SOFA API  0806b074
Open source framework for multi-physics simuation
sofa::linearalgebra Namespace Reference




class  matrix_bloc_traits< defaulttype::RigidDeriv< N, T >, IndexType >
struct  BaseMatrixLinearOpMV_BlockDiagonal
struct  BaseMatrixLinearOpMV_BlockDiagonal< Real, 1, 1, add, transpose, M, V1, V2 >
struct  BaseMatrixLinearOpMV_BlockSparse
class  BaseMatrixLinearOpMV
class  BaseMatrixLinearOpMulV
class  BaseMatrixLinearOpPMulV
class  BaseMatrixLinearOpMulTV
class  BaseMatrixLinearOpPMulTV
struct  BaseMatrixLinearOpAM_BlockSparse
struct  BaseMatrixLinearOpAMS_BlockSparse
struct  BaseMatrixLinearOpAM1_BlockSparse
class  BaseMatrixLinearOpAM
class  BaseMatrixLinearOpAddM
class  BaseMatrixLinearOpAddMT
class  BaseMatrix
class  BaseVector
class  BlockDiagonalMatrix
 Simple full matrix container. More...
class  BlockFullMatrix
 Simple block full matrix container (used for InvMatrixType) More...
class  BlockVector
class  BTDMatrix
 Simple BTD matrix container. More...
class  CRSConstraintPolicy
class  CompressedRowSparseMatrixConstraint
struct  CompressedRowSparseMatrixToEigenSparse
struct  CompressedRowSparseMatrixToEigenSparseVec
struct  CompressedRowSparseMatrixToEigenSparse< sofa::type::Vec< N, Real > >
struct  EigenSparseToCompressedRowSparseMatrix
struct  EigenSparseToCompressedRowSparseMatrixVec
class  EigenSparseToCompressedRowSparseMatrix< sofa::type::Vec< N, Real > >
class  EigenSparseToCompressedRowSparseMatrix< sofa::defaulttype::RigidDeriv< N, Real > >
struct  CRSBlockTraits
 Traits class which defines the containers to use for a given type of block. More...
struct  CRSDefaultPolicy
class  CompressedRowSparseMatrixGeneric
class  CRSMechanicalPolicy
class  CompressedRowSparseMatrixMechanical
class  DiagonalMatrix
 Simple full matrix container. More...
class  MatrixProductOp< DiagonalMatrix< R1 >, M2 >
class  MatrixProductOp< M1, DiagonalMatrix< R2 > >
class  MatrixProductOp< DiagonalMatrix< R1 >, DiagonalMatrix< R2 > >
class  MatrixInvertOp< DiagonalMatrix< R1 > >
class  EigenBaseSparseMatrix
class  EigenSparseMatrix
class  EigenVector
class  FullMatrix
 Simple full matrix container. More...
class  LPtrFullMatrix
 Simple full matrix container, with an additional pointer per line, to be able do get a T** pointer and use [i][j] directly. More...
class  FullVector
struct  CleanupCheck
class  bloc_index_func
class  matrix_bloc_traits
class  matrix_bloc_traits< type::Mat< L, C, real >, IndexType >
class  matrix_bloc_traits< sofa::type::Vec< N, T >, IndexType >
class  matrix_bloc_traits< float, IndexType >
class  matrix_bloc_traits< double, IndexType >
class  matrix_bloc_traits< int, IndexType >
class  MatrixProduct
class  MatrixAddition
class  MatrixSubtraction
class  MatrixTranspose
class  MatrixNegative
class  MatrixScale
class  MatrixExpr
class  DefaultMatrixProductOp
class  MatrixProductOp
class  DefaultMatrixProductOp< 0, 0, M1, M2 >
class  DefaultMatrixProductOp< 1, 0, M1, M2 >
class  DefaultMatrixProductOp< 0, 1, M1, M2 >
class  DefaultMatrixInvertOp
class  MatrixInvertOp
class  DefaultMatrixInvertOp< 0, M1 >
class  type_selector
class  type_selector< 0, T0, T1 >
class  type_selector< 1, T0, T1 >
class  MatrixInverse
class  SparseMatrix
class  RotationMatrix
 3x3 block-diagonal matrix where each block is considered as a rotation. More...
class  MatrixProductOp< SparseMatrix< R1 >, SparseMatrix< R2 > >
class  SparseMatrixProduct
struct  EigenOptions
struct  EigenOptions< Eigen::Map< T, Options, StrideType > >
struct  EigenOptions< const Eigen::Map< T, Options, StrideType > >
struct  EigenOptions< Eigen::Transpose< T > >
struct  EigenOptions< const Eigen::Transpose< T > >
class  SparseMatrixStorageOrder


