template<class T > |
using | VirtualTypeInfo = DataTypeInfoDynamicWrapper< DataTypeInfo< T > > |
| We make an alias to wrap around the old name to the new one. More...
typedef StdRigidTypes< 2, double > | Rigid2dTypes |
typedef RigidMass< 2, double > | Rigid2dMass |
typedef StdRigidTypes< 2, float > | Rigid2fTypes |
typedef RigidMass< 2, float > | Rigid2fMass |
typedef StdRigidTypes< 2, SReal > | Rigid2Types |
typedef RigidMass< 2, SReal > | Rigid2Mass |
| un-defined precision type More...
typedef RigidMass< 3, double > | Rigid3dMass |
typedef RigidMass< 3, float > | Rigid3fMass |
typedef StdRigidTypes< 3, SReal > | Rigid3Types |
| un-defined precision type More...
typedef RigidMass< 3, SReal > | Rigid3Mass |
| un-defined precision type More...
typedef StdVectorTypes< sofa::type::Vec3d, sofa::type::Vec3d, double > | Vec3dTypes |
| 3D DOFs, double precision More...
typedef StdVectorTypes< sofa::type::Vec2d, sofa::type::Vec2d, double > | Vec2dTypes |
| 2D DOFs, double precision More...
typedef StdVectorTypes< sofa::type::Vec1d, sofa::type::Vec1d, double > | Vec1dTypes |
| 1D DOFs, double precision More...
typedef StdVectorTypes< sofa::type::Vec6d, sofa::type::Vec6d, double > | Vec6dTypes |
| 6D DOFs, double precision More...
typedef StdVectorTypes< sofa::type::Vec3f, sofa::type::Vec3f, float > | Vec3fTypes |
| 3f DOFs, single precision More...
typedef StdVectorTypes< sofa::type::Vec2f, sofa::type::Vec2f, float > | Vec2fTypes |
| 2f DOFs, single precision More...
typedef StdVectorTypes< sofa::type::Vec1f, sofa::type::Vec1f, float > | Vec1fTypes |
| 1f DOFs, single precision More...
typedef StdVectorTypes< sofa::type::Vec6f, sofa::type::Vec6f, float > | Vec6fTypes |
| 6f DOFs, single precision More...
using | MatrixExportFunction = std::function< bool(const std::string &, sofa::linearalgebra::BaseMatrix *, int precision)> |
typedef StdRigidTypes< 3, double > | Rigid3dTypes |
typedef StdRigidTypes< 3, float > | Rigid3fTypes |
typedef StdRigidTypes< 3, SReal > | RigidTypes |
| alias (beurk) More...
typedef std::map< std::string, TemplateAlias > | TemplateAliasesMap |
typedef TemplateAliasesMap::const_iterator | TemplateAliasesMapIterator |
typedef std::pair< std::string, bool > | TemplateAlias |
typedef StdVectorTypes< type::Vec6, type::Vec6, type::Vec6::value_type > | Vec6Types |
| 6D DOFs, double precision (default) More...
typedef StdVectorTypes< type::Vec3, type::Vec3, type::Vec3::value_type > | Vec3Types |
| 3D DOFs, double precision (default) More...
typedef StdVectorTypes< type::Vec2, type::Vec2, type::Vec2::value_type > | Vec2Types |
| 2D DOFs, double precision (default) More...
typedef StdVectorTypes< type::Vec1, type::Vec1, type::Vec1::value_type > | Vec1Types |
| 1D DOFs, double precision (default) More...
template<class Vec > |
void | resetDataTypeVec (Vec &vec) |
| Function resetting all the element of a container with its default constructor value type. More...
template<sofa::Size N, typename ValueType > |
void | resetVecTypeVec (vector< Vec< N, ValueType > > &vec) |
| In case of a vector<Vec>, zero can be set directly with memset on all the memory space for a faster reset. More...
template<> |
void | resetDataTypeVec< vector< Vec< 6, float > > > (vector< Vec< 6, float > > &vec) |
template<> |
void | resetDataTypeVec< vector< Vec< 6, double > > > (vector< Vec< 6, double > > &vec) |
template<> |
void | resetDataTypeVec< vector< Vec< 3, float > > > (vector< Vec< 3, float > > &vec) |
template<> |
void | resetDataTypeVec< vector< Vec< 3, double > > > (vector< Vec< 3, double > > &vec) |
template<> |
void | resetDataTypeVec< vector< Vec< 2, float > > > (vector< Vec< 2, float > > &vec) |
template<> |
void | resetDataTypeVec< vector< Vec< 2, double > > > (vector< Vec< 2, double > > &vec) |
template<> |
void | resetDataTypeVec< vector< Vec< 1, float > > > (vector< Vec< 1, float > > &vec) |
template<> |
void | resetDataTypeVec< vector< Vec< 1, double > > > (vector< Vec< 1, double > > &vec) |
SOFA_DEFAULTTYPE_API void | init () |
| Initialize the SofaDefaultType library, as well as it dependency: SofaHelper. More...
SOFA_DEFAULTTYPE_API bool | isInitialized () |
| Return true if and only if the SofaDefaultType library has been initialized. More...
