SOFA API  ca665544
Open source framework for multi-physics simuation
sofa::defaulttype Namespace Reference


struct  DataTypeInfo
struct  DataTypeInfo< sofa::core::objectmodel::Tag >
struct  DataTypeInfo< sofa::core::objectmodel::TagSet >
class  AbstractTypeInfo
class  RigidDeriv
class  RigidCoord
class  RigidMass
class  StdRigidTypes
class  StdVectorTypes
struct  CleanupCheck
class  MapMapSparseMatrix
class  MapMapSparseMatrixToEigenSparse
class  MapMapSparseMatrixToEigenSparseVec
class  MapMapSparseMatrixToEigenSparse< sofa::type::Vec< N, Real > >
class  MapMapSparseMatrixToEigenSparse< sofa::defaulttype::RigidDeriv< N, Real > >
class  EigenSparseToMapMapSparseMatrix
struct  EigenSparseToMapMapSparseMatrixVec
class  EigenSparseToMapMapSparseMatrix< sofa::type::Vec< N, Real > >
class  EigenSparseToMapMapSparseMatrix< sofa::defaulttype::RigidDeriv< N, Real > >
class  RigidCoord< 3, real >
class  RigidCoord< 2, real >
class  RigidDeriv< 3, real >
class  RigidDeriv< 2, real >
class  RigidMass< 3, real >
class  RigidMass< 2, real >
class  StdRigidTypes< 3, real >
class  StdRigidTypes< 2, real >
class  SolidTypes
class  TemplateAliases
 Class used to store and resolve template aliases. More...
class  RegisterTemplateAlias
 Helper class used to register a template alias in the TemplateAliases class. More...
struct  DefaultDataTypeInfo
class  DataTypeName
class  HasGetTypeName
 add a compatibility layer to supper the new existing GetTypeName. More...
class  DataTypeInfoDynamicWrapper
 wrap a DataTypeInfo type_traits in an AbstractTypeInfo More...
struct  BoolTypeInfo
struct  FixedArrayTypeInfo
struct  IncompleteTypeInfo
struct  IntegerTypeInfo
struct  ScalarTypeInfo
struct  SetTypeInfo
struct  TextTypeInfo
struct  VectorTypeInfo
class  NameOnlyTypeInfo
class  NoTypeInfo
struct  DataTypeInfo< bool >
struct  BoundingBoxTypeInfo
struct  DataTypeInfo< type::BoundingBox >
struct  DataTypeInfo< sofa::type::fixed_array< T, N > >
struct  DataTypeInfo< char >
struct  DataTypeInfo< unsigned char >
struct  DataTypeInfo< short >
struct  DataTypeInfo< unsigned short >
struct  DataTypeInfo< int >
struct  DataTypeInfo< unsigned int >
struct  DataTypeInfo< long >
struct  DataTypeInfo< unsigned long >
struct  DataTypeInfo< long long >
struct  DataTypeInfo< unsigned long long >
struct  DataTypeInfo< sofa::type::Mat< L, C, real > >
struct  DataTypeInfo< sofa::type::Quat< T > >
class  DataTypeInfo< sofa::type::RGBAColor >
struct  DataTypeInfo< sofa::defaulttype::StdRigidTypes< N, real > >
struct  DataTypeInfo< sofa::defaulttype::RigidCoord< N, real > >
struct  DataTypeInfo< sofa::defaulttype::RigidDeriv< N, real > >
struct  DataTypeInfo< sofa::defaulttype::RigidMass< N, real > >
struct  DataTypeInfo< float >
struct  DataTypeInfo< double >
struct  SelectableItemDataTypeInfo
struct  DataTypeInfo< T, std::enable_if_t< std::is_base_of_v< helper::BaseSelectableItem, T > > >
struct  DataTypeInfo< std::set< T, Compare, Alloc > >
struct  DataTypeInfo< std::string >
struct  DataTypeInfo< sofa::topology::Edge >
struct  DataTypeInfo< sofa::topology::Triangle >
struct  DataTypeInfo< sofa::topology::Quad >
struct  DataTypeInfo< sofa::topology::Tetrahedron >
struct  DataTypeInfo< sofa::topology::Pyramid >
struct  DataTypeInfo< sofa::topology::Pentahedron >
struct  DataTypeInfo< sofa::topology::Hexahedron >
struct  DataTypeInfo< sofa::type::Vec< N, real > >
struct  DataTypeInfo< sofa::type::VecNoInit< N, real > >
struct  DataTypeInfo< sofa::type::vector< T, Alloc > >
struct  DataTypeInfo< sofa::type::vector< bool, Alloc > >
struct  DataTypeInfo< sofa::type::vector< std::string, Alloc > >
class  TypeInfoId
 Generates unique id for types. More...
class  TypeInfoRegistry
 An unique singleton to register all the type info defined in Sofa. More...
class  TypeInfoRegistryTools
 A dedicated class to hold helper functions for TypeInfoRegistryTools. More...


