task Status class interface used to synchronize tasks |
CTaskScheduler | |
CTaskSchedulerFactory | |
CTaskSchedulerRegistry | |
CTopologyChangeVisitor | |
CUpdateBoundingBoxVisitor | |
CUpdateContextVisitor | |
CUpdateSimulationContextVisitor | |
CUpdateVisualContextVisitor | |
CUpdateInternalDataVisitor | |
CUpdateLinksVisitor | |
CUpdateMappingEndEvent | |
CUpdateMappingVisitor | |
CVelocityThresholdVisitor | |
►CVisitor | Base class for visitors propagated recursively through the scenegraph |
CVisitorContext | |
CVisualVisitor | |
CVisualDrawVisitor | |
CVisualUpdateVisitor | |
CVisualInitVisitor | |
CVisualComputeBBoxVisitor | |
CVisualClearVisitor | |
CWorkerThread | |
CWriteStateVisitor | |
CXMLPrintVisitor | |
►Ntesting | |
CSparseMatrixTest | |
►CBaseSimulationTest | |
CSceneInstance | |
CBaseTest | Base class for Sofa test fixtures |
CLinearCongruentialRandomGenerator | A simple deterministic and portable random number generator |
CNumericTest | Helper functions to compare scalars, vectors, matrices, etc |
Cdata_traits | |
CsetRotWrapper | |
CsetRotWrapper< DataTypes, N, true > | |
CsetRotWrapper< DataTypes, 2, false > | |
CsetRotWrapper< DataTypes, N, false > | |
CScopedPlugin | |
CGtestMessageFrame | |
CGtestMessageFrameFailure | |
CGtestMessageFrameFailureWhenMissing | |
CGtestMessageFrameIgnore | |
CGtestMessageHandler | |
CMainGtestMessageHandlerPrivate | |
CMessageAsTestFailure | |
CExpectMessage | |
CIgnoreMessage | |
CMainGtestMessageHandler | |
►Ntopology | |
CElement | |
►Ntype | For std::pair |
►Nfunctionality | |
CUnderlyingAccess | |
CPreIncrementable | |
CPostIncrementable | |
CIncrementable | |
CPreDecrementable | |
CPostDecrementable | |
CDecrementable | |
CBinaryAddable | |
CUnaryAddable | |
CAddable | |
CBinarySubtractable | |
CUnarySubtractable | |
CSubtractable | |
CMultiplicable | |
CDivisible | |
CModulable | |
CComparable | |
CArithmetic | |
►Ntrait | |
Cis_container | Detect if a type T has iterator/const iterator function |
Cis_specialization_of | Trait to check if a type T is a specialization of a given template class Template |
Cis_specialization_of< Template< Args... >, Template > | Partial specialization for the case where T is an instance of Template<Args...> |
CBoundingBox | |
CTBoundingBox | |
CBoundingBox2D | Bounding rectangle |
CBoundingBox1D | Bounding interval |
CDualQuatCoord3 | |
Cfixed_array | |
CFrame | |
CVec | |
CVecNoInit | Same as Vec except the values are not initialized by default |
CMat | |
CMatNoInit | Same as Mat except the values are not initialized by default |
CQuat | |
CMaterial | |
CMatSym | |
CPrimitiveGroup | |
CqNoInit | |
CQuatNoInit | Same as Quat except the values are not initialized by default |
CRay | |
CRGBAColor | Encode a 4 RGBA component color |
CSpatialVector | |
CStrongType | |
CSVector | Same as type::vector, + delimiters on serialization |
CRebind | |
CRebind< _T, _OtherType > | Specialization for types that do have a nested rebind_to member. In this implementation, Rebind has a public member typedef to. It corresponds to the typedef rebind_to |
CTransform | |
CNoInit | |
Cvector_device | |
CCPUMemoryManager | |
Cvector | |
CTestDataEngine | |
CDataEngine_test | Helper for writing DataEngine tests |
CMultiMapping_test | Base class for the MultiMapping tests, directly adapted from Mapping_test |
CAffinePatch_sofa_test | |
CCylinderTractionStruct | Structure which contains the nodes and the pointers useful for the cylindertraction test |
CLinearElasticity_test | |
CForceField_test | Helper for writing ForceField tests. The constructor creates a root node and adds it a State and a ForceField (of the parameter type of this template class). Pointers to node, state and force are available. Deriving the ForceField test from this class makes it easy to write: just call function run_test with positions, velocities and the corresponding expected forces. This function automatically checks not only the forces (function addForce), but also the stiffness (methods addDForce and addKToMatrix), using finite differences |
CPatchTestStruct | Structure which contains the nodes and the pointers useful for the patch test |
CTemplateAliasTest | |
CAdvancedTimerTest | |
CDefaultAnimationLoop_test | |
▼Nstd | Generic hash for pairs |
Chash< pair< S, T > > | |
Ctuple_size<::sofa::type::fixed_array< T, N > > | |
Ctuple_element< I, ::sofa::type::fixed_array< T, N > > | |
Ctuple_size<::sofa::type::Quat< Real > > | |
Ctuple_element< I, ::sofa::type::Quat< Real > > | |
Ctuple_size<::sofa::type::RGBAColor > | |
Ctuple_element< I, ::sofa::type::RGBAColor > | |
Cless< sofa::type::Vec< N, T > > | |
Ctuple_size<::sofa::type::Vec< N, T > > | |
Ctuple_element< I, ::sofa::type::Vec< N, T > > | |
CBase_test | |
CBaseContext_test | |
CBasicMapping | |
CDataEngineType | |
Cfake_TopologyScene | |
CFunctionalities | |
CInfo | |
Cintegral_constant | |
CModuleSofa | |
CNodeContext_test | |
CParallelScenesTest | |
CProductBase | |
CStateLifeCycle | |
CStoragePolicy | |
CTBase | |
CTBaseMatrixAccumulator | |
CThreadAccessPolicy | |
CTMapping | |
CTMatrixAccumulator | |
Ctraits | |