template<class TDataTypes>
class sofa::core::State< TDataTypes >
Component storing position and velocity vectors.
This class define the interface of components used as source and destination of regular (non mechanical) mapping. It is then specialized as MechanicalState (storing other mechanical data) or MappedModel (if no mechanical data is used, such as for VisualModel).
The given DataTypes class should define the following internal types:
DataTypes::Real Real
Scalar values (float or double).
Definition: State.h:59
: scalar values (float or double).
DataTypes::Coord Coord
Position values.
Definition: State.h:61
: position values.
- : derivative values (velocity).
- : container of scalar values with the same API as sofa::type::vector.
DataTypes::VecCoord VecCoord
Container of Coord values with the same API as sofa::type::vector.
Definition: State.h:67
: container of Coord values with the same API as sofa::type::vector.
DataTypes::VecDeriv VecDeriv
Container of Deriv values with the same API as sofa::type::vector.
Definition: State.h:69
: container of Deriv values with the same API as sofa::type::vector.
DataTypes::MatrixDeriv MatrixDeriv
Vector of Jacobians (sparse constraint matrices).
Definition: State.h:71
: vector of Jacobians (sparse constraint matrices).
| SOFA_CLASS (SOFA_TEMPLATE(State, TDataTypes), BaseState) |
sofa::type::TBoundingBox< Real > | computeBBox () const |
| Compute the bounding box independently from the visibility parameters. More...
void | computeBBox (const core::ExecParams *params, bool onlyVisible=false) override |
virtual Data< VecCoord > * | write (VecCoordId v)=0 |
virtual const Data< VecCoord > * | read (ConstVecCoordId v) const =0 |
virtual Data< VecDeriv > * | write (VecDerivId v)=0 |
virtual const Data< VecDeriv > * | read (ConstVecDerivId v) const =0 |
virtual Data< MatrixDeriv > * | write (MatrixDerivId v)=0 |
virtual const Data< MatrixDeriv > * | read (ConstMatrixDerivId v) const =0 |
objectmodel::BaseData * | baseWrite (VecId v) override |
const objectmodel::BaseData * | baseRead (ConstVecId v) const override |
| SOFA_ABSTRACT_CLASS (BaseState, objectmodel::BaseObject) |
virtual Size | getSize () const =0 |
| Current size of all stored vectors. More...
virtual void | resize (Size vsize)=0 |
| Resize all stored vector. More...
bool | insertInNode (objectmodel::BaseNode *node) override |
bool | removeInNode (objectmodel::BaseNode *node) override |
| SOFA_CLASS (BaseObject, Base) |
virtual void | draw (const core::visual::VisualParams *) |
| Render internal data of this object, for debugging purposes. More...
void | setSrc (const std::string &v, std::vector< std::string > *attributeList=nullptr) |
| Sets a source Object and parses it to collect dependent Data. More...
void | setSrc (const std::string &v, const BaseObject *loader, std::vector< std::string > *attributeList=nullptr) |
Base * | findLinkDestClass (const BaseClass *destType, const std::string &path, const BaseLink *link) override |
virtual std::string | getPathName () const override |
| Return the full path name of this object. More...
SReal | getTime () const |
| Current time. More...
const BaseContext * | getContext () const |
BaseContext * | getContext () |
const BaseObject * | getMaster () const |
BaseObject * | getMaster () |
const VecSlaves & | getSlaves () const |
BaseObject * | getSlave (const std::string &name) const |
virtual void | addSlave (BaseObject::SPtr s) |
virtual void | removeSlave (BaseObject::SPtr s) |
virtual void | handleEvent (Event *) |
| Handle an event. More...
virtual void | handleTopologyChange () |
virtual void | handleTopologyChange (core::topology::Topology *t) |
void | parse (BaseObjectDescription *arg) override |
| Parse the given description to assign values to this object's fields and potentially other parameters. More...
virtual void | init () |
| Initialization method called at graph creation and modification, during top-down traversal. More...
virtual void | bwdInit () |
| Initialization method called at graph creation and modification, during bottom-up traversal. More...
virtual void | reinit () |
| Update method called when variables used in precomputation are modified. More...
void | updateInternal () |
| Update method called when variables (used to compute other internal variables) are modified. More...
virtual void | storeResetState () |
| Save the initial state for later uses in reset() More...
virtual void | reset () |
| Reset to initial state. More...