template<class T >
using VirtualTypeInfo = DataTypeInfoDynamicWrapper< DataTypeInfo< T > >
 We make an alias to wrap around the old name to the new one. More...
typedef StdRigidTypes< 2, double > Rigid2dTypes
typedef RigidMass< 2, double > Rigid2dMass
typedef StdRigidTypes< 2, floatRigid2fTypes
typedef RigidMass< 2, floatRigid2fMass
typedef StdRigidTypes< 2, SRealRigid2Types
typedef RigidMass< 2, SRealRigid2Mass
 un-defined precision type More...
typedef RigidMass< 3, double > Rigid3dMass
typedef RigidMass< 3, floatRigid3fMass
typedef StdRigidTypes< 3, SRealRigid3Types
 un-defined precision type More...
typedef RigidMass< 3, SRealRigid3Mass
 un-defined precision type More...
typedef StdVectorTypes< sofa::type::Vec3d, sofa::type::Vec3d, double > Vec3dTypes
 3D DOFs, double precision More...
typedef StdVectorTypes< sofa::type::Vec2d, sofa::type::Vec2d, double > Vec2dTypes
 2D DOFs, double precision More...
typedef StdVectorTypes< sofa::type::Vec1d, sofa::type::Vec1d, double > Vec1dTypes
 1D DOFs, double precision More...
typedef StdVectorTypes< sofa::type::Vec6d, sofa::type::Vec6d, double > Vec6dTypes
 6D DOFs, double precision More...
typedef StdVectorTypes< sofa::type::Vec3f, sofa::type::Vec3f, floatVec3fTypes
 3f DOFs, single precision More...
typedef StdVectorTypes< sofa::type::Vec2f, sofa::type::Vec2f, floatVec2fTypes
 2f DOFs, single precision More...
typedef StdVectorTypes< sofa::type::Vec1f, sofa::type::Vec1f, floatVec1fTypes
 1f DOFs, single precision More...
typedef StdVectorTypes< sofa::type::Vec6f, sofa::type::Vec6f, floatVec6fTypes
 6f DOFs, single precision More...
using MatrixExportFunction = std::function< bool(const std::string &, sofa::linearalgebra::BaseMatrix *, int precision)>
typedef StdRigidTypes< 3, double > Rigid3dTypes
typedef StdRigidTypes< 3, floatRigid3fTypes
typedef StdRigidTypes< 3, SRealRigidTypes
 alias (beurk) More...
typedef std::map< std::string, TemplateAliasTemplateAliasesMap
typedef TemplateAliasesMap::const_iterator TemplateAliasesMapIterator
typedef std::pair< std::string, boolTemplateAlias
typedef StdVectorTypes< type::Vec6, type::Vec6, type::Vec6::value_typeVec6Types
 6D DOFs, double precision (default) More...
typedef StdVectorTypes< type::Vec3, type::Vec3, type::Vec3::value_typeVec3Types
 3D DOFs, double precision (default) More...
typedef StdVectorTypes< type::Vec2, type::Vec2, type::Vec2::value_typeVec2Types
 2D DOFs, double precision (default) More...
typedef StdVectorTypes< type::Vec1, type::Vec1, type::Vec1::value_typeVec1Types
 1D DOFs, double precision (default) More...