typedef BlockDiagonalMatrix< 3 > BlockDiagonalMatrix3
typedef BlockDiagonalMatrix< 6 > BlockDiagonalMatrix6
typedef BlockDiagonalMatrix< 9 > BlockDiagonalMatrix9
typedef BlockDiagonalMatrix< 12 > BlockDiagonalMatrix12
template<typename TBlock , typename TVecBlock = type::vector<TBlock>, typename TVecIndex = type::vector<sofa::Index>>
using CompressedRowSparseMatrix = CompressedRowSparseMatrixMechanical< TBlock, CRSMechanicalPolicy >


enum  MatrixCategory {


template<sofa::Size L, sofa::Size C, class real >
void matrixAdd (BaseMatrix *self, const Index row, const Index col, const sofa::type::Mat< L, C, real > &M)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, const sofa::linearalgebra::BaseMatrix &m)
 Declare that the operator >> exists but is defined in a BaseMatrix.cpp. More...
std::istream & operator>> (std::istream &in, sofa::linearalgebra::BaseMatrix &m)
 Declare that the operator >> exists but is defined in a BaseMatrix.cpp. More...
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, const BaseVector &v)
 Declare that the operator << exists but is defined in BaseVector.cpp. More...
template<class RowType , class VecDeriv , typename Real = typename VecDeriv::value_type::Real>
Real CompressedRowSparseMatrixVecDerivMult (const RowType row, const VecDeriv &vec)
template<class RowType , class VecDeriv >
void convertCompressedRowSparseMatrixRowToVecDeriv (const RowType row, VecDeriv &out)
template<typename LhsMatrixDeriv , typename RhsMatrixDeriv , typename Real >
void addMultTransposeEigen (LhsMatrixDeriv &lhs, const Eigen::SparseMatrix< Real, Eigen::RowMajor > &jacobian, const RhsMatrixDeriv &rhs)
 Computes lhs += jacobian^T * rhs. More...
template<class TMatrix , class TBlockMatrix >
void addBlockMat (TMatrix &self, Index row, Index col, const TBlockMatrix &_M)
template<typename Real >
void solveDiagonalSystem (const sofa::Size systemSize, const Real *rightHandSideVector, Real *solution, const Real *const D_values)
template<typename Real >
void solveDiagonalSystemUsingInvertedValues (const sofa::Size systemSize, const Real *rightHandSideVector, Real *solution, const Real *const Dinv_values)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, const FullMatrix< double > &v)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, const FullMatrix< float > &v)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, const LPtrFullMatrix< double > &v)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, const LPtrFullMatrix< float > &v)
template<typename Real >
std::ostream & readFromStream (std::ostream &out, const FullMatrix< Real > &v)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, const FullVector< float > &v)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, const FullVector< double > &v)
template<typename Real >
std::ostream & readFromStream (std::ostream &out, const FullVector< Real > &v)
 Initialize the Sofa.LinearAlgebra library, as well as its dependencies: Sofa.Type, SofaHelper. More...
SOFA_LINEARALGEBRA_API bool isInitialized ()
 Return true if and only if the Sofa.LinearAlgebra library has been initialized. More...
 Clean up the resources used by the Sofa.LinearAlgebra library, as well as its dependencies: Sofa.Type, SofaHelper. More...
 Return true if and only if the Sofa.LinearAlgebra library has been cleaned up. More...
template<class Real >
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, const RotationMatrix< Real > &v)
template SOFA_LINEARALGEBRA_API std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, const RotationMatrix< float > &v)
template SOFA_LINEARALGEBRA_API std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, const RotationMatrix< double > &v)
template<typename _Scalar , int _Options, typename _StorageIndex >
void flagValueIndices (Eigen::SparseMatrix< sparsematrixproduct::IndexedValue< _Scalar >, _Options, _StorageIndex > &matrix)
template<class TMatrix >
void transpose (const TMatrix &self, type::vector< typename TMatrix::Index > &outer, type::vector< typename TMatrix::Index > &inner, type::vector< typename TMatrix::Index > &perm)
template<typename Real , typename Integer >
void solveLowerUnitriangularSystemCSR (const sofa::Size systemSize, const Real *rightHandSideVector, Real *solutionVector, const Integer *const CSR_rows, const Integer *const CSR_columns, const Real *const CSR_values)
template<typename Real , typename Integer >
void solveUpperUnitriangularSystemCSR (const sofa::Size systemSize, const Real *rightHandSideVector, Real *solutionVector, const Integer *const CSR_rows, const Integer *const CSR_columns, const Real *const CSR_values)
void computeRowColumnCoordinateFromIndexInLowerTriangularMatrix (const sofa::Index flatIndex, sofa::Index &row, sofa::Index &col)


