SOFA API  0806b074
Open source framework for multi-physics simuation
sofa::helper Namespace Reference


 This allow MeshTrian to interact with the messaging system.
 This allow Base object to interact with the messaging system.


class  ReadAccessor< core::objectmodel::Data< T > >
class  WriteAccessor< core::objectmodel::Data< T > >
class  WriteOnlyAccessor< core::objectmodel::Data< T > >
 The WriteOnlyAccessor provides an access to the Data without triggering an engine update. This should be the preferred writeAccessor for most of the cases as it avoids unnecessary Data updates. More...
class  ReadAccessor
class  ReadAccessor< FixedArrayLikeType >
class  ReadAccessor< VectorLikeType >
class  ReadAccessorFixedArray
class  ReadAccessorVector
class  WriteAccessor
class  WriteAccessor< FixedArrayLikeType >
class  WriteAccessor< VectorLikeType >
class  WriteAccessorFixedArray
 WriteAccessor implementation class for fixed array types. More...
class  WriteAccessorVector
 WriteAccessor implementation class for vector types. More...
class  WriteOnlyAccessor
class  WriteOnlyAccessor< VectorLikeType >
class  TimerData
class  Record
class  StepData
class  AdvancedTimer
class  BackTrace
class  ColorMap
class  Decompose
class  NoArgument
 Allow us to use BaseCreator and Factory without using any Arguments. More...
class  BaseCreator
class  Factory
class  Creator
class  CreatorFn
class  BasicDispatcher
class  FnDispatcher
class  SingletonFnDispatcher
struct  GenerateRigidInfo
 storing rigid infos needed for RigidMass More...
struct  IndexOpenMP
struct  CleanupCheck
class  integer_id
class  vector_id
class  ReadAccessorVectorId
 ReadAccessor implementation class for vector_id types. More...
class  WriteAccessorVectorId
 WriteAccessor implementation class for vector_id types. More...
class  ReadAccessor< vector_id< T, TIndex, CheckIndices, MemoryManager > >
class  WriteAccessor< vector_id< T, TIndex, CheckIndices, MemoryManager > >
class  kdTree
class  LCP
class  LocalBlock33
class  ptr_stable_id
class  ptr_stable_compare
 A comparison object that order pointers in a stable way, i.e. in the order pointers are presented. More...
class  ptr_stable_compare< T * >
class  ptr_stable_compare< std::pair< T *, T * > >
class  map_ptr_stable_compare
 A map container that order pointers in a stable way, i.e. in the order pointers are presented. More...
class  MarchingCubeUtility
class  MemoryManager
class  NameDecoder
struct  narrowing_error
class  OptionsGroup
 OptionsGroup is a kind of data for a radio button. It has a list of text representing a list of choices, and a integer number indicating the choice selected. More...
class  OwnershipSPtr
class  Monomial_LD
 A generic monomial with N variables of type Real. A monomial is one term of a polynomial. More...
class  Polynomial_LD
 A generic polynomial with N variables of type Real. A polynomial is a list composed of several monomials. More...
class  RandomGenerator
struct  IsEqual
struct  IsEqual< true >
struct  IsNull
struct  IsNull< true >
struct  ScopedAdvancedTimer
struct  Item
struct  DeprecatedItem
struct  BaseSelectableItem
class  SelectableItem
class  TSimpleTimer
struct  CompareIndirect
class  TagList
class  TagFactory
class  TriangleOctreeRoot
class  TriangleOctree
class  TypeInfo
class  Utils
 Contains possibly useful functions, that don't fit anywhere else. More...
class  BaseCreator< sofa::gui::common::BaseViewer, sofa::gui::common::BaseViewerArgument & >
class  SofaViewerFactory
class  SofaViewerCreator


typedef sofa::helper::system::thread::ctime_t ctime_t
typedef sofa::helper::system::thread::CTime CTime
typedef const char *(* integer_id_name) ()
typedef SReal FemClipsReal
typedef TSimpleTimer SimpleTimer