enum class  TypeInfoType { MISSING , NAMEONLY , COMPLETE }
 Encodes the different kind of type infos stored in the TypeInfoRegistry. More...


template<class Vec >
void resetDataTypeVec (Vec &vec)
 Function resetting all the element of a container with its default constructor value type. More...
template<sofa::Size N, typename ValueType >
void resetVecTypeVec (vector< Vec< N, ValueType > > &vec)
 In case of a vector<Vec>, zero can be set directly with memset on all the memory space for a faster reset. More...
void resetDataTypeVec< vector< Vec< 6, float > > > (vector< Vec< 6, float > > &vec)
void resetDataTypeVec< vector< Vec< 6, double > > > (vector< Vec< 6, double > > &vec)
void resetDataTypeVec< vector< Vec< 3, float > > > (vector< Vec< 3, float > > &vec)
void resetDataTypeVec< vector< Vec< 3, double > > > (vector< Vec< 3, double > > &vec)
void resetDataTypeVec< vector< Vec< 2, float > > > (vector< Vec< 2, float > > &vec)
void resetDataTypeVec< vector< Vec< 2, double > > > (vector< Vec< 2, double > > &vec)
void resetDataTypeVec< vector< Vec< 1, float > > > (vector< Vec< 1, float > > &vec)
void resetDataTypeVec< vector< Vec< 1, double > > > (vector< Vec< 1, double > > &vec)
 Initialize the SofaDefaultType library, as well as it dependency: SofaHelper. More...
SOFA_DEFAULTTYPE_API bool isInitialized ()
 Return true if and only if the SofaDefaultType library has been initialized. More...
SOFA_DEFAULTTYPE_API void cleanup ()
 Clean up the resources used by the SofaDefaultType library, as well as its dependency: SofaHelper. More...
SOFA_DEFAULTTYPE_API bool isCleanedUp ()
 Return true if and only if the SofaDefaultType library has been cleaned up. More...
template<class MatrixRow , class VecDeriv >
VecDeriv::Real SparseMatrixVecDerivMult (const MatrixRow &row, const VecDeriv &vec)
template<typename LhsDeriv , typename RhsDeriv , typename Real >
void addMultTransposeEigen (MapMapSparseMatrix< LhsDeriv > &lhs, const Eigen::SparseMatrix< Real, Eigen::RowMajor > &jacobian, const MapMapSparseMatrix< RhsDeriv > &rhs)
 Computes lhs += jacobian^T * rhs. More...
bool writeMatrixTxt (const std::string &filename, sofa::linearalgebra::BaseMatrix *matrix, int precision)
bool writeMatrixCsv (const std::string &filename, sofa::linearalgebra::BaseMatrix *matrix, int precision)
template<typename real , typename real2 >
constexpr RigidDeriv< 3, real > operator* (RigidDeriv< 3, real > r, real2 a)
template<typename real , typename real2 >
constexpr RigidDeriv< 3, real > operator/ (RigidDeriv< 3, real > r, real2 a)
template<sofa::Size N, typename T >
constexpr RigidDeriv< N, T >::PosgetLinear (RigidDeriv< N, T > &v)
template<sofa::Size N, typename T >
constexpr const RigidDeriv< N, T >::PosgetLinear (const RigidDeriv< N, T > &v)
template<sofa::Size N, typename T >