template class SOFA_LINEARALGEBRA_API BlockDiagonalMatrix< 3, SReal >
template class SOFA_LINEARALGEBRA_API BlockFullMatrix< 6, SReal >
template class SOFA_LINEARALGEBRA_API CompressedRowSparseMatrixGeneric< double >
template class SOFA_LINEARALGEBRA_API CompressedRowSparseMatrixGeneric< float >
template class SOFA_LINEARALGEBRA_API CompressedRowSparseMatrixMechanical< float >
template class SOFA_LINEARALGEBRA_API CompressedRowSparseMatrixMechanical< Mat1x1f >
template class SOFA_LINEARALGEBRA_API CompressedRowSparseMatrixMechanical< Mat2x2f >
template class SOFA_LINEARALGEBRA_API CompressedRowSparseMatrixMechanical< Mat3x3f >
template class SOFA_LINEARALGEBRA_API CompressedRowSparseMatrixMechanical< Mat4x4f >
template class SOFA_LINEARALGEBRA_API CompressedRowSparseMatrixMechanical< Mat< 6, 6, float > >
template class SOFA_LINEARALGEBRA_API CompressedRowSparseMatrixMechanical< Mat< 8, 8, float > >
template class SOFA_LINEARALGEBRA_API CompressedRowSparseMatrixMechanical< double >
template class SOFA_LINEARALGEBRA_API CompressedRowSparseMatrixMechanical< Mat1x1d >
template class SOFA_LINEARALGEBRA_API CompressedRowSparseMatrixMechanical< Mat2x2d >
template class SOFA_LINEARALGEBRA_API CompressedRowSparseMatrixMechanical< Mat3x3d >
template class SOFA_LINEARALGEBRA_API CompressedRowSparseMatrixMechanical< Mat4x4d >
template class SOFA_LINEARALGEBRA_API CompressedRowSparseMatrixMechanical< Mat< 6, 6, double > >
template class SOFA_LINEARALGEBRA_API CompressedRowSparseMatrixMechanical< Mat< 8, 8, double > >
template class SOFA_LINEARALGEBRA_API FullMatrix< double >
template class SOFA_LINEARALGEBRA_API FullMatrix< float >
template class SOFA_LINEARALGEBRA_API LPtrFullMatrix< double >
template class SOFA_LINEARALGEBRA_API LPtrFullMatrix< float >
template class SOFA_LINEARALGEBRA_API FullVector< float >
template class SOFA_LINEARALGEBRA_API FullVector< double >
template class SOFA_LINEARALGEBRA_API RotationMatrix< float >
template class SOFA_LINEARALGEBRA_API RotationMatrix< double >