enum  { NDefaultColorMapSchemes = 20 }


template<class T >
WriteAccessor< core::objectmodel::Data< T > > getWriteAccessor (core::objectmodel::Data< T > &data)
template<class T >
ReadAccessor< core::objectmodel::Data< T > > getReadAccessor (const core::objectmodel::Data< T > &data)
template<class T >
WriteOnlyAccessor< core::objectmodel::Data< T > > getWriteOnlyAccessor (core::objectmodel::Data< T > &data)
 SOFA_THREAD_SPECIFIC_PTR (std::stack< AdvancedTimer::IdTimer >, curTimerThread)
 SOFA_THREAD_SPECIFIC_PTR (type::vector< Record >, curRecordsThread)
std::stack< AdvancedTimer::IdTimer > & getCurTimer ()
type::vector< Record > * getCurRecords ()
void setCurRecords (type::vector< Record > *ptr)
void printVal (std::ostream &out, double v)
void printNoVal (std::ostream &out)
void printVal (std::ostream &out, double v, int niter)
void printTime (std::ostream &out, ctime_t t, int niter=1)
std::string getVal (double v)
std::string getNoVal ()
std::string getVal (double v, int niter)
std::string getTime (ctime_t t, int niter=1)
double strToDouble (std::string const &stringToConvert, std::size_t const precision)
template<class Real >
int dsyevc3 (const type::Mat< 3, 3, Real > &A, type::Vec< 3, Real > &w)
template<class Real >
void dsytrd3 (const type::Mat< 3, 3, Real > &A, type::Mat< 3, 3, Real > &Q, type::Vec< 3, Real > &d, type::Vec< 3, Real > &e)
template<class Real >
int dsyevq3 (const type::Mat< 3, 3, Real > &A, type::Mat< 3, 3, Real > &Q, type::Vec< 3, Real > &w)
template<class Real >
void dsyev2 (Real A, Real B, Real C, Real &rt1, Real &rt2, Real &cs, Real &sn)
std::vector< std::tuple< std::string, SReal > > SOFA_HELPER_API getClosestMatch (const std::string &needle, const std::vector< std::string > &haystack, const Size numEntries=5, const SReal threshold=0.5_sreal)
 Search for the the closest match to the string passed in the "needle" argument within the vector of "haystack" arguments. More...
SOFA_HELPER_API std::string gettypename (const std::type_info &t)
 Decode the type's name to a more readable form if possible. More...
SOFA_HELPER_API std::string & getFactoryLog ()
SOFA_HELPER_API void printFactoryLog (std::ostream &out)
 Print factory log. More...
template SOFA_HELPER_API void logFactoryRegister< std::string > (const std::string &baseclass, const std::string &classname, std::string key, bool multi)
template<class TKey >
void logFactoryRegister (const std::string &baseclass, const std::string &classname, TKey key, bool multi)
 Log classes registered in the factory. More...
template SOFA_HELPER_API void logFactoryRegister (const std::string &baseclass, const std::string &classname, std::string key, bool multi)
template<typename Rigid3MassType >
void generateRigid (Rigid3MassType &mass, type::Vec3 &center, const helper::io::Mesh *mesh)
 base function to compute center of mass, mass and inertia tensor from a mesh More...
template<typename Rigid3MassType >
void generateRigid (Rigid3MassType &mass, type::Vec3 &center, io::Mesh *mesh, SReal density, const type::Vec3 &scale=type::Vec3(1, 1, 1), const type::Vec3 &rotation=type::Vec3(0, 0, 0))
 user friendly function to compute center of mass, mass and inertia tensor from a mesh, a density, a scale and a rotation More...
template<typename Rigid3MassType >
bool generateRigid (Rigid3MassType &mass, type::Vec3 &center, const std::string &meshFilename, SReal density, const type::Vec3 &scale=type::Vec3(1, 1, 1), const type::Vec3 &rotation=type::Vec3(0, 0, 0))
 user friendly function to compute center of mass, mass and inertia tensor from a mesh file, a density, a scale and a rotation More...
template<typename Rigid3MassType >
void generateRigid (GenerateRigidInfo &res, io::Mesh *mesh, std::string const &meshName, SReal density, const type::Vec3 &scale=type::Vec3(1, 1, 1), const type::Vec3 &rotation=type::Vec3(0, 0, 0))
 user friendly function to compute rigid info from a mesh, a density, a scale More...
template<typename Rigid3MassType >
bool generateRigid (GenerateRigidInfo &res, const std::string &meshFilename, SReal density, const type::Vec3 &scale=type::Vec3(1, 1, 1), const type::Vec3 &rotation=type::Vec3(0, 0, 0))
 user friendly function to compute rigid info from a mesh file, a density, a scale More...
SOFA_HELPER_API void init ()
 Initialize the SofaHelper library. More...
SOFA_HELPER_API bool isInitialized ()
 Return true if and only if the SofaHelper library has been initialized. More...
SOFA_HELPER_API void cleanup ()
 Clean up the resources used by the SofaHelper library. More...
SOFA_HELPER_API bool isCleanedUp ()
 Return true if and only if the SofaHelper library has been cleaned up. More...
SOFA_HELPER_API void printUninitializedLibraryWarning (const std::string &library, const std::string &initFunction)
 Print a warning about a library not being initialized (meant for internal use). More...
SOFA_HELPER_API void printLibraryNotCleanedUpWarning (const std::string &library, const std::string &cleanupFunction)
 Print a warning about a library not being cleaned up (meant for internal use). More...
void SOFA_HELPER_API vector_access_failure (const void *vec, unsigned size, unsigned i, const std::type_info &type, const char *tindex)
int solveLCP (int dim, SReal *q, SReal **M, SReal *res)
void printSyst (SReal *q, SReal **M, int *base, SReal **mat, int dim)
void printLCP (SReal *q, SReal **M, int dim)
void printLCP (SReal *q, SReal **M, SReal *f, int dim)
void resultToString (ostream &s, SReal *f, int dim)
void projection (LCP &fineLevel, LCP &coarseLevel, int nbContactsCoarse, const std::vector< int > &projectionTable, const std::vector< int > &projectionConstraints, std::vector< SReal > &projectionValues, std::vector< bool > &contact_is_projected, bool verbose)
void prolongation (LCP &fineLevel, LCP &coarseLevel, const std::vector< int > &projectionTable, const std::vector< int > &projectionConstraints, std::vector< SReal > &projectionValues, std::vector< bool > &contact_is_projected, bool verbose)
int nlcp_multiGrid_2levels (int dim, SReal *dfree, SReal **W, SReal *f, SReal mu, SReal tol, int numItMax, bool useInitialF, std::vector< int > &contact_group, unsigned int num_group, std::vector< int > &constraint_group, std::vector< SReal > &constraint_group_fact, bool verbose, std::vector< SReal > *residuals1, std::vector< SReal > *residuals2)
 new multigrid resolution of a problem with projection & prolongation More...
int nlcp_multiGrid_Nlevels (int dim, SReal *dfree, SReal **W, SReal *f, SReal mu, SReal tol, int numItMax, bool useInitialF, std::vector< std::vector< int > > &contact_group_hierarchy, std::vector< unsigned int > Tab_num_group, std::vector< std::vector< int > > &constraint_group_hierarchy, std::vector< std::vector< SReal > > &constraint_group_fact_hierarchy, bool verbose, std::vector< SReal > *residualsN, std::vector< SReal > *residualLevels, std::vector< SReal > *violations)
int nlcp_multiGrid (int dim, SReal *dfree, SReal **W, SReal *f, SReal mu, SReal tol, int numItMax, bool useInitialF, SReal **W_coarse, std::vector< int > &contact_group, unsigned int num_group, bool verbose)
int nlcp_gaussseidel (int dim, SReal *dfree, SReal **W, SReal *f, SReal mu, SReal tol, int numItMax, bool useInitialF, bool verbose, SReal minW, SReal maxF, std::vector< SReal > *residuals, std::vector< SReal > *violations)
int nlcp_gaussseidelTimed (int dim, SReal *dfree, SReal **W, SReal *f, SReal mu, SReal tol, int numItMax, bool useInitialF, SReal timeout, bool verbose)
void gaussSeidelLCP1 (int dim, FemClipsReal *q, FemClipsReal **M, FemClipsReal *res, SReal tol, int numItMax, SReal minW, SReal maxF, std::vector< SReal > *residuals)
SOFA_HELPER_API void set3Dof (SReal *vector, int index, SReal vx, SReal vy, SReal vz)
SOFA_HELPER_API void add3Dof (SReal *vector, int index, SReal vx, SReal vy, SReal vz)
SOFA_HELPER_API SReal normError (SReal f1x, SReal f1y, SReal f1z, SReal f2x, SReal f2y, SReal f2z)
SOFA_HELPER_API SReal absError (SReal f1x, SReal f1y, SReal f1z, SReal f2x, SReal f2y, SReal f2z)
SReal SReal SRealSOFA_LCPCALC_AFFICHESYST_DISABLED () void afficheSyst(SReal *q
SOFA_HELPER_API void resultToString (std::ostream &s, SReal *f, int dim)
template<Size NumRows, Size NumCols, class Real >
Eigen::Matrix< Real, NumRows, NumCols > eigenMat (const type::Mat< NumRows, NumCols, Real > &mat)
template<Size NumRows, Size NumCols, class Real >
type::Mat< NumRows, NumCols, Real > sofaMat (const Eigen::Matrix< Real, NumRows, NumCols > &emat)
template<Size NumRows, class Real >
type::Vec< NumRows, Real > sofaVec (const Eigen::Matrix< Real, NumRows, 1 > &evec)
template<Size NumRows, class Real >
Eigen::Matrix< Real, NumRows, 1 > eigenVec (const type::Vec< NumRows, Real > &vec)
template<class T , class U >
constexpr T narrow_cast_nocheck (U &&u) noexcept
 Explicit narrow conversion Inspired by the Guidelines Support Library ( More...
template<class T , class U >
constexpr T narrow_cast_check (U u)
template<class T , class U >
constexpr T narrow_cast (U &&u)
 Explicit narrow conversion Inspired by the Guidelines Support Library ( More...
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &on, const OptionsGroup &m_trick)
std::istream & operator>> (std::istream &in, OptionsGroup &m_trick)
template<typename FReal , unsigned int FN>
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, const Monomial_LD< FReal, FN > &m_monomial)
template<typename FReal , unsigned int FN>
std::istream & operator>> (std::istream &in, Monomial_LD< FReal, FN > &m_monomial)
template<typename FReal , unsigned int FN>
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &stream, const Polynomial_LD< FReal, FN > &m_polynomial)
template<typename FReal , unsigned int FN>
std::istream & operator>> (std::istream &stream, Polynomial_LD< FReal, FN > &m_polynomial)
template<typename FReal , unsigned int FN>
Monomial_LD< FReal, FN > & operator* (const FReal &alpha, Monomial_LD< FReal, FN > &r)
template<typename FReal , unsigned int FN>
Polynomial_LD< FReal, FN > & operator* (const FReal &alpha, Polynomial_LD< FReal, FN > &r)
template<typename FReal , unsigned int FN>
Polynomial_LD< FReal, FN > & operator* (const Monomial_LD< FReal, FN > &a, Polynomial_LD< FReal, FN > &r)
void srand (unsigned seed)
int irand ()
double drand ()
double drandpos (double max)
double drand (double max)
double drand (double min, double max)
template<class real >
int rfloor (real r)
template<class real >
int rnear (real r)
int rceil (double r)
template<class real >
real rabs (real r)
template<class real >
real rmin (real r, real s)
template<class real >
real rmax (real r, real s)
template<class T >
rlerp (const T &a, const T &b, float f)
template<class T >
rsqrt (const T &a)
double rsqrt (const double &a)
long double rsqrt (const long double &a)
template<class T >
const T SQR (const T &a)
template<class T >
const T SIGN (const T &a, const T &b)
template<class T >
void SWAP (T &a, T &b)
void shft3 (double &a, double &b, double &c, const double d)
template<class T >
round (const T &x)
template<class T >
factorial (T Number)
template<class T >
rclamp (const T &value, const T &low, const T &high)
template<class T >
bool isClamped (const T &value, const T &low, const T &high)
template<class T >
sign (const T &v)
template<class T >
sign0 (const T &v)
template<class T >
bool isEqual (T x, T y, T threshold=(std::numeric_limits< T >::epsilon)())
template<class T >
bool isNull (T x, T threshold=(std::numeric_limits< T >::epsilon)())
double rcos (double x)
float rcos (float x)
double rsin (double x)
float rsin (float x)
template<class T >
rcos (const T &a)
template<class T >
rsin (const T &a)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, const BaseSelectableItem &selectableItem)
std::istream & operator>> (std::istream &in, BaseSelectableItem &selectableItem)
template<class Container >
type::vector< unsignedsortedPermutation (const Container &values)
 Return a sorted permutation of the container, i.e. a list of indices corresponding to increasing entries. More...
std::wstring widenString (const std::string &s)
 Convert a string to a wstring. More...
std::string narrowString (const std::wstring &ws)
 Convert a wstring to a string. More...
std::string downcaseString (const std::string &s)
 Convert a string to lower case. More...
std::string upcaseString (const std::string &s)
 Convert a string to upper case. More...
std::vector< std::string > split (const std::string &s, char delimiter)
 Taken from More...
chargetAStringCopy (const char *c)
 returns a copy of the string given in argument. More...
void replaceAll (std::string &str, const std::string &search, const std::string &replace)
 replace all occurrence of "search" by the "replace" string. More...
bool ends_with (const std::string &suffix, const std::string &full)
 returns true if the suffix if located at the end of the "full" string. More...
bool starts_with (const std::string &prefix, const std::string &full)
 returns true if the prefix if located at the beginning of the "full" string. More...
std::string safeCharToString (const char *c)
 converts a char* string into a c++ string. The special case with nullptr is coerced to an empty string. More...
std::string_view removeTrailingCharacter (std::string_view sv, char character)
 Removes specified trailing character from a string view. More...
std::string_view removeTrailingCharacters (std::string_view sv, std::initializer_list< char > characters)
 Removes specified trailing characters from a string view. More...
template<class InputIt , class S >
std::string join (InputIt first, InputIt last, const S &delim)
template<class InputIt , class UnaryFunction , class S >
std::string join (InputIt first, InputIt last, UnaryFunction f, const S &delim)
template<class S , class Container >
std::string join (const Container &elems, const S &delim)
 Join a container into a single string, separated by the provided delimiter. More...
unsigned int choose_next (SReal x, SReal y, SReal z, unsigned int a, unsigned int b, unsigned int c)