constexpr RigidDeriv< N, T >::Rot & getAngular (RigidDeriv< N, T > &v)
template<sofa::Size N, typename T >
constexpr const RigidDeriv< N, T >::Rot & getAngular (const RigidDeriv< N, T > &v)
template<sofa::Size N, typename T >
constexpr RigidDeriv< N, T >::PosgetVCenter (RigidDeriv< N, T > &v)
template<sofa::Size N, typename T >
constexpr const RigidDeriv< N, T >::PosgetVCenter (const RigidDeriv< N, T > &v)
template<sofa::Size N, typename T >
constexpr RigidDeriv< N, T >::Rot & getVOrientation (RigidDeriv< N, T > &v)
template<sofa::Size N, typename T >
constexpr const RigidDeriv< N, T >::Rot & getVOrientation (const RigidDeriv< N, T > &v)
template<typename T , typename R >
constexpr type::Vec< 3, T > velocityAtRotatedPoint (const RigidDeriv< 3, R > &v, const type::Vec< 3, T > &p)
 Velocity at point p, where p is the offset from the origin of the frame, given in the same coordinate system as the velocity of the origin. More...
template<typename T , typename R >
constexpr RigidDeriv< 3, R > velocityAtRotatedPoint (const RigidDeriv< 3, R > &v, const RigidCoord< 3, T > &p)
template<typename real , typename real2 >
constexpr RigidDeriv< 2, real > operator* (RigidDeriv< 2, real > r, real2 a)
template<typename real , typename real2 >
constexpr RigidDeriv< 2, real > operator/ (RigidDeriv< 2, real > r, real2 a)
template<typename R , typename T >
constexpr type::Vec< 2, R > velocityAtRotatedPoint (const RigidDeriv< 2, T > &v, const type::Vec< 2, R > &p)
 Velocity at point p, where p is the offset from the origin of the frame, given in the same coordinate system as the velocity of the origin. More...
template<typename R , typename T >
constexpr RigidDeriv< 2, T > velocityAtRotatedPoint (const RigidDeriv< 2, T > &v, const RigidCoord< 2, R > &p)
template<typename real >
constexpr RigidDeriv< 3, real > operator* (const RigidDeriv< 3, real > &d, const RigidMass< 3, real > &m)
template<typename real >
constexpr RigidDeriv< 3, real > operator* (const RigidMass< 3, real > &m, const RigidDeriv< 3, real > &d)
template<typename real >
constexpr RigidDeriv< 3, real > operator/ (const RigidDeriv< 3, real > &d, const RigidMass< 3, real > &m)
template<typename real >
constexpr RigidDeriv< 2, real > operator* (const RigidDeriv< 2, real > &d, const RigidMass< 2, real > &m)
template<typename real >
constexpr RigidDeriv< 2, real > operator/ (const RigidDeriv< 2, real > &d, const RigidMass< 2, real > &m)
template<typename T >
const Vec< 3, T > getVCenter (const Vec< 6, T > &v)
template<typename T >
const Vec< 3, T > getVOrientation (const Vec< 6, T > &v)
TemplateAliasesMapgetTemplateAliasesMap ()
template<class T >
constexpr bool isDouble ()
constexpr bool isDouble< double > ()
constexpr bool isSRealDouble ()
constexpr bool isSRealFloat ()