Typedef Documentation

◆ BlockDiagonalMatrix12

◆ BlockDiagonalMatrix3

◆ BlockDiagonalMatrix6

◆ BlockDiagonalMatrix9

◆ CompressedRowSparseMatrix

template<typename TBlock , typename TVecBlock = type::vector<TBlock>, typename TVecIndex = type::vector<sofa::Index>>
using sofa::linearalgebra::CompressedRowSparseMatrix = typedef CompressedRowSparseMatrixMechanical<TBlock, CRSMechanicalPolicy>


Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ MatrixCategory


Function Documentation

◆ addBlockMat()

template<class TMatrix , class TBlockMatrix >
void sofa::linearalgebra::addBlockMat ( TMatrix &  self,
Index  row,
Index  col,
const TBlockMatrix &  _M 

◆ addMultTransposeEigen()

template<typename LhsMatrixDeriv , typename RhsMatrixDeriv , typename Real >
void sofa::linearalgebra::addMultTransposeEigen ( LhsMatrixDeriv &  lhs,
const Eigen::SparseMatrix< Real, Eigen::RowMajor > &  jacobian,
const RhsMatrixDeriv &  rhs 

Computes lhs += jacobian^T * rhs.

◆ cleanup()

SOFA_LINEARALGEBRA_API void sofa::linearalgebra::cleanup ( )

Clean up the resources used by the Sofa.LinearAlgebra library, as well as its dependencies: Sofa.Type, SofaHelper.

◆ CompressedRowSparseMatrixVecDerivMult()

template<class RowType , class VecDeriv , typename Real = typename VecDeriv::value_type::Real>
Real sofa::linearalgebra::CompressedRowSparseMatrixVecDerivMult ( const RowType  row,
const VecDeriv &  vec 

◆ computeRowColumnCoordinateFromIndexInLowerTriangularMatrix()

void sofa::linearalgebra::computeRowColumnCoordinateFromIndexInLowerTriangularMatrix ( const sofa::Index  flatIndex,
sofa::Index &  row,
sofa::Index &  col 

A lower triangular matrix can be stored as a linear array. This function converts the index in this linear array to 2d coordinates (row and column) of an element in the matrix.

Example of a 6x6 lower triangular matrix: [ 0 ] [ 1 2 ] [ 3 4 5 ] [ 6 7 8 9 ] [10 11 12 13 14 ] [15 16 17 18 19 20]

0 => (0, 0) 7 => (3, 1) 18 => (5, 3)

◆ convertCompressedRowSparseMatrixRowToVecDeriv()

template<class RowType , class VecDeriv >
void sofa::linearalgebra::convertCompressedRowSparseMatrixRowToVecDeriv ( const RowType  row,
VecDeriv &  out 

◆ flagValueIndices()

template<typename _Scalar , int _Options, typename _StorageIndex >
void sofa::linearalgebra::flagValueIndices ( Eigen::SparseMatrix< sparsematrixproduct::IndexedValue< _Scalar >, _Options, _StorageIndex > &  matrix)

◆ init()

SOFA_LINEARALGEBRA_API void sofa::linearalgebra::init ( )

Initialize the Sofa.LinearAlgebra library, as well as its dependencies: Sofa.Type, SofaHelper.

◆ isCleanedUp()

SOFA_LINEARALGEBRA_API bool sofa::linearalgebra::isCleanedUp ( )

Return true if and only if the Sofa.LinearAlgebra library has been cleaned up.