std::map< AdvancedTimer::IdTimer, TimerDatatimers
std::atomic< intactiveTimers
AdvancedTimer::SyncCallBack syncCallBack = nullptr
void * syncCallBackData = nullptr
template class SOFA_HELPER_API Decompose< double >
template class SOFA_HELPER_API Decompose< float >
SReal SReal SReal SReal ** M
SReal SReal SReal SReal intbase
SReal SReal SReal SReal int SReal ** mat
SReal SReal SReal SReal int SReal int dim = delete
SReal SRealf
const int MarchingCubeEdgeTable [256]
const int MarchingCubeFaceTable [256]
const int MarchingCubeTriTable [256][16]
constexpr bool forceNarrowCastChecking = true
 If true, narrow_cast will check if the value changed after the narrow conversion. Otherwise, no check is performed. More...
template class SOFA_HELPER_API Monomial_LD< double, 1 >
template class SOFA_HELPER_API Monomial_LD< double, 2 >
template class SOFA_HELPER_API Monomial_LD< double, 3 >
template class SOFA_HELPER_API Monomial_LD< double, 4 >
template class SOFA_HELPER_API Monomial_LD< double, 5 >
template class SOFA_HELPER_API Polynomial_LD< double, 1 >
template class SOFA_HELPER_API Polynomial_LD< double, 2 >
template class SOFA_HELPER_API Polynomial_LD< double, 3 >
template class SOFA_HELPER_API Polynomial_LD< double, 4 >
template class SOFA_HELPER_API Polynomial_LD< double, 5 >
std::mutex kMutex
TagList kTagList { {"0", "Visual"} }