Helper Functions to more easily create tests and check the results.


std::unordered_map< std::string, MatrixExportFunctionmatrixExporterMap
sofa::helper::OptionsGroup matrixExporterOptionsGroup {"txt", "csv"}
template class SOFA_DEFAULTTYPE_API SolidTypes< double >
template class SOFA_DEFAULTTYPE_API SolidTypes< float >

Typedef Documentation

◆ MatrixExportFunction

using sofa::defaulttype::MatrixExportFunction = typedef std::function<bool(const std::string&, sofa::linearalgebra::BaseMatrix*, int precision)>

◆ Rigid2dMass

◆ Rigid2dTypes

◆ Rigid2fMass

◆ Rigid2fTypes

◆ Rigid2Mass

un-defined precision type

◆ Rigid2Types

◆ Rigid3dMass

◆ Rigid3dTypes

◆ Rigid3fMass

◆ Rigid3fTypes

◆ Rigid3Mass

un-defined precision type

◆ Rigid3Types

un-defined precision type

◆ RigidTypes

◆ TemplateAlias

typedef std::pair<std::string, bool> sofa::defaulttype::TemplateAlias

◆ TemplateAliasesMap

typedef std::map<std::string, TemplateAlias> sofa::defaulttype::TemplateAliasesMap

◆ TemplateAliasesMapIterator

typedef TemplateAliasesMap::const_iterator sofa::defaulttype::TemplateAliasesMapIterator

◆ Vec1dTypes

1D DOFs, double precision

◆ Vec1fTypes

◆ Vec1Types

◆ Vec2dTypes

2D DOFs, double precision

◆ Vec2fTypes

◆ Vec2Types

◆ Vec3dTypes

3D DOFs, double precision

◆ Vec3fTypes

◆ Vec3Types

◆ Vec6dTypes

6D DOFs, double precision

◆ Vec6fTypes

◆ Vec6Types

◆ VirtualTypeInfo

We make an alias to wrap around the old name to the new one.

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ TypeInfoType

Encodes the different kind of type infos stored in the TypeInfoRegistry.

In the TyepeInfoRegistry we can store different type of type info depending on how much the developer want to provide precise information (or not) on its data type.

MISSING indicates that there was absolutely no valid information to trust in an AbstractTypeInfo object.

NAMEONLY indicates that only the getName() and getTypeName() function are returning valid information.

COMPLETE indicates that all the function like size/getSize/etc... are implemented.


Function Documentation

◆ addMultTransposeEigen()

template<typename LhsDeriv , typename RhsDeriv , typename Real >
void sofa::defaulttype::addMultTransposeEigen ( MapMapSparseMatrix< LhsDeriv > &  lhs,
const Eigen::SparseMatrix< Real, Eigen::RowMajor > &  jacobian,
const MapMapSparseMatrix< RhsDeriv > &  rhs 

Computes lhs += jacobian^T * rhs.

◆ cleanup()

SOFA_DEFAULTTYPE_API void sofa::defaulttype::cleanup ( )

Clean up the resources used by the SofaDefaultType library, as well as its dependency: SofaHelper.

◆ getAngular() [1/2]

template<sofa::Size N, typename T >
constexpr const RigidDeriv<N,T>::Rot& sofa::defaulttype::getAngular ( const RigidDeriv< N, T > &  v)

◆ getAngular() [2/2]

template<sofa::Size N, typename T >
constexpr RigidDeriv<N,T>::Rot& sofa::defaulttype::getAngular ( RigidDeriv< N, T > &  v)

◆ getLinear() [1/2]

template<sofa::Size N, typename T >
constexpr const RigidDeriv<N,T>::Pos& sofa::defaulttype::getLinear ( const RigidDeriv< N, T > &  v)

◆ getLinear() [2/2]

template<sofa::Size N, typename T >
constexpr RigidDeriv<N,T>::Pos& sofa::defaulttype::getLinear ( RigidDeriv< N, T > &  v)

◆ getTemplateAliasesMap()

TemplateAliasesMap& sofa::defaulttype::getTemplateAliasesMap ( )

◆ getVCenter() [1/3]

template<sofa::Size N, typename T >
constexpr const RigidDeriv<N,T>::Pos& sofa::defaulttype::getVCenter ( const RigidDeriv< N, T > &  v)

◆ getVCenter() [2/3]

template<typename T >
const Vec<3, T> sofa::defaulttype::getVCenter ( const Vec< 6, T > &  v)

◆ getVCenter() [3/3]

template<sofa::Size N, typename T >
constexpr RigidDeriv<N,T>::Pos& sofa::defaulttype::getVCenter ( RigidDeriv< N, T > &  v)

◆ getVOrientation() [1/3]

template<sofa::Size N, typename T >
constexpr const RigidDeriv<N,T>::Rot& sofa::defaulttype::getVOrientation ( const RigidDeriv< N, T > &  v)

◆ getVOrientation() [2/3]

template<typename T >
const Vec<3, T> sofa::defaulttype::getVOrientation ( const Vec< 6, T > &  v)

◆ getVOrientation() [3/3]

template<sofa::Size N, typename T >
constexpr RigidDeriv<N,T>::Rot& sofa::defaulttype::getVOrientation ( RigidDeriv< N, T > &  v)

◆ init()

SOFA_DEFAULTTYPE_API void sofa::defaulttype::init ( )

Initialize the SofaDefaultType library, as well as it dependency: SofaHelper.

