SOFA API  f2f0b108
Open source framework for multi-physics simuation
sofa::simulation Namespace Reference




class  FindByTypeVisitor
class  SceneLoaderPHP
class  SceneLoaderXML
class  TransformationVisitor
class  AnimateBeginEvent
class  AnimateEndEvent
class  AnimateVisitor
class  BaseMechanicalVisitor
class  BehaviorUpdatePositionVisitor
class  CleanupVisitor
class  CollisionAnimationLoop
 Component responsible for main simulation algorithms, managing how and when collisions and integrations computations happen. More...
class  CollisionBeginEvent
class  CollisionEndEvent
class  BaseCollisionVisitor
class  ProcessGeometricalDataVisitor
class  CollisionVisitor
 Compute collision reset, detection and response in one step. More...
class  CollisionResetVisitor
 Remove collision response from last step. More...
class  CollisionDetectionVisitor
 Compute collision detection. More...
class  CollisionResponseVisitor
 Compute collision response. More...
class  CpuTask
class  CpuTaskStatus
class  DeactivationVisitor
class  DefaultAnimationLoop
 Default Animation Loop to be created when no AnimationLoop found on simulation::node. More...
class  StdTaskAllocator
class  DefaultTaskScheduler
class  DefaultVisualManagerLoop
 Default VisualManager Loop to be created when no VisualManager found on simulation::node. More...
class  DeleteVisitor
class  BuildConstraintSystemEndEvent
class  SimulationInitDoneEvent
class  SimulationInitStartEvent
class  SimulationInitTexturesDoneEvent
class  SimulationStartEvent
class  SimulationStopEvent
class  SolveConstraintSystemEndEvent
class  InitGnuplotVisitor
class  ExportGnuplotVisitor
class  ExportVisualModelOBJVisitor
class  InitPerThreadDataTask
class  InitVisitor
class  IntegrateBeginEvent
class  IntegrateEndEvent
class  SpinLock
class  ScopedLock
class  MainTaskSchedulerFactory
class  MainTaskSchedulerRegistry
class  MechanicalVisitor
class  MechanicalVPrintVisitor
class  MechanicalVPrintWithElapsedTimeVisitor
class  DofPrintVisitor
class  MutationListener
 Generic API to handle mutations of the graph. More...
class  NodeSequence
class  NodeSingle
class  Node
struct  Range
class  ParallelSparseMatrixProduct
class  PauseEvent
class  PipelineImpl
class  PositionEvent
class  PrintVisitor
class  PropagateEventVisitor
class  RequiredPlugin
class  ResetVisitor
class  StoreResetStateVisitor
class  SceneCheck
class  SceneCheckMainRegistry
class  SceneCheckRegistry
class  SceneLoader
 Main class used to register scene file loaders. More...
class  SceneLoaderFactory
class  Simulation
class  SolveVisitor
class  SolveVisitorTask
 A task to provide to a task scheduler in which a solver solves. More...
class  StateChangeVisitor
class  Task
class  TaskScheduler
class  TaskSchedulerFactory
class  TaskSchedulerRegistry
class  TopologyChangeVisitor
class  UpdateBoundingBoxVisitor
class  UpdateContextVisitor
class  UpdateSimulationContextVisitor
class  UpdateVisualContextVisitor
class  UpdateInternalDataVisitor
class  UpdateLinksVisitor
class  UpdateMappingEndEvent
class  UpdateMappingVisitor
class  VelocityThresholdVisitor
class  Visitor
 Base class for visitors propagated recursively through the scenegraph. More...
class  VisualVisitor
class  VisualDrawVisitor
class  VisualUpdateVisitor
class  VisualInitVisitor
class  VisualComputeBBoxVisitor
class  VisualClearVisitor
class  WorkerThread
class  WriteStateVisitor
class  XMLPrintVisitor


typedef sofa::core::sptr< NodeNodeSPtr
typedef sofa::core::sptr< SimulationSimulationSPtr


enum class  ForEachExecutionPolicy : bool { SEQUENTIAL = false , PARALLEL }


void registerDefaultAnimationLoop (sofa::core::ObjectFactory *factory)
void registerDefaultVisualManagerLoop (sofa::core::ObjectFactory *factory)
void setSimulation (Simulation *s)=delete
 Set the (unique) simulation which controls the scene. More...
SOFA_SIMULATION_CORE_API SimulationgetSimulation ()
void registerRequiredPlugin (sofa::core::ObjectFactory *factory)
void initThreadLocalData ()
template<class LinkType , class Component >
void checkAlreadyContains (Node &self, LinkType &link, Component *obj)
template<class InputIt , class Distance >
void advance (InputIt &it, Distance n)
template<class InputIt >
sofa::type::vector< Range< InputIt > > makeRangesForLoop (const InputIt first, const InputIt last, const unsigned int nbRangesHint)
template<class InputIt , class UnaryFunction >
UnaryFunction forEach (InputIt first, InputIt last, UnaryFunction f)
template<class InputIt , class UnaryFunction >
UnaryFunction forEachRange (InputIt first, InputIt last, UnaryFunction f)
template<class InputIt , class UnaryFunction >
UnaryFunction parallelForEachRange (TaskScheduler &taskScheduler, InputIt first, InputIt last, UnaryFunction f)
template<class InputIt , class UnaryFunction >
UnaryFunction parallelForEach (TaskScheduler &taskScheduler, InputIt first, InputIt last, UnaryFunction f)
template<class InputIt , class UnaryFunction >
UnaryFunction forEachRange (const ForEachExecutionPolicy execution, TaskScheduler &taskScheduler, InputIt first, InputIt last, UnaryFunction f)
template<class InputIt , class UnaryFunction >
UnaryFunction forEach (const ForEachExecutionPolicy execution, TaskScheduler &taskScheduler, InputIt first, InputIt last, UnaryFunction f)