Detailed Description

Helpers to apply Eigen matrix methods to the Mat sofa type

Utility to compute the sorted permutation of a container. See example at the end of the file Francois Faure, April 2012

Typedef Documentation

◆ CTime

◆ ctime_t

◆ FemClipsReal

◆ integer_id_name

typedef const char*(* sofa::helper::integer_id_name) ()

◆ SimpleTimer

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ anonymous enum

anonymous enum

Function Documentation

◆ absError()

SOFA_HELPER_API SReal sofa::helper::absError ( SReal  f1x,
SReal  f1y,
SReal  f1z,
SReal  f2x,
SReal  f2y,
SReal  f2z 

◆ add3Dof()

SOFA_HELPER_API void sofa::helper::add3Dof ( SReal vector,
int  index,
SReal  vx,
SReal  vy,
SReal  vz 

◆ choose_next()

unsigned int sofa::helper::choose_next ( SReal  x,
SReal  y,
SReal  z,
unsigned int  a,
unsigned int  b,
unsigned int  c 

◆ cleanup()

SOFA_HELPER_API void sofa::helper::cleanup ( )

Clean up the resources used by the SofaHelper library.

◆ downcaseString()

SOFA_HELPER_API std::string sofa::helper::downcaseString ( const std::string &  s)

Convert a string to lower case.

◆ drand() [1/3]

double sofa::helper::drand ( )

◆ drand() [2/3]

double sofa::helper::drand ( double  max)

◆ drand() [3/3]

double sofa::helper::drand ( double  min,
double  max 

◆ drandpos()

double sofa::helper::drandpos ( double  max)

◆ dsyev2()

template<class Real >
void sofa::helper::dsyev2 ( Real  A,
Real  B,
Real  C,
Real &  rt1,
Real &  rt2,
Real &  cs,
Real &  sn 

◆ dsyevc3()

template<class Real >
int sofa::helper::dsyevc3 ( const type::Mat< 3, 3, Real > &  A,
type::Vec< 3, Real > &  w 

◆ dsyevq3()

template<class Real >
int sofa::helper::dsyevq3 ( const type::Mat< 3, 3, Real > &  A,
type::Mat< 3, 3, Real > &  Q,
type::Vec< 3, Real > &  w 

◆ dsytrd3()

template<class Real >
void sofa::helper::dsytrd3 ( const type::Mat< 3, 3, Real > &  A,
type::Mat< 3, 3, Real > &  Q,
type::Vec< 3, Real > &  d,
type::Vec< 3, Real > &  e 

◆ eigenMat()

template<Size NumRows, Size NumCols, class Real >
Eigen::Matrix<Real, NumRows, NumCols> sofa::helper::eigenMat ( const type::Mat< NumRows, NumCols, Real > &  mat)

◆ eigenVec()

template<Size NumRows, class Real >
Eigen::Matrix<Real, NumRows, 1> sofa::helper::eigenVec ( const type::Vec< NumRows, Real > &  vec)

◆ ends_with()

SOFA_HELPER_API bool sofa::helper::ends_with ( const std::string &  suffix,
const std::string &  full 

returns true if the suffix if located at the end of the "full" string.

◆ factorial()

template<class T >
T sofa::helper::factorial ( Number)

◆ gaussSeidelLCP1()

SOFA_HELPER_API void sofa::helper::gaussSeidelLCP1 ( int  dim,
FemClipsReal q,
FemClipsReal **  M,
FemClipsReal res,
SReal  tol,
int  numItMax,
SReal  minW,
SReal  maxF,
std::vector< SReal > *  residuals 

◆ generateRigid() [1/5]

template<typename Rigid3MassType >
bool sofa::helper::generateRigid ( GenerateRigidInfo res,
const std::string &  meshFilename,
SReal  density,
const type::Vec3 scale = type::Vec3(1,1,1),
const type::Vec3 rotation = type::Vec3(0,0,0) 

user friendly function to compute rigid info from a mesh file, a density, a scale

◆ generateRigid() [2/5]

template<typename Rigid3MassType >
void sofa::helper::generateRigid ( GenerateRigidInfo res,
io::Mesh mesh,
std::string const &  meshName,
SReal  density,
const type::Vec3 scale = type::Vec3(1,1,1),
const type::Vec3 rotation = type::Vec3(0,0,0) 

user friendly function to compute rigid info from a mesh, a density, a scale

◆ generateRigid() [3/5]

template<typename Rigid3MassType >
void sofa::helper::generateRigid ( Rigid3MassType &  mass,
type::Vec3 center,
const helper::io::Mesh mesh 

base function to compute center of mass, mass and inertia tensor from a mesh

◆ generateRigid() [4/5]

template<typename Rigid3MassType >
bool sofa::helper::generateRigid ( Rigid3MassType &  mass,
type::Vec3 center,
const std::string &  meshFilename,
SReal  density,
const type::Vec3 scale = type::Vec3(1,1,1),
const type::Vec3 rotation = type::Vec3(0,0,0) 

user friendly function to compute center of mass, mass and inertia tensor from a mesh file, a density, a scale and a rotation

◆ generateRigid() [5/5]

template<typename Rigid3MassType >
void sofa::helper::generateRigid ( Rigid3MassType &  mass,
type::Vec3 center,
io::Mesh mesh,
SReal  density,
const type::Vec3 scale = type::Vec3(1,1,1),
const type::Vec3 rotation = type::Vec3(0,0,0) 

user friendly function to compute center of mass, mass and inertia tensor from a mesh, a density, a scale and a rotation

◆ getAStringCopy()

SOFA_HELPER_API char * sofa::helper::getAStringCopy ( const char c)

returns a copy of the string given in argument.

