SOFA API  d0d65822
Open source framework for multi-physics simuation
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
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 CSparseDenseProductReturnType_MT< Lhs, Rhs, 1 >
 NglForward declaration
 NtypeFor std::pair
 CDataEngine_testHelper for writing DataEngine tests
 CMultiMapping_testBase class for the MultiMapping tests, directly adapted from Mapping_test
 CCylinderTractionStructStructure which contains the nodes and the pointers useful for the cylindertraction test
 CForceField_testHelper for writing ForceField tests. The constructor creates a root node and adds it a State and a ForceField (of the parameter type of this template class). Pointers to node, state and force are available. Deriving the ForceField test from this class makes it easy to write: just call function run_test with positions, velocities and the corresponding expected forces. This function automatically checks not only the forces (function addForce), but also the stiffness (methods addDForce and addKToMatrix), using finite differences
 CPatchTestStructStructure which contains the nodes and the pointers useful for the patch test
 NstdGeneric hash for pairs
 Chash< pair< S, T > >
 Ctuple_size<::sofa::type::fixed_array< T, N > >
 Ctuple_element< I, ::sofa::type::fixed_array< T, N > >
 Ctuple_size<::sofa::type::Quat< Real > >
 Ctuple_element< I, ::sofa::type::Quat< Real > >
 Ctuple_size<::sofa::type::RGBAColor >
 Ctuple_element< I, ::sofa::type::RGBAColor >
 Cless< sofa::type::Vec< N, T > >
 Ctuple_size<::sofa::type::Vec< N, T > >
 Ctuple_element< I, ::sofa::type::Vec< N, T > >