virtual void | cleanup () |
virtual const BaseClass * | getClass () const |
void | addDeprecatedAttribute (lifecycle::DeprecatedData *attribute) |
void | addUpdateCallback (const std::string &name, std::initializer_list< BaseData * > inputs, std::function< sofa::core::objectmodel::ComponentState(const DataTracker &)> function, std::initializer_list< BaseData * > outputs) |
void | addOutputsToCallback (const std::string &name, std::initializer_list< BaseData * > outputs) |
const std::string & | getName () const |
| Accessor to the object name. More...
void | setName (const std::string &n) |
| Set the name of this object. More...
void | setName (const std::string &n, int counter) |
| Set the name of this object, adding an integer counter. More...
std::string | getTypeName () const |
| Get the type name of this object (i.e. class and template types) More...
virtual std::string | getClassName () const |
| Get the class name of this object. More...
virtual std::string | getTemplateName () const final |
| Get the template type names (if any) used to instantiate this object. More...
std::string | getNameSpaceName () const |
| Get the template type names (if any) used to instantiate this object. More...
void | setDefinitionSourceFileName (const std::string &sourceFileName) |
| Set the source filename (where the component is implemented) More...
const std::string & | getDefinitionSourceFileName () const |
| Get the source filename (where the component is implemented) More...
void | setDefinitionSourceFilePos (const int) |
| Set the source location (where the component is implemented) More...
int | getDefinitionSourceFilePos () const |
| Get the source location (where the component is implemented) More...
void | setInstanciationSourceFileName (const std::string &sourceFileName) |
const std::string & | getInstanciationSourceFileName () const |
void | setInstanciationSourceFilePos (const int) |
int | getInstanciationSourceFilePos () const |
void | addMessage (const sofa::helper::logging::Message &m) const |
size_t | countLoggedMessages (sofa::helper::logging::Message::TypeSet t=sofa::helper::logging::Message::AnyTypes) const |
const std::deque< sofa::helper::logging::Message > & | getLoggedMessages () const |
const std::string | getLoggedMessagesAsString (sofa::helper::logging::Message::TypeSet t=sofa::helper::logging::Message::AnyTypes) const |
void | clearLoggedMessages () const |
bool | notMuted () const |
const sofa::core::objectmodel::TagSet & | getTags () const |
| Represents the subsets the object belongs to. More...
bool | hasTag (Tag t) const |
| Return true if the object belong to the given subset. More...
void | addTag (Tag t) |
| Add a subset qualification to the object. More...
void | removeTag (Tag t) |
| Remove a subset qualification to the object. More...
ComponentState | getComponentState () const |
bool | isComponentStateValid () const |
virtual bool | parseField (const std::string &attribute, const std::string &value) |
| Assign one field value (Data or Link) More...
virtual bool | hasField (const std::string &attribute) const |
| Check if a given Data field or Link exists. More...
void | parseFields (const std::list< std::string > &str) |
| Assign the field values stored in the given list of name + value pairs of strings. More...
virtual void | parseFields (const std::map< std::string, std::string * > &str) |
| Assign the field values stored in the given map of name -> value pairs. More...
void | writeDatas (std::map< std::string, std::string * > &str) |
| Write the current field values to the given map of name -> value pairs. More...
void | writeDatas (std::ostream &out, const std::string &separator=" ") |
BaseData * | findData (const std::string &name) const |
std::vector< BaseData * > | findGlobalField (const std::string &name) const |
| Find data fields given a name: several can be found as we look into the alias map. More...
BaseLink * | findLink (const std::string &name) const |
std::vector< BaseLink * > | findLinks (const std::string &name) const |
| Find link fields given a name: several can be found as we look into the alias map. More...
virtual void | updateLinks (bool logErrors=true) |
| Update pointers in case the pointed-to objects have appeared. More...
template<class T > |
BaseData::BaseInitData | initData (::sofa::core::objectmodel::Data< T > *field, const char *name, const char *help, ::sofa::core::objectmodel::BaseData::DataFlags dataflags) |
| Helper method used to initialize a data field containing a value of type T. More...
template<class T > |
BaseData::BaseInitData | initData (Data< T > *field, const char *name, const char *help, bool isDisplayed=true, bool isReadOnly=false) |
| Helper method used to initialize a data field containing a value of type T. More...
template<class T > |
Data< T >::InitData | initData (Data< T > *field, const T &value, const char *name, const char *help, bool isDisplayed=true, bool isReadOnly=false) |
| Helper method used to initialize a data field containing a value of type T. More...