◆ getClosestMatch()

std::vector< std::tuple< std::string, SReal > > SOFA_HELPER_API sofa::helper::getClosestMatch ( const std::string &  needle,
const std::vector< std::string > &  haystack,
const Size  numEntries,
const SReal  threshold 

Search for the the closest match to the string passed in the "needle" argument within the vector of "haystack" arguments.

◆ getCurRecords()

type::vector<Record>* sofa::helper::getCurRecords ( )

◆ getCurTimer()

std::stack<AdvancedTimer::IdTimer>& sofa::helper::getCurTimer ( )

◆ getFactoryLog()

SOFA_HELPER_API std::string & sofa::helper::getFactoryLog ( )

◆ getNoVal()

std::string sofa::helper::getNoVal ( )

◆ getReadAccessor()

template<class T >
ReadAccessor<core::objectmodel::Data<T> > sofa::helper::getReadAccessor ( const core::objectmodel::Data< T > &  data)

Returns a read accessor from the provided Data<> Example of use: auto points = getReadAccessor(d_points)

◆ getTime()

std::string sofa::helper::getTime ( ctime_t  t,
int  niter = 1 

◆ gettypename()

SOFA_HELPER_API std::string sofa::helper::gettypename ( const std::type_info &  t)

Decode the type's name to a more readable form if possible.

◆ getVal() [1/2]

std::string sofa::helper::getVal ( double  v)

◆ getVal() [2/2]

std::string sofa::helper::getVal ( double  v,
int  niter 

◆ getWriteAccessor()

template<class T >
WriteAccessor<core::objectmodel::Data<T> > sofa::helper::getWriteAccessor ( core::objectmodel::Data< T > &  data)

Returns a write only accessor from the provided Data<> Example of use: auto points = getWriteOnlyAccessor(d_points)

◆ getWriteOnlyAccessor()

template<class T >
WriteOnlyAccessor<core::objectmodel::Data<T> > sofa::helper::getWriteOnlyAccessor ( core::objectmodel::Data< T > &  data)

Returns a write only accessor from the provided Data<> WriteOnly accessors are faster than WriteAccessor because as the data is only read this means there is no need to pull the data from the parents Example of use: auto points = getWriteOnlyAccessor(d_points)

◆ init()

SOFA_HELPER_API void sofa::helper::init ( )

Initialize the SofaHelper library.

◆ irand()

int sofa::helper::irand ( )

◆ isClamped()

template<class T >
bool sofa::helper::isClamped ( const T &  value,
const T &  low,
const T &  high 

◆ isCleanedUp()

SOFA_HELPER_API bool sofa::helper::isCleanedUp ( )

Return true if and only if the SofaHelper library has been cleaned up.

◆ isEqual()

template<class T >
bool sofa::helper::isEqual ( x,
threshold = (std::numeric_limits<T>::epsilon)() 

number comparison rough floating point comparison (threshold) exact integer comparison

◆ isInitialized()

SOFA_HELPER_API bool sofa::helper::isInitialized ( )

Return true if and only if the SofaHelper library has been initialized.

◆ isNull()

template<class T >
bool sofa::helper::isNull ( x,
threshold = (std::numeric_limits<T>::epsilon)() 

number null test rough floating point test ( <= threshold) exact integer test

◆ join() [1/3]

template<class S , class Container >
std::string sofa::helper::join ( const Container &  elems,
const S &  delim 

Join a container into a single string, separated by the provided delimiter.

◆ join() [2/3]

template<class InputIt , class S >
std::string sofa::helper::join ( InputIt  first,
InputIt  last,
const S &  delim 

◆ join() [3/3]

template<class InputIt , class UnaryFunction , class S >
std::string sofa::helper::join ( InputIt  first,
InputIt  last,
UnaryFunction  f,
const S &  delim 

◆ logFactoryRegister() [1/2]

template SOFA_HELPER_API void sofa::helper::logFactoryRegister ( const std::string &  baseclass,
const std::string &  classname,
std::string  key,
bool  multi 

◆ logFactoryRegister() [2/2]

template<class TKey >
void sofa::helper::logFactoryRegister ( const std::string &  baseclass,
const std::string &  classname,
TKey  key,
bool  multi 

Log classes registered in the factory.

◆ logFactoryRegister< std::string >()

template SOFA_HELPER_API void sofa::helper::logFactoryRegister< std::string > ( const std::string &  baseclass,
const std::string &  classname,
std::string  key,
bool  multi 

◆ narrow_cast()

template<class T , class U >
constexpr T sofa::helper::narrow_cast ( U &&  u)

Explicit narrow conversion Inspired by the Guidelines Support Library (

Template Parameters
TTarget type
USource type
uValue to cast
The value converted to the target type

◆ narrow_cast_check()

template<class T , class U >
constexpr T sofa::helper::narrow_cast_check ( u)

Explicit narrow conversion checking that the value is unchanged by the cast. If the value changed, an exception is thrown Inspired by the Guidelines Support Library (

◆ narrow_cast_nocheck()

template<class T , class U >
constexpr T sofa::helper::narrow_cast_nocheck ( U &&  u)

Explicit narrow conversion Inspired by the Guidelines Support Library (

Template Parameters
TTarget type
USource type
uValue to cast
The value converted to the target type

◆ narrowString()

SOFA_HELPER_API std::string sofa::helper::narrowString ( const std::wstring &  ws)

Convert a wstring to a string.

The converted string on success, or an empty string on failure.