SOFA_DEFAULTTYPE_API void | cleanup () |
| Clean up the resources used by the SofaDefaultType library, as well as its dependency: SofaHelper. More...
SOFA_DEFAULTTYPE_API bool | isCleanedUp () |
| Return true if and only if the SofaDefaultType library has been cleaned up. More...
template<class MatrixRow , class VecDeriv > |
VecDeriv::Real | SparseMatrixVecDerivMult (const MatrixRow &row, const VecDeriv &vec) |
template<typename LhsDeriv , typename RhsDeriv , typename Real > |
void | addMultTransposeEigen (MapMapSparseMatrix< LhsDeriv > &lhs, const Eigen::SparseMatrix< Real, Eigen::RowMajor > &jacobian, const MapMapSparseMatrix< RhsDeriv > &rhs) |
| Computes lhs += jacobian^T * rhs. More...
bool | writeMatrixTxt (const std::string &filename, sofa::linearalgebra::BaseMatrix *matrix, int precision) |
bool | writeMatrixCsv (const std::string &filename, sofa::linearalgebra::BaseMatrix *matrix, int precision) |
template<typename real , typename real2 > |
constexpr RigidDeriv< 3, real > | operator* (RigidDeriv< 3, real > r, real2 a) |
template<typename real , typename real2 > |
constexpr RigidDeriv< 3, real > | operator/ (RigidDeriv< 3, real > r, real2 a) |
template<sofa::Size N, typename T > |
constexpr RigidDeriv< N, T >::Pos & | getLinear (RigidDeriv< N, T > &v) |
template<sofa::Size N, typename T > |
constexpr const RigidDeriv< N, T >::Pos & | getLinear (const RigidDeriv< N, T > &v) |
template<sofa::Size N, typename T > |
constexpr RigidDeriv< N, T >::Rot & | getAngular (RigidDeriv< N, T > &v) |
template<sofa::Size N, typename T > |
constexpr const RigidDeriv< N, T >::Rot & | getAngular (const RigidDeriv< N, T > &v) |
template<sofa::Size N, typename T > |
constexpr RigidDeriv< N, T >::Pos & | getVCenter (RigidDeriv< N, T > &v) |
template<sofa::Size N, typename T > |
constexpr const RigidDeriv< N, T >::Pos & | getVCenter (const RigidDeriv< N, T > &v) |
template<sofa::Size N, typename T > |
constexpr RigidDeriv< N, T >::Rot & | getVOrientation (RigidDeriv< N, T > &v) |
template<sofa::Size N, typename T > |
constexpr const RigidDeriv< N, T >::Rot & | getVOrientation (const RigidDeriv< N, T > &v) |
template<typename T , typename R > |
constexpr type::Vec< 3, T > | velocityAtRotatedPoint (const RigidDeriv< 3, R > &v, const type::Vec< 3, T > &p) |
| Velocity at point p, where p is the offset from the origin of the frame, given in the same coordinate system as the velocity of the origin. More...
template<typename T , typename R > |
constexpr RigidDeriv< 3, R > | velocityAtRotatedPoint (const RigidDeriv< 3, R > &v, const RigidCoord< 3, T > &p) |
template<typename real , typename real2 > |
constexpr RigidDeriv< 2, real > | operator* (RigidDeriv< 2, real > r, real2 a) |
template<typename real , typename real2 > |
constexpr RigidDeriv< 2, real > | operator/ (RigidDeriv< 2, real > r, real2 a) |
template<typename R , typename T > |
constexpr type::Vec< 2, R > | velocityAtRotatedPoint (const RigidDeriv< 2, T > &v, const type::Vec< 2, R > &p) |
| Velocity at point p, where p is the offset from the origin of the frame, given in the same coordinate system as the velocity of the origin. More...
template<typename R , typename T > |
constexpr RigidDeriv< 2, T > | velocityAtRotatedPoint (const RigidDeriv< 2, T > &v, const RigidCoord< 2, R > &p) |
template<typename real > |
constexpr RigidDeriv< 3, real > | operator* (const RigidDeriv< 3, real > &d, const RigidMass< 3, real > &m) |
template<typename real > |
constexpr RigidDeriv< 3, real > | operator* (const RigidMass< 3, real > &m, const RigidDeriv< 3, real > &d) |
template<typename real > |
constexpr RigidDeriv< 3, real > | operator/ (const RigidDeriv< 3, real > &d, const RigidMass< 3, real > &m) |
template<typename real > |
constexpr RigidDeriv< 2, real > | operator* (const RigidDeriv< 2, real > &d, const RigidMass< 2, real > &m) |
template<typename real > |
constexpr RigidDeriv< 2, real > | operator/ (const RigidDeriv< 2, real > &d, const RigidMass< 2, real > &m) |
template<typename T > |
const Vec< 3, T > | getVCenter (const Vec< 6, T > &v) |
template<typename T > |
const Vec< 3, T > | getVOrientation (const Vec< 6, T > &v) |
TemplateAliasesMap & | getTemplateAliasesMap () |
template<class T > |
constexpr bool | isDouble () |
template<> |
constexpr bool | isDouble< double > () |
constexpr bool | isSRealDouble () |
constexpr bool | isSRealFloat () |
Helper Functions to more easily create tests and check the results.