◆ isCleanedUp()

SOFA_DEFAULTTYPE_API bool sofa::defaulttype::isCleanedUp ( )

Return true if and only if the SofaDefaultType library has been cleaned up.

◆ isDouble()

template<class T >
constexpr bool sofa::defaulttype::isDouble ( )

◆ isDouble< double >()

constexpr bool sofa::defaulttype::isDouble< double > ( )

◆ isInitialized()

SOFA_DEFAULTTYPE_API bool sofa::defaulttype::isInitialized ( )

Return true if and only if the SofaDefaultType library has been initialized.

◆ isSRealDouble()

constexpr bool sofa::defaulttype::isSRealDouble ( )

◆ isSRealFloat()

constexpr bool sofa::defaulttype::isSRealFloat ( )

◆ operator*() [1/5]

template<typename real >
constexpr RigidDeriv<2,real> sofa::defaulttype::operator* ( const RigidDeriv< 2, real > &  d,
const RigidMass< 2, real > &  m 

◆ operator*() [2/5]

template<typename real >
constexpr RigidDeriv<3,real> sofa::defaulttype::operator* ( const RigidDeriv< 3, real > &  d,
const RigidMass< 3, real > &  m 

◆ operator*() [3/5]

template<typename real >
constexpr RigidDeriv<3,real> sofa::defaulttype::operator* ( const RigidMass< 3, real > &  m,
const RigidDeriv< 3, real > &  d 

◆ operator*() [4/5]

template<typename real , typename real2 >
constexpr RigidDeriv<2,real> sofa::defaulttype::operator* ( RigidDeriv< 2, real >  r,
real2  a 

◆ operator*() [5/5]

template<typename real , typename real2 >
constexpr RigidDeriv<3,real> sofa::defaulttype::operator* ( RigidDeriv< 3, real >  r,
real2  a 

◆ operator/() [1/4]

template<typename real >
constexpr RigidDeriv<2,real> sofa::defaulttype::operator/ ( const RigidDeriv< 2, real > &  d,
const RigidMass< 2, real > &  m 

◆ operator/() [2/4]

template<typename real >
constexpr RigidDeriv<3,real> sofa::defaulttype::operator/ ( const RigidDeriv< 3, real > &  d,
const RigidMass< 3, real > &  m 

◆ operator/() [3/4]

template<typename real , typename real2 >
constexpr RigidDeriv<2,real> sofa::defaulttype::operator/ ( RigidDeriv< 2, real >  r,
real2  a 

◆ operator/() [4/4]

template<typename real , typename real2 >
constexpr RigidDeriv<3,real> sofa::defaulttype::operator/ ( RigidDeriv< 3, real >  r,
real2  a 

◆ resetDataTypeVec()

template<class Vec >
void sofa::defaulttype::resetDataTypeVec ( Vec vec)

Function resetting all the element of a container with its default constructor value type.

◆ resetDataTypeVec< vector< Vec< 1, double > > >()

void sofa::defaulttype::resetDataTypeVec< vector< Vec< 1, double > > > ( vector< Vec< 1, double > > &  vec)

◆ resetDataTypeVec< vector< Vec< 1, float > > >()

void sofa::defaulttype::resetDataTypeVec< vector< Vec< 1, float > > > ( vector< Vec< 1, float > > &  vec)

◆ resetDataTypeVec< vector< Vec< 2, double > > >()

void sofa::defaulttype::resetDataTypeVec< vector< Vec< 2, double > > > ( vector< Vec< 2, double > > &  vec)

◆ resetDataTypeVec< vector< Vec< 2, float > > >()

void sofa::defaulttype::resetDataTypeVec< vector< Vec< 2, float > > > ( vector< Vec< 2, float > > &  vec)

◆ resetDataTypeVec< vector< Vec< 3, double > > >()

void sofa::defaulttype::resetDataTypeVec< vector< Vec< 3, double > > > ( vector< Vec< 3, double > > &  vec)