◆ nlcp_gaussseidel()

SOFA_HELPER_API int sofa::helper::nlcp_gaussseidel ( int  dim,
SReal dfree,
SReal **  W,
SReal f,
SReal  mu,
SReal  tol,
int  numItMax,
bool  useInitialF,
bool  verbose,
SReal  minW,
SReal  maxF,
std::vector< SReal > *  residuals,
std::vector< SReal > *  violations 

◆ nlcp_gaussseidelTimed()

SOFA_HELPER_API int sofa::helper::nlcp_gaussseidelTimed ( int  dim,
SReal dfree,
SReal **  W,
SReal f,
SReal  mu,
SReal  tol,
int  numItMax,
bool  useInitialF,
SReal  timeout,
bool  verbose 

◆ nlcp_multiGrid()

SOFA_HELPER_API int sofa::helper::nlcp_multiGrid ( int  dim,
SReal dfree,
SReal **  W,
SReal f,
SReal  mu,
SReal  tol,
int  numItMax,
bool  useInitialF,
SReal **  W_coarse,
std::vector< int > &  contact_group,
unsigned int  num_group,
bool  verbose 

◆ nlcp_multiGrid_2levels()

SOFA_HELPER_API int sofa::helper::nlcp_multiGrid_2levels ( int  dim,
SReal dfree,
SReal **  W,
SReal f,
SReal  mu,
SReal  tol,
int  numItMax,
bool  useInitialF,
std::vector< int > &  contact_group,
unsigned int  num_group,
std::vector< int > &  constraint_group,
std::vector< SReal > &  constraint_group_fact,
bool  verbose,
std::vector< SReal > *  residuals1,
std::vector< SReal > *  residuals2 

new multigrid resolution of a problem with projection & prolongation

◆ nlcp_multiGrid_Nlevels()

int sofa::helper::nlcp_multiGrid_Nlevels ( int  dim,
SReal dfree,
SReal **  W,
SReal f,
SReal  mu,
SReal  tol,
int  numItMax,
bool  useInitialF,
std::vector< std::vector< int > > &  contact_group_hierarchy,
std::vector< unsigned int Tab_num_group,
std::vector< std::vector< int > > &  constraint_group_hierarchy,
std::vector< std::vector< SReal > > &  constraint_group_fact_hierarchy,
bool  verbose,
std::vector< SReal > *  residualsN,
std::vector< SReal > *  residualLevels,
std::vector< SReal > *  violations 

◆ normError()

SOFA_HELPER_API SReal sofa::helper::normError ( SReal  f1x,
SReal  f1y,
SReal  f1z,
SReal  f2x,
SReal  f2y,
SReal  f2z 

◆ operator*() [1/3]

template<typename FReal , unsigned int FN>
Monomial_LD< FReal, FN >& sofa::helper::operator* ( const FReal &  alpha,
Monomial_LD< FReal, FN > &  r 

◆ operator*() [2/3]

template<typename FReal , unsigned int FN>
Polynomial_LD< FReal, FN >& sofa::helper::operator* ( const FReal &  alpha,
Polynomial_LD< FReal, FN > &  r 

Comutativity of operator*(Real): Allowing to write p1=r*p2; or p1=p2*r; Polynomial_LD = Polynomial_LD*Real || Real*Polynomial_LD.

◆ operator*() [3/3]

template<typename FReal , unsigned int FN>
Polynomial_LD< FReal, FN >& sofa::helper::operator* ( const Monomial_LD< FReal, FN > &  a,
Polynomial_LD< FReal, FN > &  r 

◆ operator<<() [1/4]

std::ostream& sofa::helper::operator<< ( std::ostream &  on,
const OptionsGroup m_trick 

◆ operator<<() [2/4]

std::ostream& sofa::helper::operator<< ( std::ostream &  out,
const BaseSelectableItem selectableItem 

◆ operator<<() [3/4]

template<typename FReal , unsigned int FN>
std::ostream& sofa::helper::operator<< ( std::ostream &  out,
const Monomial_LD< FReal, FN > &  m_monomial 

◆ operator<<() [4/4]

template<typename FReal , unsigned int FN>
std::ostream& sofa::helper::operator<< ( std::ostream &  stream,
const Polynomial_LD< FReal, FN > &  m_polynomial 

◆ operator>>() [1/4]

std::istream& sofa::helper::operator>> ( std::istream &  in,
BaseSelectableItem selectableItem 

◆ operator>>() [2/4]

template<typename FReal , unsigned int FN>
std::istream& sofa::helper::operator>> ( std::istream &  in,
Monomial_LD< FReal, FN > &  m_monomial 

◆ operator>>() [3/4]

std::istream& sofa::helper::operator>> ( std::istream &  in,
OptionsGroup m_trick 

◆ operator>>() [4/4]

template<typename FReal , unsigned int FN>
std::istream& sofa::helper::operator>> ( std::istream &  stream,
Polynomial_LD< FReal, FN > &  m_polynomial 

◆ printFactoryLog()

SOFA_HELPER_API void sofa::helper::printFactoryLog ( std::ostream &  out)

Print factory log.

◆ printLCP() [1/2]

SOFA_HELPER_API void sofa::helper::printLCP ( SReal q,
SReal **  M,
int  dim 

◆ printLCP() [2/2]

SOFA_HELPER_API void sofa::helper::printLCP ( SReal q,
SReal **  M,
SReal f,
int  dim 

◆ printLibraryNotCleanedUpWarning()

SOFA_HELPER_API void sofa::helper::printLibraryNotCleanedUpWarning ( const std::string &  library,
const std::string &  cleanupFunction 

Print a warning about a library not being cleaned up (meant for internal use).

◆ printNoVal()

void sofa::helper::printNoVal ( std::ostream &  out)

◆ printSyst()

SOFA_HELPER_API void sofa::helper::printSyst ( SReal q,
SReal **  M,
int base,
SReal **  mat,
int  dim 

◆ printTime()

void sofa::helper::printTime ( std::ostream &  out,
ctime_t  t,
int  niter = 1 

◆ printUninitializedLibraryWarning()

SOFA_HELPER_API void sofa::helper::printUninitializedLibraryWarning ( const std::string &  library,
const std::string &  initFunction 

Print a warning about a library not being initialized (meant for internal use).