void | addData (BaseData *f, const std::string &name) |
void | addData (BaseData *f) |
void | removeData (BaseData *f) |
| Remove a data field. More...
void | addAlias (BaseData *field, const char *alias) |
| Add an alias to a Data. More...
void | addLink (BaseLink *l) |
| Add a link. More...
void | addAlias (BaseLink *link, const char *alias) |
| Add an alias to a Link. More...
const VecData & | getDataFields () const |
| Accessor to the vector containing all the fields of this object. More...
const MapData & | getDataAliases () const |
| Accessor to the map containing all the aliases of this object. More...
const VecLink & | getLinks () const |
| Accessor to the vector containing all the fields of this object. More...
const MapLink & | getLinkAliases () const |
| Accessor to the map containing all the aliases of this object. More...
virtual bool | findDataLinkDest (BaseData *&ptr, const std::string &path, const BaseLink *link) |
template<class T > |
bool | findLinkDest (T *&ptr, const std::string &path, const BaseLink *link) |
Data< bool > | f_listening |
| if true, handle the events, otherwise ignore the events More...
std::vector< lifecycle::DeprecatedData * > | m_oldAttributes |
Data< int > | d_messageLogCount |
Data< std::string > | name |
| Name of the object. More...
Data< bool > | f_printLog |
| if true, emits extra messages at runtime. More...
Data< sofa::core::objectmodel::TagSet > | f_tags |
| list of the subsets the object belongs to More...
Data< sofa::type::BoundingBox > | f_bbox |
| this object bounding box More...
Data< sofa::core::objectmodel::ComponentState > | d_componentState |
| The state of the component among (Dirty, Valid, Undefined, Loading, Invalid). More...
std::string | m_definitionSourceFileName {""} |
int | m_definitionSourceFilePos {-1} |
std::string | m_instanciationSourceFileName {""} |
int | m_instanciationSourceFilePos {-1} |
SingleLink< BaseObject, BaseContext, BaseLink::FLAG_DOUBLELINK > | l_context |
LinkSlaves | l_slaves |
SingleLink< BaseObject, BaseObject, BaseLink::FLAG_DOUBLELINK > | l_master |
std::map< std::string, sofa::core::DataTrackerCallback > | m_internalEngine |
VecData | m_vecData |
| List of fields (Data instances) More...
MapData | m_aliasData |
| name -> Data multi-map (includes names and aliases) More...
VecLink | m_vecLink |
| List of links. More...
MapLink | m_aliasLink |
| name -> Link multi-map (includes names and aliases) More...
template<class T > |
static bool | canCreate (T *, BaseContext *, BaseObjectDescription *) |
| Pre-construction check method called by ObjectFactory. More...
template<class T > |
static T::SPtr | create (T *, BaseContext *context, BaseObjectDescription *arg) |
| Construction method called by ObjectFactory. More...
static const BaseClass * | GetClass () |
template<class T > |
static std::string | shortName (const T *ptr=nullptr, BaseObjectDescription *=nullptr) |
| BaseState () |
| ~BaseState () override |
| BaseObject () |
| ~BaseObject () override |
virtual void | doUpdateInternal () |
| Implementation of the internal update. More...
void | changeContextLink (BaseContext *before, BaseContext *&after) |
void | changeSlavesLink (BaseObject::SPtr ptr, std::size_t, bool add) |
| This method insures that slaves objects have master and context links set correctly. More...
void | trackInternalData (const BaseData &data) |
| Method called to add the Data to the DataTracker (listing the Data to track) More...
void | cleanTracker () |
bool | hasDataChanged (const BaseData &data) |
| Method called to know if a tracked Data has changed. More...
| Base () |
virtual | ~Base () |
void | initData0 (BaseData *field, BaseData::BaseInitData &res, const char *name, const char *help, bool isDisplayed=true, bool isReadOnly=false) |
| Helper method used by initData() More...
void | initData0 (BaseData *field, BaseData::BaseInitData &res, const char *name, const char *help, BaseData::DataFlags dataFlags) |
| Helper method used by initData() More...
template<class T > |
void | initData0 (Data< T > *field, typename Data< T >::InitData &res, const T &value, const char *name, const char *help, bool isDisplayed=true, bool isReadOnly=false) |
| Helper method used by initData() More...
virtual | ~IntrusiveObject ()=default |