◆ resetDataTypeVec< vector< Vec< 3, float > > >()

void sofa::defaulttype::resetDataTypeVec< vector< Vec< 3, float > > > ( vector< Vec< 3, float > > &  vec)

◆ resetDataTypeVec< vector< Vec< 6, double > > >()

void sofa::defaulttype::resetDataTypeVec< vector< Vec< 6, double > > > ( vector< Vec< 6, double > > &  vec)

◆ resetDataTypeVec< vector< Vec< 6, float > > >()

void sofa::defaulttype::resetDataTypeVec< vector< Vec< 6, float > > > ( vector< Vec< 6, float > > &  vec)

◆ resetVecTypeVec()

template<sofa::Size N, typename ValueType >
void sofa::defaulttype::resetVecTypeVec ( vector< Vec< N, ValueType > > &  vec)

In case of a vector<Vec>, zero can be set directly with memset on all the memory space for a faster reset.

◆ SparseMatrixVecDerivMult()

template<class MatrixRow , class VecDeriv >
VecDeriv::Real sofa::defaulttype::SparseMatrixVecDerivMult ( const MatrixRow &  row,
const VecDeriv &  vec 

◆ velocityAtRotatedPoint() [1/4]

template<typename R , typename T >
constexpr RigidDeriv<2,T> sofa::defaulttype::velocityAtRotatedPoint ( const RigidDeriv< 2, T > &  v,
const RigidCoord< 2, R > &  p 

◆ velocityAtRotatedPoint() [2/4]

template<typename R , typename T >
constexpr type::Vec<2,R> sofa::defaulttype::velocityAtRotatedPoint ( const RigidDeriv< 2, T > &  v,
const type::Vec< 2, R > &  p 

Velocity at point p, where p is the offset from the origin of the frame, given in the same coordinate system as the velocity of the origin.

◆ velocityAtRotatedPoint() [3/4]

template<typename T , typename R >
constexpr RigidDeriv<3,R> sofa::defaulttype::velocityAtRotatedPoint ( const RigidDeriv< 3, R > &  v,
const RigidCoord< 3, T > &  p 

◆ velocityAtRotatedPoint() [4/4]

template<typename T , typename R >
constexpr type::Vec<3,T> sofa::defaulttype::velocityAtRotatedPoint ( const RigidDeriv< 3, R > &  v,
const type::Vec< 3, T > &  p 

Velocity at point p, where p is the offset from the origin of the frame, given in the same coordinate system as the velocity of the origin.

◆ writeMatrixCsv()

bool SOFA_DEFAULTTYPE_API sofa::defaulttype::writeMatrixCsv ( const std::string &  filename,
sofa::linearalgebra::BaseMatrix matrix,
int  precision 

◆ writeMatrixTxt()

bool SOFA_DEFAULTTYPE_API sofa::defaulttype::writeMatrixTxt ( const std::string &  filename,
sofa::linearalgebra::BaseMatrix matrix,
int  precision 

Variable Documentation

◆ matrixExporterMap

SOFA_DEFAULTTYPE_API std::unordered_map< std::string, MatrixExportFunction > sofa::defaulttype::matrixExporterMap
Initial value:
{"txt", writeMatrixTxt},
{"csv", writeMatrixCsv},
bool writeMatrixCsv(const std::string &filename, sofa::linearalgebra::BaseMatrix *matrix, int precision)
Definition: MatrixExporter.cpp:51
bool writeMatrixTxt(const std::string &filename, sofa::linearalgebra::BaseMatrix *matrix, int precision)
Definition: MatrixExporter.cpp:38

◆ matrixExporterOptionsGroup

SOFA_DEFAULTTYPE_API sofa::helper::OptionsGroup sofa::defaulttype::matrixExporterOptionsGroup {"txt", "csv"}

◆ SolidTypes< double >

template class SOFA_DEFAULTTYPE_API sofa::defaulttype::SolidTypes< double >

◆ SolidTypes< float >

template class SOFA_DEFAULTTYPE_API sofa::defaulttype::SolidTypes< float >