◆ printVal() [1/2]

void sofa::helper::printVal ( std::ostream &  out,
double  v 

◆ printVal() [2/2]

void sofa::helper::printVal ( std::ostream &  out,
double  v,
int  niter 

◆ projection()

void sofa::helper::projection ( LCP fineLevel,
LCP coarseLevel,
int  nbContactsCoarse,
const std::vector< int > &  projectionTable,
const std::vector< int > &  projectionConstraints,
std::vector< SReal > &  projectionValues,
std::vector< bool > &  contact_is_projected,
bool  verbose 

projection function input values: LCP &fineLevel => LCP at the fine level nbContactsCoarse => number of contacts wanted at the coarse level projectionTable => Table (size = fine level) => for each contact at the fine level, provide the coarse contact verbose => output values: LCP &coarseLevel contact_is_projected => (size= fine level) => for each contact at the fine level, tell if the contact is projected or not

◆ prolongation()

void sofa::helper::prolongation ( LCP fineLevel,
LCP coarseLevel,
const std::vector< int > &  projectionTable,
const std::vector< int > &  projectionConstraints,
std::vector< SReal > &  projectionValues,
std::vector< bool > &  contact_is_projected,
bool  verbose 

prolongation function all parameters as input output=> change value of F in fineLevel

◆ rabs()

template<class real >
real sofa::helper::rabs ( real  r)

◆ rceil()

int sofa::helper::rceil ( double  r)

◆ rclamp()

template<class T >
T sofa::helper::rclamp ( const T &  value,
const T &  low,
const T &  high 

◆ rcos() [1/3]

template<class T >
T sofa::helper::rcos ( const T &  a)

◆ rcos() [2/3]

double sofa::helper::rcos ( double  x)

◆ rcos() [3/3]

float sofa::helper::rcos ( float  x)

◆ removeTrailingCharacter()

SOFA_HELPER_API std::string_view sofa::helper::removeTrailingCharacter ( std::string_view  sv,
char  character 

Removes specified trailing character from a string view.

◆ removeTrailingCharacters()

SOFA_HELPER_API std::string_view sofa::helper::removeTrailingCharacters ( std::string_view  sv,
const std::initializer_list< char characters 

Removes specified trailing characters from a string view.

◆ replaceAll()

SOFA_HELPER_API void sofa::helper::replaceAll ( std::string &  str,
const std::string &  search,
const std::string &  replace 

replace all occurrence of "search" by the "replace" string.

◆ resultToString() [1/2]

void sofa::helper::resultToString ( ostream &  s,
SReal f,
int  dim 

◆ resultToString() [2/2]

SOFA_HELPER_API void sofa::helper::resultToString ( std::ostream &  s,
SReal f,
int  dim 

◆ rfloor()

template<class real >
int sofa::helper::rfloor ( real  r)

◆ rlerp()

template<class T >
T sofa::helper::rlerp ( const T &  a,
const T &  b,
float  f 

◆ rmax()

template<class real >
real sofa::helper::rmax ( real  r,
real  s 

◆ rmin()

template<class real >
real sofa::helper::rmin ( real  r,
real  s 

◆ rnear()

template<class real >
int sofa::helper::rnear ( real  r)

◆ round()

template<class T >
T sofa::helper::round ( const T &  x)

◆ rsin() [1/3]

template<class T >
T sofa::helper::rsin ( const T &  a)

◆ rsin() [2/3]

double sofa::helper::rsin ( double  x)

◆ rsin() [3/3]

float sofa::helper::rsin ( float  x)

◆ rsqrt() [1/3]

double sofa::helper::rsqrt ( const double &  a)

◆ rsqrt() [2/3]

long double sofa::helper::rsqrt ( const long double &  a)

◆ rsqrt() [3/3]

template<class T >
T sofa::helper::rsqrt ( const T &  a)

◆ safeCharToString()

SOFA_HELPER_API std::string sofa::helper::safeCharToString ( const char c)

converts a char* string into a c++ string. The special case with nullptr is coerced to an empty string.

◆ set3Dof()

SOFA_HELPER_API void sofa::helper::set3Dof ( SReal vector,
int  index,
SReal  vx,
SReal  vy,
SReal  vz 

◆ setCurRecords()

void sofa::helper::setCurRecords ( type::vector< Record > *  ptr)

◆ shft3()

void sofa::helper::shft3 ( double &  a,
double &  b,
double &  c,
const double  d 

◆ SIGN()

template<class T >
const T sofa::helper::SIGN ( const T &  a,
const T &  b 

◆ sign()

template<class T >
T sofa::helper::sign ( const T &  v)

◆ sign0()

template<class T >
T sofa::helper::sign0 ( const T &  v)








sofa::helper::SOFA_THREAD_SPECIFIC_PTR ( std::stack< AdvancedTimer::IdTimer ,


sofa::helper::SOFA_THREAD_SPECIFIC_PTR ( type::vector< Record ,

◆ sofaMat()

template<Size NumRows, Size NumCols, class Real >
type::Mat<NumRows, NumCols, Real> sofa::helper::sofaMat ( const Eigen::Matrix< Real, NumRows, NumCols > &  emat)

◆ sofaVec()

template<Size NumRows, class Real >
type::Vec<NumRows, Real> sofa::helper::sofaVec ( const Eigen::Matrix< Real, NumRows, 1 > &  evec)

◆ solveLCP()

SOFA_HELPER_API int sofa::helper::solveLCP ( int  dim,
SReal q,
SReal **  M,
SReal res 

◆ sortedPermutation()

template<class Container >
type::vector<unsigned> sofa::helper::sortedPermutation ( const Container &  values)

Return a sorted permutation of the container, i.e. a list of indices corresponding to increasing entries.

◆ split()

std::vector< std::string > SOFA_HELPER_API sofa::helper::split ( const std::string &  s,
char  delimiter 

Taken from

Split one string by a given delimiter and returns that into a std::vector.

◆ SQR()

template<class T >
const T sofa::helper::SQR ( const T &  a)

◆ srand()

void sofa::helper::srand ( unsigned  seed)

Define random methods srand and rand for double and int used only for the tests now.

◆ starts_with()

SOFA_HELPER_API bool sofa::helper::starts_with ( const std::string &  prefix,
const std::string &  full 

returns true if the prefix if located at the beginning of the "full" string.

◆ strToDouble()

double sofa::helper::strToDouble ( std::string const &  stringToConvert,
std::size_t const  precision 

◆ SWAP()

template<class T >
void sofa::helper::SWAP ( T &  a,
T &  b 

◆ upcaseString()

SOFA_HELPER_API std::string sofa::helper::upcaseString ( const std::string &  s)

Convert a string to upper case.

◆ vector_access_failure()

void SOFA_HELPER_API sofa::helper::vector_access_failure ( const void *  vec,
unsigned  size,
unsigned  i,
const std::type_info &  type,
const char tindex 

◆ widenString()

SOFA_HELPER_API std::wstring sofa::helper::widenString ( const std::string &  s)

Convert a string to a wstring.

The converted string on success, or an empty string on failure.