const SceneLoaderloaderPHP = SceneLoaderFactory::getInstance()->addEntry(new SceneLoaderPHP())
const SceneLoaderloaderXML = SceneLoaderFactory::getInstance()->addEntry(new SceneLoaderXML())
const bool DefaultTaskSchedulerRegistered

Typedef Documentation

◆ NodeSPtr

◆ SimulationSPtr

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ ForEachExecutionPolicy


Function Documentation

◆ advance()

template<class InputIt , class Distance >
void sofa::simulation::advance ( InputIt &  it,
Distance  n 

◆ checkAlreadyContains()

template<class LinkType , class Component >
void sofa::simulation::checkAlreadyContains ( Node self,
LinkType &  link,
Component *  obj 

◆ forEach() [1/2]

template<class InputIt , class UnaryFunction >
UnaryFunction sofa::simulation::forEach ( const ForEachExecutionPolicy  execution,
TaskScheduler taskScheduler,
InputIt  first,
InputIt  last,
UnaryFunction  f 

◆ forEach() [2/2]

template<class InputIt , class UnaryFunction >
UnaryFunction sofa::simulation::forEach ( InputIt  first,
InputIt  last,
UnaryFunction  f 

Applies the given function object f to the result of dereferencing every iterator in the range [first, last), in order.

◆ forEachRange() [1/2]

template<class InputIt , class UnaryFunction >
UnaryFunction sofa::simulation::forEachRange ( const ForEachExecutionPolicy  execution,
TaskScheduler taskScheduler,
InputIt  first,
InputIt  last,
UnaryFunction  f 

◆ forEachRange() [2/2]

template<class InputIt , class UnaryFunction >
UnaryFunction sofa::simulation::forEachRange ( InputIt  first,
InputIt  last,
UnaryFunction  f 

Applies the given function object f to the Range [first, last)

The signature of the function f should be equivalent to the following: void fun(const Range<InputIt>& a); The signature does not need to have const &

◆ getSimulation()

Simulation * sofa::simulation::getSimulation ( )

Get the (unique) simulation which controls the scene. Automatically creates one if no Simulation has been set.

◆ init()

SOFA_SIMULATION_API void sofa::simulation::init ( )

◆ initThreadLocalData()

SOFA_SIMULATION_CORE_API void sofa::simulation::initThreadLocalData ( )

◆ makeRangesForLoop()

template<class InputIt >
sofa::type::vector<Range<InputIt> > sofa::simulation::makeRangesForLoop ( const InputIt  first,
const InputIt  last,
const unsigned int  nbRangesHint 

Function returning a list of ranges from an iterable container. The number of ranges depends on: 1) the desired number of ranges provided in a parameter 2) the number of elements in the container The number of elements in each range is homogeneous, except for the last range which may contain more elements.

◆ parallelForEach()

template<class InputIt , class UnaryFunction >
UnaryFunction sofa::simulation::parallelForEach ( TaskScheduler taskScheduler,
InputIt  first,
InputIt  last,
UnaryFunction  f 

Applies the given function object f to the result of dereferencing every iterator in the range [first, last), in parallel.

◆ parallelForEachRange()

template<class InputIt , class UnaryFunction >
UnaryFunction sofa::simulation::parallelForEachRange ( TaskScheduler taskScheduler,
InputIt  first,
InputIt  last,
UnaryFunction  f 

Applies in parallel the given function object f to a list of ranges generated from [first, last)

The signature of the function f should be equivalent to the following: void fun(const Range<InputIt>& a); The signature does not need to have const &.

A task scheduler must be provided and correctly initialized. The number of generated ranges depends on the threads available in the task scheduler.

◆ registerDefaultAnimationLoop()

void sofa::simulation::registerDefaultAnimationLoop ( sofa::core::ObjectFactory factory)

◆ registerDefaultVisualManagerLoop()

void sofa::simulation::registerDefaultVisualManagerLoop ( sofa::core::ObjectFactory factory)

◆ registerRequiredPlugin()

void sofa::simulation::registerRequiredPlugin ( sofa::core::ObjectFactory factory)

◆ setSimulation()

void sofa::simulation::setSimulation ( Simulation s)

Set the (unique) simulation which controls the scene.

Variable Documentation

◆ DefaultTaskSchedulerRegistered

const bool sofa::simulation::DefaultTaskSchedulerRegistered
Initial value:
= MainTaskSchedulerFactory::registerScheduler(

◆ loaderPHP

const SceneLoader* sofa::simulation::loaderPHP = SceneLoaderFactory::getInstance()->addEntry(new SceneLoaderPHP())

◆ loaderXML

const SceneLoader* sofa::simulation::loaderXML = SceneLoaderFactory::getInstance()->addEntry(new SceneLoaderXML())