◆ isInitialized()

SOFA_LINEARALGEBRA_API bool sofa::linearalgebra::isInitialized ( )

Return true if and only if the Sofa.LinearAlgebra library has been initialized.

◆ matrixAdd()

template<sofa::Size L, sofa::Size C, class real >
void sofa::linearalgebra::matrixAdd ( BaseMatrix self,
const Index  row,
const Index  col,
const sofa::type::Mat< L, C, real > &  M 

◆ operator<<() [1/11]

SOFA_LINEARALGEBRA_API std::ostream & sofa::linearalgebra::operator<< ( std::ostream &  out,
const BaseVector v 

Declare that the operator << exists but is defined in BaseVector.cpp.

◆ operator<<() [2/11]

SOFA_LINEARALGEBRA_API std::ostream & sofa::linearalgebra::operator<< ( std::ostream &  out,
const FullMatrix< double > &  v 

◆ operator<<() [3/11]

SOFA_LINEARALGEBRA_API std::ostream & sofa::linearalgebra::operator<< ( std::ostream &  out,
const FullMatrix< float > &  v 

◆ operator<<() [4/11]

SOFA_LINEARALGEBRA_API std::ostream & sofa::linearalgebra::operator<< ( std::ostream &  out,
const FullVector< double > &  v 

◆ operator<<() [5/11]

SOFA_LINEARALGEBRA_API std::ostream & sofa::linearalgebra::operator<< ( std::ostream &  out,
const FullVector< float > &  v 

◆ operator<<() [6/11]

SOFA_LINEARALGEBRA_API std::ostream & sofa::linearalgebra::operator<< ( std::ostream &  out,
const LPtrFullMatrix< double > &  v 

◆ operator<<() [7/11]

SOFA_LINEARALGEBRA_API std::ostream & sofa::linearalgebra::operator<< ( std::ostream &  out,
const LPtrFullMatrix< float > &  v 

◆ operator<<() [8/11]

template SOFA_LINEARALGEBRA_API std::ostream & sofa::linearalgebra::operator<< ( std::ostream &  out,
const RotationMatrix< double > &  v 

◆ operator<<() [9/11]

template SOFA_LINEARALGEBRA_API std::ostream & sofa::linearalgebra::operator<< ( std::ostream &  out,
const RotationMatrix< float > &  v 

◆ operator<<() [10/11]

template<class Real >
std::ostream & sofa::linearalgebra::operator<< ( std::ostream &  out,
const RotationMatrix< Real > &  v 

◆ operator<<() [11/11]

SOFA_LINEARALGEBRA_API std::ostream & sofa::linearalgebra::operator<< ( std::ostream &  out,
const sofa::linearalgebra::BaseMatrix m 

Declare that the operator >> exists but is defined in a BaseMatrix.cpp.

Declare that the operator << is friend so they can use private data.

◆ operator>>()

SOFA_LINEARALGEBRA_API std::istream & sofa::linearalgebra::operator>> ( std::istream &  in,
sofa::linearalgebra::BaseMatrix m 

Declare that the operator >> exists but is defined in a BaseMatrix.cpp.

Declare that the operator >> is friend so they can use private data.

◆ readFromStream() [1/2]

template<typename Real >
std::ostream& sofa::linearalgebra::readFromStream ( std::ostream &  out,
const FullMatrix< Real > &  v 

◆ readFromStream() [2/2]

template<typename Real >
std::ostream& sofa::linearalgebra::readFromStream ( std::ostream &  out,
const FullVector< Real > &  v 

◆ solveDiagonalSystem()

template<typename Real >
void sofa::linearalgebra::solveDiagonalSystem ( const sofa::Size  systemSize,
const Real *  rightHandSideVector,
Real *  solution,
const Real *const  D_values 

Solves a linear system D*x = b, where: D is a diagonal matrix x is the solution vector b is the right-hand side vector The diagonal matrix is stored as the list of entries in the diagonal