Variable Documentation

◆ activeTimers

std::atomic<int> sofa::helper::activeTimers

◆ base

SReal SReal SReal SReal int* sofa::helper::base

◆ Decompose< double >

template class SOFA_HELPER_API sofa::helper::Decompose< double >

◆ Decompose< float >

template class SOFA_HELPER_API sofa::helper::Decompose< float >

◆ dim

SReal SReal int sofa::helper::dim = delete

◆ f

SReal SReal* sofa::helper::f

◆ forceNarrowCastChecking

constexpr bool sofa::helper::forceNarrowCastChecking = true

If true, narrow_cast will check if the value changed after the narrow conversion. Otherwise, no check is performed.

◆ kMutex

std::mutex sofa::helper::kMutex

◆ kTagList

TagList sofa::helper::kTagList { {"0", "Visual"} }

◆ M

SReal ** sofa::helper::M

◆ MarchingCubeEdgeTable

SOFA_HELPER_API const int sofa::helper::MarchingCubeEdgeTable

◆ MarchingCubeFaceTable

SOFA_HELPER_API const int sofa::helper::MarchingCubeFaceTable
Initial value:
0x0 , 0x19, 0x15, 0x1d, 0x25, 0x3d, 0x35, 0x3d, 0x29, 0x39,
0x3d, 0x3d, 0x2d, 0x3d, 0x3d, 0x3c, 0x1a, 0x1b, 0x1f, 0x1f,
0x3f, 0x3f, 0x3f, 0x3f, 0x3b, 0x3b, 0x3f, 0x3f, 0x3f, 0x3f,
0x3f, 0x3e, 0x16, 0x1f, 0x17, 0x1f, 0x37, 0x3f, 0x37, 0x3f,
0x3f, 0x3f, 0x3f, 0x3f, 0x3f, 0x3f, 0x3f, 0x3e, 0x1e, 0x1f,
0x1f, 0xf , 0x3f, 0x3f, 0x3f, 0x2f, 0x3f, 0x3f, 0x3f, 0x2f,
0x3f, 0x3f, 0x3f, 0x2e, 0x26, 0x3f, 0x37, 0x3f, 0x27, 0x3f,
0x37, 0x3f, 0x2f, 0x3f, 0x3f, 0x3f, 0x2f, 0x3f, 0x3f, 0x3e,
0x3e, 0x3f, 0x3f, 0x3f, 0x3f, 0x3f, 0x3f, 0x3f, 0x3f, 0x3f,
0x3f, 0x3f, 0x3f, 0x3f, 0x3f, 0x3e, 0x36, 0x3f, 0x37, 0x3f,
0x37, 0x3f, 0x33, 0x3b, 0x3f, 0x3f, 0x3f, 0x3f, 0x3f, 0x3f,
0x3b, 0x3a, 0x3e, 0x3f, 0x3f, 0x2f, 0x3f, 0x3f, 0x3b, 0x2b,
0x3f, 0x3f, 0x3f, 0x2f, 0x3f, 0x3f, 0x3b, 0x2a, 0x2a, 0x3b,
0x3f, 0x3f, 0x2f, 0x3f, 0x3f, 0x3f, 0x2b, 0x3b, 0x3f, 0x3f,
0x2f, 0x3f, 0x3f, 0x3e, 0x3a, 0x3b, 0x3f, 0x3f, 0x3f, 0x3f,
0x3f, 0x3f, 0x3b, 0x33, 0x3f, 0x37, 0x3f, 0x37, 0x3f, 0x36,
0x3e, 0x3f, 0x3f, 0x3f, 0x3f, 0x3f, 0x3f, 0x3f, 0x3f, 0x3f,
0x3f, 0x3f, 0x3f, 0x3f, 0x3f, 0x3e, 0x3e, 0x3f, 0x3f, 0x2f,
0x3f, 0x3f, 0x3f, 0x2f, 0x3f, 0x37, 0x3f, 0x27, 0x3f, 0x37,
0x3f, 0x26, 0x2e, 0x3f, 0x3f, 0x3f, 0x2f, 0x3f, 0x3f, 0x3f,
0x2f, 0x3f, 0x3f, 0x3f, 0xf , 0x1f, 0x1f, 0x1e, 0x3e, 0x3f,
0x3f, 0x3f, 0x3f, 0x3f, 0x3f, 0x3f, 0x3f, 0x37, 0x3f, 0x37,
0x1f, 0x17, 0x1f, 0x16, 0x3e, 0x3f, 0x3f, 0x3f, 0x3f, 0x3f,
0x3b, 0x3b, 0x3f, 0x3f, 0x3f, 0x3f, 0x1f, 0x1f, 0x1b, 0x1a,
0x3c, 0x3d, 0x3d, 0x2d, 0x3d, 0x3d, 0x39, 0x29, 0x3d, 0x35,
0x3d, 0x25, 0x1d, 0x15, 0x19, 0x0

◆ MarchingCubeTriTable

SOFA_HELPER_API const int sofa::helper::MarchingCubeTriTable

◆ mat

SReal SReal SReal SReal int SReal** sofa::helper::mat

◆ Monomial_LD< double, 1 >

template class SOFA_HELPER_API sofa::helper::Monomial_LD< double, 1 >

◆ Monomial_LD< double, 2 >

template class SOFA_HELPER_API sofa::helper::Monomial_LD< double, 2 >

◆ Monomial_LD< double, 3 >

template class SOFA_HELPER_API sofa::helper::Monomial_LD< double, 3 >

◆ Monomial_LD< double, 4 >

template class SOFA_HELPER_API sofa::helper::Monomial_LD< double, 4 >

◆ Monomial_LD< double, 5 >

template class SOFA_HELPER_API sofa::helper::Monomial_LD< double, 5 >

◆ Polynomial_LD< double, 1 >

template class SOFA_HELPER_API sofa::helper::Polynomial_LD< double, 1 >

◆ Polynomial_LD< double, 2 >

template class SOFA_HELPER_API sofa::helper::Polynomial_LD< double, 2 >

◆ Polynomial_LD< double, 3 >

template class SOFA_HELPER_API sofa::helper::Polynomial_LD< double, 3 >

◆ Polynomial_LD< double, 4 >

template class SOFA_HELPER_API sofa::helper::Polynomial_LD< double, 4 >

◆ Polynomial_LD< double, 5 >

template class SOFA_HELPER_API sofa::helper::Polynomial_LD< double, 5 >

◆ syncCallBack

AdvancedTimer::SyncCallBack sofa::helper::syncCallBack = nullptr

◆ syncCallBackData

void* sofa::helper::syncCallBackData = nullptr

◆ timers

std::map< AdvancedTimer::IdTimer, TimerData > sofa::helper::timers