◆ solveDiagonalSystemUsingInvertedValues()

template<typename Real >
void sofa::linearalgebra::solveDiagonalSystemUsingInvertedValues ( const sofa::Size  systemSize,
const Real *  rightHandSideVector,
Real *  solution,
const Real *const  Dinv_values 

Solves a linear system D*x = b, where: D is a diagonal matrix x is the solution vector b is the right-hand side vector The diagonal matrix is stored as the list of the inverse of the entries in the diagonal

◆ solveLowerUnitriangularSystemCSR()

template<typename Real , typename Integer >
void sofa::linearalgebra::solveLowerUnitriangularSystemCSR ( const sofa::Size  systemSize,
const Real *  rightHandSideVector,
Real *  solutionVector,
const Integer *const  CSR_rows,
const Integer *const  CSR_columns,
const Real *const  CSR_values 

Solves a lower unitriangular system where the matrix is represented in CSR format

Forward substitution is used to solve a linear system L*x = b, where: L is a lower unitriangular matrix x is the solution vector b is the right-hand side vector The lower unitriangular matrix must be provided in compressed sparse row (CSR) format

systemSizeThe size of the system. All other parameters must comply with this size
rightHandSideVectorThe right-hand side vector
solutionVectorThe solution vector
CSR_rowsThe array storing the starting index of each row in the data array.
CSR_columnsThe array storing the column indices of the nonzero values in the data array.
CSR_valuesThe array containing the nonzero values of the matrix

◆ solveUpperUnitriangularSystemCSR()

template<typename Real , typename Integer >
void sofa::linearalgebra::solveUpperUnitriangularSystemCSR ( const sofa::Size  systemSize,
const Real *  rightHandSideVector,
Real *  solutionVector,
const Integer *const  CSR_rows,
const Integer *const  CSR_columns,
const Real *const  CSR_values 

Solves a upper unitriangular system where the matrix is represented in CSR format

Backward substitution is used to solve a linear system U*x = b, where: U is a upper unitriangular matrix x is the solution vector b is the right-hand side vector The upper unitriangular matrix must be provided in compressed sparse row (CSR) format

systemSizeThe size of the system. All other parameters must comply with this size
rightHandSideVectorThe right-hand side vector
solutionVectorThe solution vector
CSR_rowsThe array storing the starting index of each row in the data array.
CSR_columnsThe array storing the column indices of the nonzero values in the data array.
CSR_valuesThe array containing the nonzero values of the matrix

◆ transpose()

template<class TMatrix >
void sofa::linearalgebra::transpose ( const TMatrix &  self,
type::vector< typename TMatrix::Index > &  outer,
type::vector< typename TMatrix::Index > &  inner,
type::vector< typename TMatrix::Index > &  perm 

Variable Documentation

◆ BlockDiagonalMatrix< 3, SReal >

template class SOFA_LINEARALGEBRA_API sofa::linearalgebra::BlockDiagonalMatrix< 3, SReal >

◆ BlockFullMatrix< 6, SReal >

template class SOFA_LINEARALGEBRA_API sofa::linearalgebra::BlockFullMatrix< 6, SReal >

◆ CompressedRowSparseMatrixGeneric< double >

template class SOFA_LINEARALGEBRA_API sofa::linearalgebra::CompressedRowSparseMatrixGeneric< double >

◆ CompressedRowSparseMatrixGeneric< float >

template class SOFA_LINEARALGEBRA_API sofa::linearalgebra::CompressedRowSparseMatrixGeneric< float >

◆ CompressedRowSparseMatrixMechanical< double >

template class SOFA_LINEARALGEBRA_API sofa::linearalgebra::CompressedRowSparseMatrixMechanical< double >

◆ CompressedRowSparseMatrixMechanical< float >

template class SOFA_LINEARALGEBRA_API sofa::linearalgebra::CompressedRowSparseMatrixMechanical< float >

◆ CompressedRowSparseMatrixMechanical< Mat1x1d >

template class SOFA_LINEARALGEBRA_API sofa::linearalgebra::CompressedRowSparseMatrixMechanical< Mat1x1d >

◆ CompressedRowSparseMatrixMechanical< Mat1x1f >

template class SOFA_LINEARALGEBRA_API sofa::linearalgebra::CompressedRowSparseMatrixMechanical< Mat1x1f >

◆ CompressedRowSparseMatrixMechanical< Mat2x2d >

template class SOFA_LINEARALGEBRA_API sofa::linearalgebra::CompressedRowSparseMatrixMechanical< Mat2x2d >

◆ CompressedRowSparseMatrixMechanical< Mat2x2f >

template class SOFA_LINEARALGEBRA_API sofa::linearalgebra::CompressedRowSparseMatrixMechanical< Mat2x2f >

◆ CompressedRowSparseMatrixMechanical< Mat3x3d >

template class SOFA_LINEARALGEBRA_API sofa::linearalgebra::CompressedRowSparseMatrixMechanical< Mat3x3d >

◆ CompressedRowSparseMatrixMechanical< Mat3x3f >

template class SOFA_LINEARALGEBRA_API sofa::linearalgebra::CompressedRowSparseMatrixMechanical< Mat3x3f >

◆ CompressedRowSparseMatrixMechanical< Mat4x4d >

template class SOFA_LINEARALGEBRA_API sofa::linearalgebra::CompressedRowSparseMatrixMechanical< Mat4x4d >

◆ CompressedRowSparseMatrixMechanical< Mat4x4f >

template class SOFA_LINEARALGEBRA_API sofa::linearalgebra::CompressedRowSparseMatrixMechanical< Mat4x4f >

◆ CompressedRowSparseMatrixMechanical< Mat< 6, 6, double > >

template class SOFA_LINEARALGEBRA_API sofa::linearalgebra::CompressedRowSparseMatrixMechanical< Mat< 6, 6, double > >

◆ CompressedRowSparseMatrixMechanical< Mat< 6, 6, float > >

template class SOFA_LINEARALGEBRA_API sofa::linearalgebra::CompressedRowSparseMatrixMechanical< Mat< 6, 6, float > >

◆ CompressedRowSparseMatrixMechanical< Mat< 8, 8, double > >

template class SOFA_LINEARALGEBRA_API sofa::linearalgebra::CompressedRowSparseMatrixMechanical< Mat< 8, 8, double > >

◆ CompressedRowSparseMatrixMechanical< Mat< 8, 8, float > >

template class SOFA_LINEARALGEBRA_API sofa::linearalgebra::CompressedRowSparseMatrixMechanical< Mat< 8, 8, float > >

◆ FullMatrix< double >

template class SOFA_LINEARALGEBRA_API sofa::linearalgebra::FullMatrix< double >

◆ FullMatrix< float >

template class SOFA_LINEARALGEBRA_API sofa::linearalgebra::FullMatrix< float >

◆ FullVector< double >

template class SOFA_LINEARALGEBRA_API sofa::linearalgebra::FullVector< double >

◆ FullVector< float >

template class SOFA_LINEARALGEBRA_API sofa::linearalgebra::FullVector< float >

◆ LPtrFullMatrix< double >

template class SOFA_LINEARALGEBRA_API sofa::linearalgebra::LPtrFullMatrix< double >

◆ LPtrFullMatrix< float >

template class SOFA_LINEARALGEBRA_API sofa::linearalgebra::LPtrFullMatrix< float >

◆ RotationMatrix< double >

template class SOFA_LINEARALGEBRA_API sofa::linearalgebra::RotationMatrix< double >

◆ RotationMatrix< float >

template class SOFA_LINEARALGEBRA_API sofa::linearalgebra::RotationMatrix< float >